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Forum Post: The 10 commandments for a protestor

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 3:06 p.m. EST by deanchuk (7) from זכרון יעקב, חפה
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The 10 commandments for a protestor – OCCUPY THE WORLD. By Dean Salzberger.

1) Always think logically: Don’t think with your heart but with your brain. Never forget you morals. Never let the expression “The end justifies the means” justify your acts.

2) Its not “me”, its “us”: Its not you, not your town, not your province, nor your country. We are all part of a world-wide revolution. Soon they will try to rip us apart and divide us, remember we are all on the same boat and until each and every one of us is satisfied we will never stop.

3) Violence is weakness: “Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.” Mohandas Gandhi. Love, smile, be calm. It shows how powerful you really are.

4) The revolution starts inside: Before we change the system, we need to change ourselves. Each and every one of us is a slave of the system, and needs to rebel inside.

5) Prejudice – racism – ignorance: They try to divide us into countries, religions, races, classes, genders, age. Leave it and unite. Believe in each and every person you meet, don’t mind his background.

6) Anger, not hate: Don’t hate. Be angry, but never hate. Hate will lead to violence and war.

7) Never forget your target: Dont let anyone fool you, dont forget what you are fighting for.

8) Question everything: never take anything as a certain, always doubt, always ask questions.

9) Think about the other: Always try to get into the shoes of everyone. Including your enemy.

10) Don’t only yell, listen: Don’t be like those who didn’t listen to you. Seek to understand, then to be understood.

democracy over plutocracy!



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[-] 2 points by Cindy (197) 13 years ago

I like this. It wouldn't be the entire occupation that would become violent but if the movement doesn't see this all the way through I don't have much doubt there will be violence. Injustice incites anger and sometimes violence. So many people have lost so much and many have been suffering due to the injustices long before the" recession ". Don't get mad....get even!