Forum Post: Thankful
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 10:50 a.m. EST by Fedup10
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am thankful for the US Constitution and pray it will protect our country from the OWS folks that have extreme views that will ruin our lives. I remember this pain when Carter was president. It was real and I feel terrible for the state of our economy. Change must happen, I believe in reforms but not revolution, , as stated in John Lennon's song "Revolution".
Reform often requires revolution--but revolution does not require violence. Thomas Jefferson, as an author to that constitution for which you are thankful, would not have liked the current state of affairs in Washington or among many of the out-of-control corporate giants/banks where ethics have been replaced by greed. So far I am not seeing too many extreme views from this forum--thankfully--just people seeking solutions and frustrated that the solutions are too slow in coming.