Forum Post: Thank you very much!!!!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 1:44 a.m. EST by goldenfoxx
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You have all probably heard this before, but....thank you. Its good to know that so many people oppose what has happen in our world today. The capitalistic & political system in America has been mutated to suit the needs of very few. To beat a system like that, you have to go outside the system and break it down, restructure it and rethink everything. This crisis has unified so many and I am proud of everyone who is taking a stand. I think the greatest thing about this movement is that its kinda like the 70's protests except instead of worrying about peace and love and drugs, its about real world issues and a system for everyone being controlled by the few. Makes me proud to be American again and it would make the men who created this country proud. Sometimes it takes a small quantity of pain to heal the whole. Go 99%!!!!
Thanks to you, to be aware of the movement and what we fighting peacely for.
We are the 99% and we do not want to be under the authority of a small part granting himself all the powers exerted onto the people !
You're very welcome - venceremos