Forum Post: Thank You
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 3:57 p.m. EST by underforeignsky
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Dear OWS,
Thank you for giving me hope again. I am a fortunate part of the 99%. I graduated college just over 2 years ago and have been steadily employed ever since. In the beginning it was hard, trying to buy my own health insurance and getting turned down over and over again because of a relatively common congenital heart defect, but my situation got better. I know for many it hasn't, and for that reason I wish that I could afford to be selfless enough to come join you.
I frequently look at the state of our politics and fear what is to become of us. Politicians do not answer to the voters, they answer to the 1% because those individuals pay for the campaign commercials and billboards that give them access to the 99%, and in return they maintain the status quo. Meanwhile the 99% begins to turn against itself. The elderly cannot afford to retire so they hold onto their jobs longer, while the youth continue to move into the workforce only to find that there is no place for them and that the ideal of "upward mobility" that made America great has been lost. Some say that it will return if we allow the 1% to make money unregulated, that economic prosperity will trickle down to the remaining 99%, but history shows us that this is a Lie. Nevertheless those that aspire to join the 1% tell it again and again and to some it is heard as truth. Talented liars ensure that Lie spreads through our system like a cancer, turning us against each other and escalating into the chaos that is broadcast back to us to create more chaos.
A solution may never present itself to true equality, but we can begin down that road if we can show The Lie for what it is. If we can convince this nation that our aspirations for greater cannot be met by giving more to those who already have enough, then maybe we can begin to change things. If we can change the status quo, if we can show that the power of the market comes not from the supplies granted to us but from the demand we create then maybe, just maybe we can begin to enact change.
Our leaders have the ability to act. If they refuse to allow the 1% to fund their campaigns and refuse to allow such a small portion of the population hold such overwhelming influence then perhaps we can start down the path to equality. Until then I commend all of you out there in Zucatti Park for your courage. I wish I could join you, but sadly that's not in my cards today.
Again, I Thank You, Sean