Forum Post: The 1% now going for ALL the chips! (even you trolls!). IRS HAS 14 TRILLION LIEN AGAINST U.S.!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 2:26 p.m. EST by CarryTheGripsUpToTheAttic
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Game is over. Get out your gardening tools so you can eat.
Media blackout on the following find by a civilian:
Found this on another forum. Let hope this can help us make sense of whats going on: There is a lot of info on the page so can't copy it all here.
A lien on the US by the IRS can be collected directly from citizens thru the future function of the Consumer Financial “Protection” Bureau, which will integrate all financial accounts of citizens with the IRS. This will be started when a Director is appointed by the Senate, and the integration of many executive branch functions are integrated and cross-functioned by the CFPB.
The population can be considered to have been placed in a disguised form of citizen RECEIVERSHIP for its own “protection”, for the purpose of its complete data analysis (no privacy), coming transactional taxes, debt service and even international tax collection (climate, etc), collateralization for securitizataion of the labor force of the US as can be applied to credit derivative debt service, etc. Mind boggling.
Using High Frequency data collection algorhythms at the micro level, the instant financial pulse of the nation and every citizen can be instantly had.
With a lien on the US, the IRS will become the first instantaneous, all-controlling director of one’s formerly private financial existence.
There also a lot of info being posted at: There was also apparently youtube video about it that got pulled and The Rumor Mill News Reading Room @ also at one point uploaded copies of the documents to mediafire that file has been deleted.
I'm not sure where this is going. In tell we get some more info lets not start freaking out.
"A UCC lien for $14,300,000,000,000 (about the same amount as the national debt)"
There's your answer. The IRS is the collection arm of the Fed and the lien is for the national debt, because our currency was privatized and instead of the debt being held by the United States, it's owed to private banksters.
Internal Revenue has no power over the Government at large. Stop spreading disinformation.
if it will fix th pot holes , and build a school shouldn't we let them? we cant consume unless we can stay consumers. pay off the debt while we are at it. the national debt i mean.
WTF! This is crazy! It's like Obummer suing himself.
You will see this has incurred a media blackout.
I agree with you. It's crazy not to have reporting on a 14 trillion dollar lien.
The most profitable industries in the world (energy, healthcare, finance) have been given billions in government handouts and tax breaks. Meanwhile, they keep raising charges causing hardship for millions. With all those massive handouts, tax breaks, and obscene charges, profits rise to record high levels. Millions in bonuses are paid to the executives. With record high profits, record high dividends are paid. 40% of all dividends in the United States are paid to the richest one percent. The bottom 90 percent of Americans share about 10 percent (that's ten percent) of all dividends. The rest are paid to the top 5 percent and foreign investors. All of this causes a gradual concentration of wealth and income. This results in a net loss for the lower majority who find it more and more difficult to cover the record high cost of living, which again, is directly proportional to record high profits for the rich. As more and more people struggle to make ends meet, more and more financial aid becomes necessary. Most of which goes right back to the health care industry through Medicare, Medicaid, and a very expensive prescription drug plan. This increases government spending. This has been happening for 30 years now. During the same time, tax rates have been lowered drastically for the richest one percent. Especially those who profit from investments. These people pay only 15 percent on capital gains income. As even more wealth concentrates, the lower majority find it more difficult to sustain there share of the consumer driven economy. Demand drops as more and more people go broke. Layoffs results. Unemployment rises. This results in less revenue and more government debt.
Massive subsidies and tax breaks for Wall Street, massive tax breaks for the super rich, heavy concentration of wealth, record high charges along with record high profits and record high cost of living, more hardship for the lower majority, more government spending in the form of financial aid to compensate, more concentration of wealth, less demand, layoffs and unemployment. All of this results in slower economy and less tax revenue. At the same time more and more financial aid becomes necessary. It's a horrible downward cycle which gradually pushes the national debt higher and higher. The other big factors are the wars in the Middle East.
This post is not intended to excuse those who sit on the couch collecting welfare, make no attempt to find work, or squease out kids they can't provide for.
MIAMI ( – Florida is touting the new jobs it created Friday after a positive unemployment report. But based on numbers from all W-2’s filed in the country, the wages simply aren’t keeping up.
According to the Social Security Administration, 50 percent of U.S. workers made less than $26,364 in 2010. In addition, those making less than $200,000, or 99 percent of Americans (actually, more like 98%), saw their earnings fall by $4.5 billion collectively.
The sobering numbers were a far cry from what was going on for the richest one percent of Americans.
The incomes of the top one percent of the wage scale in the U.S. rose in 2010; and their collective wage earnings jumped by $120 billion.
In addition, those earning at least $1 million a year in wages, which is roughly 93,000 Americans, reported payroll income jumped 22 percent from 2009.
Overall, the economy has shed 5.2 million jobs since the start of the Great Recession in 2007. It’s the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression in the 1930’s.
Another word about the first Great Depression. It really was a perfect storm. Caused almost entirely by greed. First, there was unprecedented economic growth. There was a massive building spree. There was a growing sense of optimism and materialism. There was a growing obsession for celebrities. The American people became spoiled, foolish, naive, brainwashed, and love-sick. They were bombarded with ads for one product or service after another. Encouraged to spend all of their money as if it were going out of style. Obscene profits were hoarded at the top. All of this represented a MASSIVE transfer of wealth from poor to rich. Executives, entrepreneurs, developers, celebrities, and share holders. By 1929, America's wealthiest 1 percent had accumulated around 40% of all United States wealth. The upper class held around 30%. The middle and lower classes were left to share the rest. When the majority finally ran low on money to spend, profits declined and the stock market crashed. Of course, the rich threw a fit and started cutting jobs. They would stop at nothing to maintain their disgusting profit margins and ill-gotten obscene levels of wealth as long as possible. The small business owners did what they felt necessary to survive. They cut moreo jobs. The losses were felt primarily by the little guy. This created a domino effect. The middle class shrunk drastically and the lower class expanded. With less wealth in reserve and active circulation, banks failed by the hundreds. More jobs were cut. Unemployment reached 25% in 1933. The worst year of the Great Depression. Those who were employed had to settle for much lower wages. Millions went cold and hungry. The recovery involved a massive infusion of new currency, a World War, and higher taxes on the rich. With so many men in the service, so many women on the production line, and those higher taxes to help pay for it, the lions share of United States wealth was gradually transfered back to the middle class. This redistribution of wealth continued until the mid seventies. This was the recovery. A massive redistribution of wealth.
Then it began to concentrate all over again. Here we are 35 years later. The richest one percent now own 40 percent of all US wealth. This is true even after taxes, welfare, financial aid, and charity. It is the underlying cause. No redistribution. No recovery.
The government won't step in and do what's necessary. Not this time. It's up to us. Support small business more and big business less. Support the little guy more and the big guy less. It's tricky but not impossible.
No redistribution. No recovery.