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Forum Post: thank you for

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by howfire1 (0)
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Thank you for

October 15, 2011 Wall street new york, U.S.A. – A new chapter in a revolution that has been long overdue Thank you for standing up for what you believe in and for what we the 99 percent believe in. Thank you for putting spark under the behinds of the 99 percent that have had enough. Thank you for putting out the message that the 99 percent is mad as hell and will not be quiet no more. Thank you for exposing the stimulus plan for what it is (a creation by the 1 percent to pacify the banks to bailout the rich with our money). Thank you for starting a movement that the 1 percent in Washington who make laws for themselves can’t ignore. Thank you for putting spark under the behinds of the 99 percent that have had enough this is democracy, this is how things really get change. By the people for the people • Thank you for starting a movement that the world has embraced to express their differences welcome to the global day of action welcome to the world occupation of hope • Thank you for waking up an angry giant that has seen too much power from the rich corporation to pollute our seas, our land, our drinking water and not be accountable for this by our governments in the past.
• Thank you for making a possibility of a third party for the middle class the 80 percent of the population American middle class party. A middle class party that express the views and the action of the middle class by the middle class. There is so many middle class that if they pooled all their money together we could actually achieve real change. • Thank you for Achieving the start of real change in putting people into the world and maybe presidency from the middle class. Achieve real change in putting people into the senate and House of Representatives from the middle class. No more 1 percent in Washington but people from the middle class now that would be real change. No right wingers , no left wingers, but the people who want change , the people in the middle • Thank you for finally giving the middle class a real voice.. let the protests continue Mike Howell ( the pirate)



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