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Forum Post: The 1% can shut you down whenever rhey choose

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:32 a.m. EST by mustwegetviolent666 (10)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The 1% can shut you down whenever they choose it's just a matter of time. So take you lunch boxes and you tents and go home to mommy! Maybe mommy will let you come back another day if your good and you don't start any trouble. Or maybe your a lucky one with a freakin job at Target (the one the Obama's love so much) or Amazon, or maybe Home Depot that pays 8 dollar an hour! You know one of those good job where you work any freak-in day or night of the week they want you to with no fucking vacation or medical benefits and you better fuckin like it. Because if you don't that's exactly where you'll be living in a tent. And with those wages poverty level wages you'll be any way! Maybe you all should occupy Walmart, Target, or Amazon that company billions are based on lazy ass people who cant get off there fat asses and shop for themselves! Aren't businesses like these just as responsible for whats going on, slave labor at poverty wages while they make 100 of billions of dollars!



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