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Forum Post: THAT ONE TIME I was accused of being a Chinese spy

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 11:05 a.m. EST by theaveng (602)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

QUOTE: "On Wednesday someone posted comments on two of my YouTube videos accusing me [Ron Paul supporter] of being a Chinese spy. I usually avoid the race "issue", but I felt compelled to address stupidity of this magnitude..... My ethnicity does not change the fact that I am an American citizen, nor should it have any bearing on my opinions. If you assume that someone is not an American based solely on his or her appearance, you need to wake up."

It was wrong for that guy to think "She's Chinese... she must be a spy." It's that kind of thinking that led our president to round-up Americans and throw them in prison during WW2. "They look japanese, therefore they must be spies." - FDR

ARTICLE - http://kathryndelong.blogspot.com/2011/12/that-one-time-i-was-accused-of-being.html



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[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Strange. You use a label in your argument against the use of labels. And, your use of a label is based on an mere assumption. Strange.

I do agree labels are worthless, naive, and I would even say dangerous, but you destroy your argument by using a label yourself. Strange.

[-] 1 points by XXAnonymouSXX (455) 13 years ago

Do you just run around argueing with everyone. What a fucking tool

[-] 0 points by theaveng (602) 13 years ago

Yes he does.


[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Again, you only weaken your own argument by doing what you are arguing against. Strange.

[-] 0 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

You do understand, that just as you think being called a spy is wrong, so is saying that a Democrat or Lib must have said it. It's YouTube. There are racist asshole everywhere. You could look at a video of a cute black kitten, and somebody would come up with an offensive black guy comment. See a Mexican and a white guy fighting, at least half the comments would be about how he needs to go back across the border. If your skin isn't thick enough, don't put shit up there. Being accused of being a spy isn't that bad nowadays anyway. Go back a few decades. The Chinese had something to worry about then.


[-] 0 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

No offense, but who gives a fuck?? I'm black, I've had to hear stupid racist shit all my life (from repub, dems, libs, conservs, even the dreaded indy). Now that it's become fashionable, I get to hear dumb shit all the time. Unless they start getting violent, fuck 'em, get your stuff done. You're gonna find assholes everywhere, even within your own race.