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Forum Post: Thanks from Conservative Repubplican Capitalists

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 12:25 p.m. EST by billsmith (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Since your protests started, Chairman Obamarx's rating at Gallup has dropped 7%. As a conservative Republican Capitalist, I deeply appreciate your efforts toward that end, and encourage you to continue. Fight the good fight! Stay in the parks, keep crappng on cars and doorsteps for the cause! We love you, don't give up!!!



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[-] 2 points by SaveOurSouls (5) from Bekasi, West Java 13 years ago

You're so lost...

[-] 1 points by CarryTheGripsUpToTheAttic (133) 13 years ago

Do you finally see? They are not afraid of anything that OWS is currently doing!

You need to hack, or have documents leaked from, all these illegal Wall Street firms.

And their illegal regulators.

GOING THROUGH THE REGULAR CHANNELS WILL NEVER WORK (they LOVE that - it just gives them a "heads-up" so they can begin to thwart your efforts).

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

[-] 1 points by PatrickMc (7) 13 years ago

Here are the problems with capitalism:

1) it is unsustainable. Capitalism is the operation of the means of production for private profit. Profits require growth. Nothing can grow forever, therefore capitalism is unsustainable.

2) it is undemocratic. Capitalism concentrates wealth into the hands of a few - this is something that is fundamental to capitalism. Concentrations of wealth always destroy democracy and result in an oligarchy. Wealth is a form of political power. Political power must be distributed equally in a democracy. Capitalism results in concentrations of wealth, therefore concentrations of political power. Therefore, capitalism is undemocratic.

3) it is inhuman. People are inherently altruistic and social beings, while capitalism views people as fundamentally as individual beings and competitive. Capitalism is structural-functionalist and individually reductive on the issue of poverty - poverty is good for society by encouraging everyone to work hard, and if you're poor, it's your fault. Some make the argument that capitalism is human nature because people are naturally competitive and individualistic, contrary to the scientific facts. This argument relies on circular reasoning, since the ones making this statement about human nature are observing humans that have been raised in a capitalist system, a system which rewards the very behaviors being observed (competition, greed, etc.). The fact is, capitalism is a fairly recent phenomena in the history of the human race on this planet. Capitalism is not human nature - it is a system which rewards people for acting contrary to human nature. Therefore, capitalism is inhuman.

Democracy cannot work with capitalism (see 2). Capitalism always leads to an oligarchy. The solution to this problem is democratic socialism. The only economic system capable of preserving democracy is socialism. Past incarnations of socialism were never democratic - this is why they ultimately didn't work. This explains the failure of the USSR. Capitalism always results in oligarchy - this explains why our democracy is failing. Socialism cannot work without democracy, and democracy cannot work without socialism.

[-] 1 points by Nicolas (258) from Québec, QC 13 years ago

This is getting entertaining. They are posting new, ever crazier, ideas to discredit or discourage the movement at an incredible rate. It's like they have no idea how to do it, so they just throw whatever they can think up and see if anything sticks.

Antisemites! Communists! You're really helping us! You can never succeed! Hippies! Unions! This is not the right way! Just get a job! Alright, okay, we get the point, you can go home now! Rape, theft and arson! Nazis-communists! We'll just send the army against you! We're misunderstood! If only you could see how screwing you is really for the greater good! You need specific demands! RIGHT NOW!
