Forum Post: The 2000 Dollar Ash Tray
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 1:25 a.m. EST by rovertech
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The thing we need to focus on is the big picture. It's not just the gap between the top and the bottom, or the way the goverment takes care of its " employees", or the way big buisnes targets the rich to base how mutch we pay for things we want or need and call it demand or what the market will bear. Or even the way we base income on" the cost of living" or some average or projection. Howabout we base these things on reality. Imagine if an iphone for example was only 20 dallers and it was 20 dollars a month to use. Every person in the US would have one. The company would still make millons and we would not have to keep up with jonse, or have to be subject to them and us. My point is that things seem to be run on these averages,stats,projections and numbers that apper to eliminate somthing or someone out of the equation. How can people feel equal when we realy arent. If we let the goverment pay 2000 dollars for an ash tray then i guess we get what they give us.