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Forum Post: The 99% are not communist, socialist, anarchist, Republican or Democrat!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 3, 2011, 11:28 a.m. EST by Kooch (77)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The beauty of this movement so far has been the lack of following a path made by the silly left vs. right paradigm.

Do not call out for socialism! Do not cry out for an end to capitalism!

We need to REFORM capitalism. The machine needs to be altered to serve the 99% and not just the oligarchs. We need to make capitalism work so that it does not funnel all of the wealth to the top.

In another post I will relate what reforms I would like to see. But take heed that if this movement goes down a road paved by the left or right, it will fail.



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[-] 3 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

DO NOT permitted the Democratic Party Establishment to co-opt this movement

[-] 2 points by GammaPoint (400) from Oakland, CA 13 years ago

Agreed, I believe this should be a pro-democracy movement. This isn't about right vs left, it's about (or I think should be about) reinforcing democracy through campaign reform as well as getting rid of the two party system. Then the people, whether they are from the left or the right, can decide on this country's future through democratic processes.

[-] 1 points by anarchyAMpeacePM (2) from King, NC 13 years ago

I hate reading the forums on this site. It makes me see those who would run in the face of tyranny.

The only room the USA has for "political policy" is reserved in my book for the Libertarian Socialists. Noam Chomsky for president! Political Anarchy needs more hands and more voices. RISE UP YANKS! Our country is run by our muscle. While the swine get fatter and the vultures circle the weaker who are in the unrelenting system of only getting weaker, there are those who have the courage to take back the future. The revolution WILL happen. Where will you find yourself when they start grabbing people from their homes and off the street.

The end of United States as we know it is upon us.

[-] 1 points by sax57 (6) 13 years ago

I think they've tried all the 'reforms' of capitalism - like using public money to bail out failed businesses, subsidising cheap labour from the public purse, unemployment to keep wages for the 99% down- to keep shareholders happy. I would object, as an anarchist, to being placed on a left-right continuum. All the great ideas for a decent society have been written- to a large extent, they may be categorised as socialist, communist or anarchist (or christian, muslim, hindu etc)-they just need to be adjusted (and constantly adjusted) to the current world situation but i wouldnt have thought that capitalism would figure as a great idea that benefitted the lives of most people on this planet, for all of their lives. The ideas are the thing & the actions to follow,

[-] 1 points by sax57 (6) 13 years ago

Come on Kooch - you cant 'reform' this vampire. It has shown throughout it's history, it's ability to twist & turn & still keep the hierarchical socio-economic relationships essentially the same.

[-] 1 points by Kooch (77) 13 years ago

If you cry out for socialism you will lose. Sorry. I'm not even saying it couldn't be a good system. It just doesn't stand a chance in America.

[-] 1 points by johnnybravo (7) 13 years ago

yeah but look what it's done for the soviet union, cuba, nazi germany, north korea, cambodia, california.... i could go on and on.

[-] 1 points by AstraStarr (71) from New Paltz, NY 13 years ago

Agreed- AND there is no one answer or one cause.... just people waking up to the truth

[-] 1 points by lunchbox (3) 13 years ago

Agreed, if our government spent half as as much time on fixing the problmes we face as they do bickering amongst one anouther this movement would most likley not exist!!!! The 99% need help but we also need someone who will listen to us when we ask for it.

[-] 1 points by lunchbox (3) 13 years ago

Agreed, if our government spent half as as much time on fixing the problmes we face as they do bickering amongst one anouther this movement would most likley not exist!!!! The 99% need help but we also need someone who will listen to us when we ask for it.

[-] 1 points by lunchbox (3) 13 years ago

Agreed, if our government spent half as as much time on fixing the problmes we face as they do bickering amongst one anouther this movement would most likley not exist!!!! The 99% need help but we also need someone who will listen to us when we ask for it.