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Forum Post: Thanks for nothing

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 3:01 p.m. EST by JoeyRockstar (38)
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Its over ,I was on your side I really was .No concrete demmands and I really do think a lot of you are afraid to work if someone handed you a job. Do I hate big banks ? Hell yeah but no solutions by you idiots except going waaah boo hoo look at my sign. I will come up with my own solutions and my own actions.Oh I work 2 jobs and am struggling to get by ,Im up at 5am 6 days a week to go bust my ass and am not sitting in a park . I am seriously hurting but still will not except food stamps with tax payer money.I am not with you guys anymore ,you are all jokes.That is coming from someone who is trying wicked hard ,working and suffering. I will not stand by anyone who wants free shit or collects food stamps or unemployment on tax payer money.I can understand unemployment but you better be really looking for a job



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[-] 2 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Either you're trolling, or don't get it. I'm not sure. Benefit of the doubt. Let me shine a light.

I have a job, thanks, a small local - local to my area anyway - operation that the likes of Wal-mart are trying to kill off so they can peddle more Chinese crap at the expense of America's already severely decimated manufacturing base, and the health and safety of Americans. As you can guess at, I wish those bastards a special place in Hell.

It doesn't pay much and the benefits are lousy at best, I barely manage to scrape by. That's the best I can get, and it shouldn't be that way.

Used to be, one man with one job could support an entire family with sweet modern luxuries, and with plenty of cash to spare. Now both parents have to work - if they can land a job at all - for shitty pay, shitty to no benefits, and nothing left over at the end of the month. It's usually temp jobs that can disappear off to foreign lands with no warning, leaving you the loyal employee utterly fucked. What's wrong with that picture?

See, those guys out there with the signs, they know what's wrong with that picture, and they know it shouldn't have to be that way. They're calling bullshit on the whole rotten deal, in the only way available to call bullshit on it. They grew a pair. Scratch that, they grew a whole lot of pairs, they drew a line, and they ain't taking it any more. That's why I'm backing them.

Where's your pair?

[-] 1 points by JoeyRockstar (38) 13 years ago

They also have spent a month in the park sleeping there ,they also collect benefits I pay for out of tax money with my little pay I get .Some of them abuse theese benefits by selling them off to buy drugs and or get cash for other things.You know I am not the one percent but there are scum rich or poor .When someone from the 99% offers me a job and creates jobs for other people then I will give them the benefit of the doubt.I think big banks are a rip off.I think people who abuse benefits costing tax payers millions are a rip off.I hope to get a buisiness started someday,I hope I become part of the 1% ,I hope I can give people jobs to those who REALLY want them.Until then I will do what I can and try to get by instead of cry about it with a silly sign .Yes life is harder for some.I owe banks money and am trying to pay off back taxes I owe .I CHOSE TO DO BUISINESS WITH THEESE BANKS.NOBODY HELD A GUN TO MY HEAD. I can admit I made a mistake and am willing to work to get ahead . Im not going to hold a sign because im to busy trying to land that job none of the lazy people will get since they are to busy crying. I also think im better off starting a petition for random drug test for benefits to save everyone cash on people stealing your tax money.I think I can accomplish more on my own then OWS has in a month of crying through action.I will continue to rise above my problems and work to make MY life better.This protest is getting nowhere.I take full responsibility for my situation but I will rise above it instead of cry about it.No im not going out there with you all ,I have 2 jobs to go to

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Sounds to me like you're the one crying my friend, while bending over for the screwing. Drinking the kool-aid while handing over your wallet and begging for a bit of mercy, from big banks that'll take it all from you anyway. Pray that those two jobs are still there for you tomorrow, cause they can be shipped off at any time.

That's the brutal, cold truth. I'm an asshole, I know, but I'm an honest one who tells it like it is. The world needs more honest assholes, it has far too many dishonest ones.

Good luck, dude. You need all you can get.

[-] 1 points by JoeyRockstar (38) 13 years ago

Also I support some of the occupy stuff but nobody is doing a damn thing except holding signs and crying we are the 99% .Its not 99% because if it was everyone would be out there with you guys. Try maybe 0.5% not 99% . . I promise if there was a company hiring and thye were handing out applications to everyone maybe 20 would be returned

[-] 1 points by JoeyRockstar (38) 13 years ago

I belong to a credit union and there are no big banks in sight for me at the moment. I at least work and someday when I do start my own company I will not hire people like you ,im an asshole I know but at least im not a lazy one.I dont ever want anything for free ,My jobs will always be there for me .Im highly respected and both companies are doing well.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

"I will not hire people like you"

Never say never, Joe. I told you I have a job, but you assume I'm lazy. How arrogant. It's me and three others, we fix older American made, high quality electronics. Naturally that requires some technical skills, and muscle. Those old chassis are heavy.

The computer system we're using is a couple of servers rescued from the Enron meltdown, and a few PCs that technoslobs threw out. All running Linux. Since I'm the Linux guru in this little shop, I'm the IT Guy as well. That takes brains. Go me, all over the place.

Got any more arrogance and snobbery you'd like me to poke holes in? Or would you like to give it a rest?

[-] 1 points by JoeyRockstar (38) 13 years ago

good for you but you know you started shit with me on my thread because I said I refuse to associate myself with the idiots on OCW since they cant accompish a damn thing.You piped your ass in and said yuo should be one of us ,wee fighting for you ,really ? Theese guys have not done a damn thing for anyone.DONT TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD DO .I think for myself

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

You've been following the global news? No, not the pap on TV, gotta go to reliable online sources.

The Greek economy suffered total meltdown; it's anarchy over there. The Euro is on the edge of going over the cliff. It's a ripple effect, like the blast wave of a nuke. We're next, unless the dominoes are stopped. Do some thinking on that.

[-] 1 points by JohnB (138) 13 years ago

Troll. Big time. As many of you have noticed, there are lots of posters (right now) engaged in a highly coordinated attack. They are posing as OWS supporters or actually street protestors saying exactly the kinds of things this poster says. My personal favorite (and most transparent troll) was from yesterday:

"I've been down here a month. Let face it. We failed. Time for us all to pack up and go home.". Laughable.

To JoeyRockstar - if there are 5 people for every job opening. What are the other 4 people supposed to do? Create something? With what money?

[-] 1 points by JoeyRockstar (38) 13 years ago

I know it sucks out there and im an example ,but this ows crap has accomplished nothing.It is the most unorganised protest of all time.Ive seen videos shot by people on youtube.They ARE starting with cops for no reason.Thats mature.Half the people do not know why they went except to be a part of this club.This whole movement thing is a fucking joke. I still stand by my word the 1% is not the only problem with the economy .The people on the bottom screw people as well and guess who they are part of being hypocrites ,OCW . How many benefits have been stolen by people just collecting and not looking for a job.How many foodstamps have been sold off for drugs or money to buy other things.Guess who pays for them slackers ,Tax payers like you and me.I will not protest being someone who try's hard and someone who dont scam the system along side people who might be doing this. I do my own thing . The 1% is NOT the only problem here.

[-] 1 points by JohnB (138) 13 years ago

Hi Joey, I agree the 1% is not the only problem. Many people at the bottom got there and want to stay there so they can collect benefits without having to work for them. However, the amount of wealth they are extracting out of the system is a very small fraction of what the top 0.01% extracts. We're talking about the difference between billions vs. trillions (100 to 1000 times as much). The top 0.01%, especially the banking industry (as opposed to the ones who actually create products, services and jobs) are the ones doing the most extraction. Worse, they are extracting wealth from the environment faster than it can repair itself, leaving the rest of us, and the life carrying capacity in peril. Ironically, this is just as bad for them, as it is us.

But this debate is for another day. What is most important right now, is finding common ground on what most everyone agrees on - a real functioning democracy. One person, one vote. Not one dollar one vote. If we can win our democracy back, then we as a people can figure out how to solve the above problems. Fair enough?

[-] 1 points by JoeyRockstar (38) 13 years ago

I work 2 part time jobs 6 days a week and make around 200 bucks take home .If any "1%" comapnies want to hire me and help me out ,im not afraid to work hard for your company. I also think their are scum bags all around from the top to the bottom

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

You're working six days a week and only making 200 bucks? I wish I could hire you right now. That's bad.

[-] 1 points by JoeyRockstar (38) 13 years ago

Yes 2 part time jobs maybe 230 or so take home on a good week ,I want to work full time and I do what I can .Im not crying about it , I will bust my ass for not very much and good jobs will come around or I might start my own venture from the ground up. I dont want anything for free .