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Forum Post: That Which Is Seen & That Which Is Unseen

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 18, 2011, 10:43 a.m. EST by aries (463) from Nutley, NJ
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[-] 1 points by iamalsoows (86) 13 years ago

Thank you. You need to make your videos more dramatic to bring the message across. Remember that those who needs this education usually play War Craft, Doom and watch sports.

[-] 1 points by aries (463) from Nutley, NJ 13 years ago

good point lol!!

[-] 1 points by iamalsoows (86) 13 years ago

But very professional looking and the overall feel is good for zombies oldies like me. But give it a little more punch with some "shootouts" and animation. even make that broken glass scene as a 30 seconds movie in a dark night on Elm street or similar and the message comes across like WAY... you have to use mind control to get the message across.

The shopkeeper probably has an insurance and pays for that anyway. Lesson is if all did not break windows no one would have to pay insurance.

Insurance companies grow fat and rich and the boy throwing the stone goes to prison and the shop keeper pays his insurance. THEY both loose but the insurance company wins.

This is were insurance fraud comes in. We are doomed. I am sure countries like Iran even has insurance on wars and if a war breaks out the insurance company pays for damage control to war lords and companies rebuilding infrastructure and the only one getting fatter is in essence the bank which holds the insurance money.

You movie is very good for 2-3 graders but needs more b-jazz to pump up the volume. I like the feel of the movie and it brings out the basics in a good way but it goes somewhat deeper than a broken glass in our society today. Your story is actually going back to a time when there were no insurance companies and no banks were indeed the shop keeper would pay for the broken glass or he might be lucky to catch the boy and he would pay.

Your example is a good place to start and the domino effect is nice. However the only domino today are insurance companies taking all the falls. And the last domino are the banks. They win. Everyone else looses.




What a fucked up world. Sorry, that is just my short version.

[-] 1 points by aries (463) from Nutley, NJ 13 years ago

hahaha! So Bastiat is wrong? The Broken window fallacy is bogus hahaha! Is that what you are trying to say ?

[-] 1 points by iamalsoows (86) 13 years ago

Well, kind of, I guess. It is not false it just does not hold up as easy as explained. If it was the world would be easy to comprehend. Insurances keeps the world go around not non-broken windows. Broken or not same same. Well, in fact, if we destroyed everything as in wars who wins? insurance and banks does and they are usually the same business. Then a few major corporations. And a few other dominoes.

Oh dear, too much to go into here and now. Sorry for my short reply.

Most and I believe all companies incl. shipping companies insure themselves against calamity in war zones. They pay a premium and the price is near the same if they have broken glass or not (ship is sunk or not). The premium goes up if they sail in war zones.

Insurance companies are the biggest fraud since man invented the wheel. Good but overpriced usually. And fraud... oh dear....:



To make a map an investigate would take 1000 men and 100 years. And once done they would have to start all over again probably triple.

The window fallacy looks nice but is a hoax I believe, yes. Nice but highly naive. Good for starters to just get the basics going. For toddlers.

Money is law. No money no honey goes a long way.


The window fallacy holds up in a society with no insurance companies what so ever. And still it does not hold 100%. in fact some will break windows or cars or countries just to make profit.

World Trade Center (911) destroyed for the same reason: had they stayed up no-one would have made nothing. Now they fell so what happened: lots of money made all around. Even those who died made money for someone else at funerals etc etc. So follow the money and you will find the guilty or the beneficiaries.

A few days ago many Ferrari's crashed:


I do not know but it looks like an insurance scam. Who will really know!?!?! And that will generate millions. Just think of all the news outlets writing about it and they were insured - right? And they were sober? So, yehhhhaaa, money money money.

Looks like from the pictures they made sure they would be broken beyond repair...

[-] 1 points by aries (463) from Nutley, NJ 13 years ago

On the contrary, Insurance is a cost too of money that could be spent elsewhere on more productive means. Perfect example is doctors malpractice insurance to guard against frivolous law suits. Of course this was not addressed in Obamacare & hence premiums will continue to skyrocket. Perfect example of the broken window fallacy is cash for clunkers. Destroying value to have taxpayers divert funds to help GM stay afloat. Nothing was gained merely transferred.

[-] 2 points by iamalsoows (86) 13 years ago

Yes, insurance is payment. I know. So everyone stops paying insurance or? Some insurances are actually a MUST by law (Denmark). No choice. And do you know why? Insurance is the banks security. Like on a car. Banks do not lend money unless the car insured if purchased on credit.

On the contrary, insurance is a payment and the window fallacy is not working. Yes, it looks nice on paper and in a presentation video such as this. The shop keeper does not pay for the broken glass and can spend it elsewhere. But he does not. His insurance does. Money taken from the company and not from the shopkeeper. He only gets a new better glass.

Cash for clunkers.. ahhh. that is the name. Yes, insurance is okay in a perfect-nice-no-one-cheating-pay-only-premium-worth-actual-value world.

Sure, no money and value is gained. Only moved. That goes around all over. Same same.

Windows fallacy does not work. And only waiting for things to break by themself or be worn down via age does not happen except in a perfect utobia. People want new kitchen sop they break up a perfectly fine kitchen. etc

No, too much to go into here. Fact is, insurance and banks are the main winners. The rest is peanuts unless you are at Haliburton or in the medic industry. Oh boy, tooo much in this forum. There are good studies andschools on this whole topic (and they cost money too). Money is all, it, that and final. Money: Solomon = Sol (The Sun) and Amun Ra was named Amon Ra as well and mon was a God in egypt hence we get the word Money. Mon...ney. Money is god.

[-] 1 points by aries (463) from Nutley, NJ 13 years ago

keep it up