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Forum Post: Thankfully people are finally willing to stand up

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 2:35 p.m. EST by COsci (5)
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Just like the Civil Rights movement, Stonewall, and other movements - people have had enough and they are not afraid to say so. This is how things get changed - you have to stand up and say something. Its so funny yet unsurprising that republicans denounce OWS while they recently supported the protesters in north Africa financially and politically. It seems Americans need to fight the hardest for democracy at home.



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[-] 1 points by COsci (5) 13 years ago

BTW, in response to bewildering comments on this forum... I support OWS, but I oppose the tea party. I fail to see any alignment between OWS and TP. TP hates unions (remember events in midwest earlier this year?). TP supports corporations, deregulation, and opposes taxation of rich. TP has been behind massive cuts this year. I support OWS, and I support unions, and I support taxation of rich. I OPPOSE the cuts to the poor, children, scientific research, education.....