Forum Post: The .01% are Corrupt, and the 99% Needs a Kick in the Ass
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 30, 2011, 9:47 a.m. EST by hchc
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So we have a corrupted, overly greedy 1%. And we have a misinformed, materialistic 99%.
I have witnessed a decline in the work habits of the people over the last 15 years.
Im all for throwing the people in jail that scam the system at the top. But the rest of us have got to start recognizing what real work is, the level of work and commitment it took to build this thing, and try to get back to that.
There will always be injustices. But when the sheeple line up outside Chinamarts to buy shit they dont need, on fucking thanksgiving, its hard to feel too bad for the masses.
What do you believe the OWS movement is trying to do. Change, big time.
It is not a scam, the 1% are taking control of the democratic system. That is the problem.
And the people are too fuckin dumb to create anything new that actually represents them. **cked up new crowed control weapon
actually when society has taken from them ALL they have made and left them with nothing in savings, then stocking up with a hdtv or xbox360 so they can have some sort of break from their corporate slavery, is quite a normal attribute of humanity in my opinion. Especially since its doubtful these people have had a week on the beach in the carribeans, (a vacation).
Maybe they should "stop their useless spending" and start to be financially responsible for their actions instead of blaming someone else for their financial situation.
Buying cheap disposable chinese made products from wally world will not produce more jobs in this country.
Spending themselves into submission during the holidays is no excue. They are the ones who put themselves in the "helpless financial situation" they are in and no one else is to blam.
If you disagree with what I have just posted then explain why there are lots of people in this country who are doing just fine. Do you think it may be because they were "financially responsible" for the decisions they made when it came to making purchases.
i think the outgrageous cost of real estate, the predatory leasing that exists both in places to live as well as places to work is at the root core of our downfall. You may say that people are doing well, but the number of successful people and those who are struggling prove other wise. For example, lets say that a person wants to try to improve his life, as is his right in the constitution, the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of hapiness, well if he goes to open a store, he has to sign a one year lease, if he fails in his business, society, (mostly the rich ) punish him by forcing him to repay the lease, ruining his credit if he fails, (likely he will because he probably doesnt have another job, and clearly teaching him a lesson, dont try to knock on the rich and successful door again, his credit is ruined, and even foreclosing on his home ejecting his family on the street, is a real possibility in today's business sector.
But the reality is still stacked against us, For another example, I was in a standing in front of someone at a store and overheard them talking about a grant they received and, i responded, oh you actually got one of those government grants for your business, and they responded, no it was for the school district. I was saddened because I have a small business, and have found no funds available, and had to lay off two employees even though I had plenty of contracts on the table (this is another story) but the brainwashing of this woman, was that now the school could hire more people, but she couldnt see that more government jobs doesnt help our economy.
The downfall is due, in my opinion, to three things:
People become successful when they keep trying. Millionaires have been made by people who have gone bankrupt and lost everything. Their determination is what keep them going and as a result they were successful.
All too often people who go into business don't research or know that much about the area thery are trying to do business and as a result fail.
They think it's a good idea but without doing research and actually working at that particular business they will have a problem in succeding.
There are lots of jobs out there for people who want to work and there are good paying jobs. Not all are "college jobs" most are working in the trades.
Everyone thinks they need to go to college to make money - not so.
how about offering some of our veterans, and military, and civilians, train them to build--roads, bridges, produce steel, here in the usa, as we wind down the wars,
we need to team up those with the money, and underemployed construction/manufactures, and dream ways to produce something useful: how bout instead of paying farmers to not produce, we send some volunteers, young adults, inner-city kids who like such an idea,there to learn farming, environmental, work skills. I know there are some farms being under utilized.
As most of you are aware we had the WPA program back in the 30's - it worked to employ people but the war was what put people back to work in the private sector.
Now what needs to happen is we can put people to work on our roads, bridges and infrastructure but - we also need to demand from our government that we don't want products imported into this country unless it is taxed and the price is equal to a product that could be made here.
More American Jobs will put more americans back to work. The prices may be higher for these products but the the wages will be higher to compensate for higher prices.
The government needs to give corporations tax breaks who will build manufacturing plants in this country and "impose "higher taxes" on those who decide it is in their best interest to have products imported into this country build outside this country.
We need a "import equalizer" and I guarentee that the people of this country will be "more loyal" towards buying American Made Products because they will create American Jobs.
It will put the words "American Loyalty" back into the people who live in this country.
well said.
we were the arsenal for democracy, and we all worked for that cause.
yes, now most things are made in China. i've heard the chineese are building bridges in California. that's too weird.
I like how your point: this is one thing government can do: we also need to demand from our government that we don't want products imported into this country unless it is taxed and the price is equal to a product that could be made here. More American Jobs will put more americans back to work. The prices may be higher for these products but the the wages will be higher to compensate for higher prices. The government needs to give corporations tax breaks who will build manufacturing plants in this country and "impose "higher taxes" on those who decide it is in their best interest to have products imported into this country build outside this country.
We need a "import equalizer" and I guarentee that the people of this country will be "more loyal" towards buying American Made Products because they will create American Jobs.
It will put the words "American Loyalty" back into the people who live in this country.
these are simple practical workable ideas. they aren't that complicated. now, will the government be able to move on this before 2012 election?
The only way the government will change is with people voting out the lifers and getting in people who will work for the people of this country.
As I have stated in previous posts the march needs to be concentrated in Washington DC not on Wall Street. Washington DC is where all the bills originate and where the changes are made.
If the OWS can recognize that and have a list of things they want changed they will have a hugh effect on change.
it is so obvious: that is how the tea party got their ideas implemented. they went to the capital many times, and they were the original "occupiers" of the health care debate, even though they didn't get their whole way, they stayed in the public's sight long enough to get elected and get their points advocated.
That's what it's going to take - marching everywhere else doesn't do a thing - it only causes problems with the protesters and the city they are protesting in. It's only gets attention when there is violence.
As you are well aware none of the news media is covering the OWS unless there is trouble.
we could all show up at the capital and have a big party in dc. how bout when those lovely cherry blossoms bloom. I need to take my son to dc, and show him around anyway.
how bout we send the unemployed/unemployed to trade school, internship at private corp, or even in the prison system, tutoring in schools, until we get unemployment under 5 percent (if they choose to get such training) they'd earn their unemployment stipend, based on performance in training, and they would be on a short-list to be hired when the business needs more workers.
Nothing wrong with that as long as they understand that the training they will be getting they will have to do "public service" in return should the government provide the training for them..
ok that idea took 2 minutes to formulate and get consensus. why can't congress, the local business intrests and local communities, schools, and churches accomplish, foundations, get on the same page and make it happen. we have a lot of underemployed people with skills that are being under-utilized.
What you have said is what the Movement is all about. We are working hard to fix this mess. We must concentrate on throwing the crooks into jail. That would solve our problems.
You left out the other half of the post's information.
On the second half, people will buy at the best price. That is the nature of capitalism. You should never feel sorry for the masses. We intend to sort the mess out. There are many millions of us, many more than the crooked bank execs. Make no mistake. WIR KOMMEN (look it up - this is Eurospeak).
I'm currently taking German zwei I know what it means.
O good. :)