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Forum Post: The 100%

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 1:14 p.m. EST by hyarborough (121)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

While I feel the OWS movement speaks volumes on some of the faults w/ the socioeconomic system as it currently exists. I also feel the "tea-baggers" also speak truth. There are a huge number of existing problems, and I believe the root is greed. The 1% are likely very similar to the 99%, excepting they're financially stable.

For a country supposedly founded on Christian principles, I see very little Christian charity. I see see/hear people making statements to the effect "I got mine, the others must be failing because of some fault of their own". I have no problem w/ capitalism in general, but the profit motive seems to appeal to the basic greed that most of us are guilty of. How much do we really need to have a good, meaningful life? If we have more than we need, why not help others in need? I've literally given away thousands, and plan on giving more as I can. I don't plan on hurting myself either.

I own a modest house, grow my own food, only buy used cars, do my own repairs, and have reached the point where I'm eligible to draw an annuity. I only make a median income, well under $100k, but attempt to live within my means. I'm also learning to live poor, as I know my annuity won't support even my lifestyle.

I think it's morally reprehensible that there's a niche market that preys on the poor. Payroll and title loans, cash for gold, even the prison and legal system. I'm not arrogant enough to think that I'm relatively stable because of anything I've done. I've been lucky.

I've expected this type of situation to occur for over 30 years. My personal solution was to go "off grid" and become as self sufficient as possible. The five acres never happened. The notion that we can control our own destiny is largely an illusion. However, we can do the best we can given our personal situation, and hopefully there will be someone that gives a hand.

Thomas Jefferson was a smart cookie, and foresaw the possibility of corporate greed dominating economics. However, the voter was expected to be the check. We've all failed here. It's understandable, in that it's extremely difficult to get unbiased accurate information. I've not trusted broadcast news since Walter Cronkite retired.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

Controlling information is an easy way to control attitudes.

IMO we need to go back to some the things we used to do. We need to reduce large centralized operations. Centralization is very efficient from the viewpoint of a large corporate structure, but when it fails, and everything eventually breaks, the damage is more widespread. Local operations result in less dependence on oil, makes more jobs, stimulates a sense of community, and generally results higher quality products. Food, for example, is crap. The quality is relatively poor, it's gotten to where much commercially produced food is actually bad for you, and it usually doesn't even taste as good as what you can produce yourself.

It's ridiculous that corporations are rewarded for taking money and jobs out of the country. It's ridiculous that we put largely lawyers into office. How do they represent the majority of us? It's morally wrong that healthcare is a profit making industry.

I've recently been listening and reading what Elizabeth Warren has to say. Smart cookie. Just kills me that the information that she based her research on is freely available. Apparently very few people care to look into the causes of the middle class disappearing.

I could go on and on, and probably will, but enough for now.



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by hyarborough (121) 13 years ago

And the rest.

Yes the 1% are screwing us, and the government is screwing us, and we're screwing ourselves. We ARE the government. IMO the job of an elected official should be such a PITA if done properly, that no one should want the job. When the country was founded, that was the idea. In general, special considerations (pay, privileges) were given because of the severe disruption of the elected representatives lives. IMO if someone wants those jobs, that should be enough to disqualify them. Yes, I know that's not possible. Instead these people fight to get, and keep their jobs. It often appears to me that their main efforts are in getting re-elected. But we're also to blame for not voting these useless people out of office.

I don't see one viable candidate from the Republicans so far. Surely they have someone better. I may not have agreed w/ the old GOP, but I could respect them. These people aren't smart at all. I had hopes of more from Obama. I've been disappointed in a lot of what he's done so far, but still better than the alternatives. These people are more concerned w/ getting elected than fixing problems IMO. While it's true that you have to get elected to fix the problems, you have to do more than just run a campaign. I don't hold a lot of hope for our future.

It's not just our politicians either. The legal system is a joke. Again the poor get the worst of it. The likelihood of going to jail increases considerably if you can't afford a private attorney. This is not what our founding fathers intended and it's morally indefensable. When being summoned for jury duty, and overhearing conversations between lawyers, I've been struck by how these people treat their jobs like it's a game. I blame greed again. They care little to nothing about doing a good job or behaving ethically. They're there for the money. Law enforcement. I've met very few that aren't just arrogant A-holes that treat anyone that isn't one of them, or one of the "elite" like scum.

We need to get rid of these people that don't do their jobs. I see it all around me though. It's a genuine pleasure to work w/ someone who takes their job seriously, and tries to do well.

Our education system has also gone downhill. On top of the problems w/ competency, I normally find that I can learn more, and faster by independent study. The real value of a college education is just about nil IMO.

Well, enough of this rant

[-] 2 points by hyarborough (121) 13 years ago

Personally, I don't think that just because someone is one of the 1%, that they're necessarily evil. Neither do I believe that just because someone is one of the 99%, that they're necessarily one of the downtrodden. One of the things that I do believe, is that quite a few of the 1% made their fortunes from the sweat of people who worked for them, w/o being appropriately compensated.

I've had the occasion to meet, talk and work around some 1%ers, and IMO they had absolutely nothing going for them other than wealth and/or fortuitous circumstances. I personally don't begrudge them that either. I'm sure you've heard the saying "sometimes it's better to be lucky than good".

Nothing is guaranteed. Life owes no one anything. However, a healthy society should help it's members. If the situation were such that a group of people were stranded on a desert island w/ a finite amount of food, or any other necessity, I believe most would agree that hoarding would be immoral. If a person has acquired more wealth than they could possibly use in their lifetime w/o "earning" it or by exploiting the poor, why should that be less wrong?

Unless these corporate CEO's are truly exceptional human beings, and I see no evidence of that, most are no longer very effective thinkers. Most human beings peak mentally and physically at around 26 years of age. Most of the really innovative work occurs around this age. It was the same for me. I managed to come up w/ some crutches to help compensate for the degradation of my mental agility, but I know I'm not as quick as I used to be. I've also forgotten more than I currently know. I doubt these old fart CEO's are any different. If they operate strictly in the private sector, then it's up to their board of directors and stockholders to pay them what they think they're worth regardless if their performance justifies it or not. If they're getting paid w/ tax dollars, then IMO we the taxpayers should have a say.

I do have to say that pretending that the world has unlimited resources, as full blown capitalism seems to imply, is delusional. Resources on this planet are finite...period. At some point we're "stealing from Peter to pay Paul". As the rest of the world catches up to the U.S. in terms of technological expertise and necessary resources to exploit it, I fully expect a further leveling out of income levels. We make very little anymore, and our standard of living is still higher than in most countries. What's going to happen when China solves their QA problems? I understand some of their factory workers make the equivalent of $80/month. How many of us could survive on that? A lot of the phone tech support has been outsourced out of the country. Even a lot of our U.S. corporations have been taking jobs and money overseas. It annoyed the crap out of me when I read how many U.S. corporations paid zero corporate income taxes, but recorded record earnings overseas. We need to put a stop to rewarding them for taking away jobs.

Went overlong and had to split the post.

[-] 2 points by sowhatareyougoingtodoaboutit (95) 13 years ago

Thank you, voice of reason.

[-] 2 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

You sir are now my favorite person on the internet.

[-] 1 points by Notyetfood (1) 13 years ago

Personally, my dream would be to run a pizza parlor whose primary function is a venue for arts and community meetings. If the profits are shared among all the employees they could all live well enough and still have time free to focus on creative endeavors, community projects and spending time with family. I am a very hard worker and I take pride in my work despite the fact that I know damn well I am being exploited, as are the vast majority of workers in the world. BTW I am tired of apologizing for valuing human rights and recognizing that there is such a thing as socio-economic class. I am a liberal libertarian-socialist and damn proud of it! In other words, I still believe in democracy! Anyone who doesn't understand this doesn't know what the words liberal, libertarian or socialist really mean. Smart people don't need to act dumb to get along and agree with stupid people. I am not going to pretend that Fox News deserves anything but utter contempt. I am tired of all this compromise and also tired of the calls to violent revolution. If you have 9 people getting bullied by one guy, there is no need for violence. All that's needed is to stop doing what that one guy says! AMEN!

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

I'm liking your thinking regarding the 100%. Nice touch. All people have pretty much the same desires and working with each other is a more laudable goal than fighting each other. Freedom is the answer, from my perspective. Freedom to work for or hire whomever you want, freedom to contribute to causes you believe in, freedom of expression, freedom from rules that apply to one group and not another...

[-] -1 points by StopOWS (50) 13 years ago

Elizabeth Warren? Really? She's another of the hypocrite 1%ers that you people are against. Can someone from the OWS movement tell me which 1%ers are ok and which are not?

I having a hard time figuring out how you kiss the asses of Michael Moore, Elizabeth Warren, movie stars and sports figures and celebrities who make tens of millions of dollars a year and then you want to hang a CEO who gets a 2 million dollar bonus.

Can someone come up with some sort of rulebook on which 1%ers to hate and which ones are to get their asses kissed?

Or is it just the ones who pretend to be one of you then hop on their private jet to some exotic island or something? Just wondering who the hypocrites are, you or them?

[-] 1 points by Notyetfood (1) 13 years ago

You obviously were too lazy to even read all of what hyarborough has written here. Most of what you claim the original poster said is not even in his post. He never mentions Michael Moore, movie stars or sports figures. He also specifically states that he does NOT HATE the 1% who have most of the world's wealth. I support the OWS movement, but it as a loosely defined movement. "Us people" are anyone who is sick of 1% of the world hoarding all the resources while the rest of us struggle just to survive. It is not about attacking or hating the 1%. It is about being able to properly care for my family when I spend every damned waking moment working my ass off. I am a short order cook, a father and a student and I still can find time to be literate. What's your excuse?
