Forum Post: Thank You - (and beware of agent provocateurs)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 9:33 p.m. EST by Gatsby
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Occupy Wall Street movement must keep promoting, using, and enforcing a socially acceptable Mahatma Gandhi non-violent civil disobedience approach to the protests or it will loose potency. More effort must be expended spreading an agenda of peace and passive resistance (instruction / education). You have to back away from and isolate your "agent provocateurs." Be wary of crowded night time situations; be extra aware of herding actions by the police. When your agent provocateurs cause trouble, isolate yourself from them and back away (run away) from any trouble they start.
You should also embrace any main-stream media, politicians, and others who wish to join or back the movement. This is not a members-only club, you want omnidirectional growth. Embrace the world and be embraced.
Otherwise ... While not 100% inclusive, I like this initial list of proposed demands for Congress:
Congress pass HR 1489 ("Return to Prudent Banking Cct"). This reinstates many provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act.
Use congressional authority and oversight to ensure appropriate federal agencies fully investigate and prosecute the Wall Street criminals.
Congress enact legislation or a constitutional amendment to protect our democracy by reversing the effects of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision.
Congress pass the Buffett Rule on fair taxation so the rich and corporations pay their fair share & close corporate tax loop holes and enact a prohibition on hiding funds off shore.
Congress completely revamp the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Congress pass specific and effective laws limiting the influence of lobbyists and eliminating the practice of lobbyists writing legislation that ends up on the floor of congress.
Congress pass "revolving door" legislation eliminating the ability of former government regulators going to work for corporations that they once regulated.
Eliminate "personhood" legal status for corporations.