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Forum Post: The 1% has commissioned men to look out for their interests When this happens we are to provide Jason Bourne

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 3:53 p.m. EST by JoTerrence (50) from Palmdale, CA
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Jason Bourne fits the description of the mandated citizen protector commissioned by the 99ers in 39 nations including two of our own states. Why not simply adopt this Scandinavian system as most republics already have. We go with a proven solution in providing this New Guard for our future security and we have Jason and his men fixing the corruption while dispencing with our mandates. This plenipotentiary is the only one who can reverse the corporate personhood decision which is the central theme of our demands. We can go to congress with our list of grievances but first we have to alter the way they percieve us. Raising ourselves out of peon status will take years. How do they percieve our commissioned plenipotentiary who investigates corruption before handing out indictments. Their view of Jason Bourne is diffent than their view of us. It comes down to after we decide on our mandates who are we going to commission to take these mandates to our already bribed by the 1% congress.



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