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Forum Post: The 53% Argument: Resisting the Division Tactics of the Right

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 4:13 p.m. EST by doorbell5 (0) from Santa Cruz, CA
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I've just read this article about the 53% argument the conservatives are using to divide the 99%. http://readersupportednews.org/off-site-opinion-section/83-83/7835-the-rights-53-percent-solution-to-occupy-wall-street.

I'd like to suggest somebody with OWS who knows the facts, to create and distribute a 1 page pdf which addresses that argument and combats it clearly with all the facts and graphs. Then I'd like to encourage supporters to download it and talk compassionately with their neighbors and conservative friends, bringing the conversation back to the real issues. The 1% has used a war with words and "facts" for too long; we know their tactics, so lets realistically address and combat them by rehumanizing ourselves. United we stand, divided we fall; we can't afford to let them divide us any more.



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[-] 1 points by MPLSJoe (8) 13 years ago

The link doesn't work anymore but I believe their tactics are based on the fact that 47% of people don't pay federal income taxes. However, what the radio dividers won't tell you is that part of the 47% who don't pay federal taxes are homeless, elderly in nursing homes, and the disabled. Do we really want to require the homeless, the elderly in nursing homes, and the disabled to pay taxes?

With that being said, a part of the 47% make less than $11,248 a year for a single person and $33,063 for a family of four and that is why they don't pay taxes. In addition, most of the 47% who don't pay federal income taxes pay a greater share of their income in all taxes combined. Here in Minnesota, people who make less than 11,248 pay 30% of their income in taxes while those who make over $114,000 pay 7.7%. So, in my humble opinion, the best response to their divide and conquer strategy is to require the 1% to pay people a fair wage which would then mean they would pay federal income taxes on their income and they would have a better standard of living.

[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

That;s a good idea, here is a good start, please watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNRVRbpJMP0

[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

so they fig all tea partiers pay taxes lol. whatever. What i want to know is how many of those on the right only play along so as to not be scorn by their friends and family but in the privacy of the booth, vote democratic. lets call them closet libs:)

[-] 2 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

That's probably what's happening in a lot of instances, peer pressure, you know? We all need to talk more WITH each other and not AT each other so that people will be freer to come to their own conclusions and drop some of their pre-conceived ideas. I also feel that it is our duty to talk to "the other side" as logically and emotion-free as we can. By talking to the people who disagree with us we have an opportunity to change their minds and their hearts and that is a very important thing. Even if it isn't initially noticeable, simply by engaging in conversation with these people we will be making progress. I feel it is our duty to respond respectfully in all instances and continue to drive home our message and raise awareness.

[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

well spoken

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

One part of the argument against this is that everyone pays sales taxes and various Federal taxes on utilities and all workers pay FICA taxes and at a higher percentage that those with W2 incomes over 107K