Forum Post: Thank You Thank You
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:05 a.m. EST by lovemachine12
from Staten Island, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm still trying to figure out what you losers are trying to accomplish,but it sure ain't affecting Wall Street.Other than many people finding you people annoying,you are starting to be ignored.I'm starting to think you are bringing good luck.Since this started the DJIA has been steadily rising.It was up 166 points yesterday,with Apple stock up $13 a share with news of the new iphone.If this drives upp the price of the stock I own,keep on making fools of yourselves.It's business as usual on Wall Street.I am thinking of becoming 1 of those conspiracy theory loonies and I think maybe Wall Street started this thing. Now is Obama a liberal democrat or something?One of the many lables I've seen by people who need to get a life.
People who are motivated purely by self-interest can't possible have any conception of generosity or fair play. Only when injustice or fowl play are directed at them, are they able to understand. The people are probably chest-beating Christians for who probably complete the phrase "do unto others" with "as much injustice as you can".
I take offense at your calling me a loser. That says to me that you either have very poor manners, or it was a momentary lapse in judgement. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. For now.
If many people find me annoying on Wall Street, I can live with that. What I cannot live with , and what I am trying to accomplish, is achieving fair and equal representation in our government.
What is more annoying? The sounds of protesters on the street. Or the deafening silence of a government that does not hear the voices of 99% of the population?
This might explain:
or, if that is too much for you, how about this cartoon:
See if you can respond to the facts in each.
Check out this video, it might save you a lot of your saving (only 3 min, you owe me 5% of your savings in 24 month, but you can keep it!)
sorry i don't do links
well ok its just a London Stock Exchange Broker that tells us the way he thinks about the future and the way you can prepare for a crashing market and still get really rich. I myself luckely don´t consider myself nor people that question the system losers, but understand not everybody needs to have the same idears. Good luck mate.
Well if I read between the lines, you are afraid of something. Calling OWS losers just doesn´t make sence to me, but then again, in the US you get the wrong picture because it´s quit difficult for you to get acces to some real info. Anyway, if you invest in wallstreet, I have nothing against that, but I wouldn´t advice you to put more then 25% of your belongings in stocks, and OWS has very little or nothing to do with that advice. Good luck, and hopefully you´ll get the picture soon.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." M. Gandhi
yeah,i hate spiders.Really scared of them.Other than that you guys are nothing more than a bunch of pathetic losers.You guys need cheese to go with your whine.
yea go back and keep playing with your lovemachine