Forum Post: The 1% are taking over this board
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 1:09 a.m. EST by TheScreamingHead
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Have you noticed?
All of the comments about stopping the protest and working within the system are getting thumbs upped, while anyone sharing ideas like Occupy Black Friday or Occupy Rush Limbaugh Phone Lines are getting thumbs wasn't like that before.
Kick the 1% out! Thumbs up cool comments and not establishment crap comments!
Yes, I noticed that too. We really have to start acknowledging our brothers' and sisters' comments. Please thumbs up if you think we should support our positive and constructive comments. This will create a fabric of support and warmth that will nurture us together.
Take it as a compliment.
There's more dumb rightards out there than anyone else.
You will NEVER cause the change I believe you are trying to affect unless you define your premise in ways that everyone can support you and in a way that revolutionary change can occur. Tackle TRUE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM. Demand laws that state that a politician CANNOT accept or spend ANY contribution that does not come from a citizen that he or she would represent. Even push for a Constitutional Amendment. Everyone would join you on this.
Anyone who uses a term like "rightards"--or "leftards" for that matter-- is an insufferable prick.
Keep parrotting the republican lies and you are dumb.
Don't like labels? Then don't use them.
Is that simple enough for you?
Yeah, apparently, your fucking master race of highly-gifted toddlers can't quite get the job done...
Your response is a non sequitur. I was condemning those on the right and the left who shrilly attack their adversaries by being cruel to the most defenseless of our society.
Yes, now compare the actions of today to what all the "rightards" did today. Who's the dumbass again?
Who is The Dumb(x) ?! Errr ... You are 'Rex' .. because you don't make any sense ; continuously ooze hatred & hubris ; spread fear & loathing and because you named yourself after your dog ... ;-)
Is English your first language? Is the United States your country of origin?
So it's your way or the highway right?
Sounds familiar. Like how the Democrats want to shut down talk radio and the Internet so people can't hear what they're doing. Then the Dems can be as corrupt as they want without anyone knowing.
Sounds fair to me.
I just personally went thru and "liked" every cool comment and "unliked" every booty ass comment.
Please, let us be civil. The boycott has historically proven to be a very effective tool for social change. The civil rights movement was able to use it quite effectively. Boycott on black Friday is a sound and reasonable strategy that we should all support. The argument that an individual would like to save some money because they do not have much and that the employees will be inconvenienced is not valid. These are not compelling reasons. Do you think the black people in Selma Alabama in the 1950s were not poor or did not work retail? We need to help educate any retail workers that this is just as much their fight as anyone's and that they should participate in whatever way they can. Not to say we all have to participate in every action. We do not. But we should participate in what we can and support the movement even when we can not. Beyond all else we must stick together.
Check out the petition on asking Target to allow it's employees to spend Thanksgiving with their families. Thank you.
Yes, there are a high percentage of negative comments. This is only possible if people who are against the movement are making a conscious effort to sign in and post comments. Normal people don't waste their time in such activities so I suspect that people are being paid to post negative comments.
Usually they have really stupid user names as you can see from some of the names commenting here.
I'm not getting paid. I'm trying to understand a movement I find self-indulgent and inexplicable.
Same here.
Please tell me who is paying so I can send them my address. Thanks!
Im not getting paid, I just post. I fit into the 99%, but I hate them. Its not even the 99%, thats just a term to include basically the entire united states to create a central consciousness and recruit people. But it hasnt worked, I been to OWBoston, nothing but pot smokers and lazy people. I felt the need to post on here, call me a troll, but I am posting what I feel.
Of course it's hard to like everyone and there are lazy people in this world. That's not the point. The elite of this country, the 1% or even fewer, have control and everybody else is at their mercy. The control is through banks and corporations. In addition, the government is high corruption and the judicial system is awful. A voice of protest is necessary. Why are you against that? You are either part of the 1% in spirit, thinking status quo is good, or you are part of the 99% (most of whom are asleep to the situation including the lazy druggies you hate) who think change is necessary.
Good points, valid as well, but here is where I ask why havent all these Occupy movements even started to go the political route? Instead they protest day and night, making it hard on other residents instead of hitting the politicians at home and removing them from office. I like the theme of OWS, but OWS is now becoming a monster and abusing their rights and abusing the patience of people who deal with their shit all day. i.e. Police, Mayors, Business Owners, Consumers etc etc
@ 'Fail' : Have Been Overdosing On Your Troll-a-lol &/or mixing it with Cheap and Bad Spirits again ?! In your use if the word "hate", the rest of us can read volumes and deduce all that we need to ...
Agreed. He fits into the 99% but he hates them. 'Nuff said.
Thank you for sharing. If you say something positive I will like you.
Yep, you are DEFINITELY a troll.
The haters that want to defeat OWS feel threatened by this movement, that is obvious. The question is why are they so ignorant of what is happening to our country?
p.s... OWS has always been civil. Police and city hall make it uncivil on purpose. Has the whole Viet Nam generation either retired or died ? Does no one remember anything ?
That's because the 1% and all the Archie Bunkers are sitting home with their computers, posting away in the comfort of home while the 99% are out on the street. That's WHY we're out there, to be seen in person. It's working.
Moderating Policies (the rules exist, but it's up to us police ourselves, and to report the abuse.)
Any abuse should be emailed to
Remember that the 1% has nearly unlimited funds. They can pay teams of people to troll boards (and use countless other methods) to suppress the voice dissenting from their bread and butter system. It will not be easy to be heard, but our voices can make it through the cracks. Just keep trying.
Remember, when anyone posts anything that goes against our beliefs, THEY'RE THE 1%!!!
I'm in favor of these two initiatives. I'm still here.
In the meantime I'm doing stuff.
Like this:
and this:
And you can find the url to other stuff I've written and posted on this forum on my profile:
And if you want to know more about me:
I've been protesting for a long time. These things take time. Don't worry. The influx of nitwits and nimrods is simply a reflection of their own fear.
Smile and carry on.
It is because people are for things that are effective. If you want to change laws and policies that will help reduce income inequality and reduce corporate influence in elections then you need to follow up this demonstration of political will and VOTE.
Not voting is exactly what the wealthy elites want you to do.
@ 'The SH' : Your Point is Correct.
Paid Disinformation Agents ; Rabid Reactionaries Organised via Ex-Teabagger Networks ; Republican Student WingNuts ; Koch Bros. Paid Whores ; COINTELPRO ( ) and Any Number Of Associated Closed-Minded and Stone-Hearted Nut-jobs ... are loose on these threads.
Trolls < Pond Scum - because at least Pond-Scum photosynthesise and give us oxygen !!
multum in parvo ...
That program was discontinued a long time ago. And that was during the Cold War Era, when communist spies and sympathizers who could conduct espionage and incite violence, was relevant and had to be dealt with.
Oh Really ?! Next you'll be telling us that CNN's 'Manderson Blooper' ISN'T a CIA agent .. lol .. ;-)
That program is gone, the Patriot Act took over, didnt you hear?
And Manderson Blooper isnt a CIA agent, your argument is invalid.
You mean "The 'USA PATRIOT Act" ( ) ; "{USA PATRIOT} that stands for: Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001"?!
You mean the 1000+ pages, drafted, edited, ready & prepared for 'EXPRESS INSTALL' less than One Month After 9/!!. An Act which has done NOTHING to keep USers "Safe From Terror" whilst making A MOCKERY OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS ?!!
What A Load Of Bollocks !!!
ad iudicium ...
Wow, you posted another link and copy pasta? You must be really intelligent!
Your kidding right? The FBI has found and stopped bomb plots with the access to emails and ability to get into the suspects house. You act like they black bag people. They dont just randomly check houses for fun.
You're wrong on so many levels ... !
This deserves a bump
Why is it a problem that you are hearing grenuine concerns from a majority of Americans? I am not paid, I came here to see what all this was about . What I saw did not appeal. By now you should see the recurring theme is the influence of money in our govt. The majority of the citizens of this country will never embrace anarchy, Marx, and being a public nuisance. We are not interested in destroying America, we want to improve it through the political process that has served us quite well. Much more so than leaders' of this movement historical Marxist heros. oh, wait Fidel still breaths!
I think all serious occupiers need to abandon this site NOW, and steps must be taken to close it down! It could do irrepreble harm to the public impression of this movement, and indeed probably has already done serious damage to our credibility. Someone, please take this up immegiately with the general assembly. I am vacating this site permanently as of this moment. But it must NOT be let to stand to discredit this movement! We will talk again in a forum not taken over, as I beliebe this site has been, by our adversaries. Thank all of you for what you have done for liberty, justice and the common rights of mankind!
If I wasn't aware of some of your previous posts, I'd almost have taken that post at face value ... ;-) & good try !
I am part of your so called 99% and I don't say any of that. And do you really think that millionaires are trying to take over this site? Get over yourself.
It's quite a busy 1%, don't you think? Maybe you need to re-visit your bullshit about representing 99% instead.
I came from a struggling middle class upbringing and have worked my ass off to put myself into a comfortable living. I am 30 yrs old and far from a 1%er. There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself, and exercising the right to assemble. Certainly, there need to be changes in Washington. I was for the cause at first, but the turn it has taken has really made me sick. Shutting down the subway, interfereing with traffic, shutting down the port in Oakland, etc, are not the right moves to make. You are hurting the 99%. People are just trying to get to work to support their families. Deliveries can't be made and small business owners can't do business. The movement is making life difficult for ordinary working people at this point. Even the police (other than a couple bad cops) are just guys earning a living. They don't make the laws or decisons, they just have to act, or risk losing their job. You occupy folks need to look at what your doing. How much money in emergency services, clean up effort, and law enforcement, etc has been wasted in this already struggling economy? THOSE ARE TAX DOLLARS, and we are already so far in the hole! You may have started as 99%, but you are alienating yourselves from the rest of us. My bet is you represent closer to 30% or less of the country at this point. Think about what you are doing before you just go out and yell at people (police, the vast majority of even the wallstreet workers, etc) and start trouble with them. Say your peace, state your cause, but live and let live. Please.
If this is the case with the hacks of comments, we need not worry because if thats how low they have to go to hit us than we are already winning. Everybody should keep up the movement and plan on following up to continue this amazing change.
Like it or not the world is watching... ;-)
The whole world is watching OWS harass 4 year olds.
^ This basically just made NODAMNGOOD's statement invalid. Good show!
I didnt get it...
I must have missed that one as well.
I know the difference. It's sad you think you look smarter by pointing out typographical errors, instead of making a better argument. Fail is right. You guys make it hard on the workers. Block their way to work. Badger children? Vandalize vendor's carts? Crap on people's doorsteps?
I know its not the majority, but when you don't discourage bad behavior in your ranks, and then you come up with stuff like this, you are pushing the rest of the 99% away.
We have a lot of unwanted outsiders invading this forum, but thank goodness it is so free that even outsiders can invade. I don't agree with everything ows has done, but I thank God that they are around because they have knocked the establishment on their asses!
the struggle is going to be long and hard, the media will make most of the people who watch tv, turn against you, i hope you'll be strong and know that this is right and nessesery
The way we can get people back on our side is to nail some very bad companies. The best target would be Toshiba who uses UPS for cover in it's warranty fraud scam. After we build up some good will, then we can do other things.
Where in the BLUE hell did I say anything about vandalizing anyone's cart or public defacation, you wannabe Bill O'Reilly? Ninja mouse attack...dislike!
I think you just got owned.
You would come up behind a better poster and try to claim his shine...however, I did not get owned, I did the owning, and this guy FAILZ like YEW
Your obviously dumb. I fit well into the 99%, but I hate it with a passion. Sorry, you really look dumb right about now.
As for Occupy Black Friday - So all those hard working folk in the store who just probably got a job for the season are going to be met by the righteous in every way OWS Movement who in turn, will make their job harder? So myself, a consumer who has been waiting to buy his family some presents for cheap will be screwed over by some punk just trying to beat the system? You sir, can go screw yourself, you obviously dont think for yourself.
I love how you call me dumb and don't know the difference between "your" and "you're."
You fail**
I love how you cannot spell correctly either. Must be the weed your smoking while posting this through your iPhone at a OWS Settlement.
You did it again!! It's "You're smoking" you trollbag!
Lol, I dont even have to reply to this, you have nothing but spelling on your side of the argument. Shows how much effort you really put into this post. gG No Re KKTNX
Love how you say you don't have to reply to this, like you have something better to do, but you still reply! LOL get a g/f or something
Right, get a g/f or something, the average insult from a internet troll who also has nothing better to do. You cant troll a troll ;)
My g/f is in LA and coming for Thanksgiving, thank you very much. Your g/f is online and is coming whenever you pay her LOL
Yeah, that non-existent g/f is coming for thanksgiving, goodluck with that. Lmao, your so sad bro. Atleast mine is coming when I pay her.
I would show you pictures but you might fall out dead at the thought of an actual woman that you didn't pay for in your immediate proximity.
So in reality, you dont have one. I can also google 'hot girl' just as fast as you can.
ppl are "liking" my comments and hating the crap out of yours. you lose.
I happen to be one of the 99% and I'm sick of all of you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Well I'm not sick of you, BrittanyAnn! I love you yuppie chicks! I'll even let you take me to dinner tomorrow! Bring lots of money!!
@ BA : Of course you're one of The 99% ... and The 1% have "occupied" your mind !!
veritas vos liberabit ...
I want the protects to stop, and I am part of your 99%, university student
Your sentence bears testament to the (Mis)Education System In The U$A and to the quality of The Average Anti-OWSer ...
go to school and shut up