Forum Post: The Ron Lawl Dupes Are Harassing OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 1:24 a.m. EST by GypsyKing
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Ron Lawl's thinking is in direct opposition to the goals of OWS, thereofore both their posts on this website and their interactions with OWS in general can only be an attempt to coopt/fracture OWS. Pleas do not respond to posts from Paulists.
Lawn Roll 2102!
The Gilded Age was utopia.
Wow, suddenly no responders . . .Humm.
Well, it is 2:00 am eastern time after all.
Please list responders for a partial list of RP trolls on this site - more sure to follow.
I'm not trolling for Ron Paul. I'm trolling for transparency in politics.
Ron Paul, not Ron Lawl. Ron Paul, not Ron Lawl. Ron Paul, not Ron Lawl. Ron Paul, not Ron Lawl.
get real, you mean to tell me that the OWS have laid down their lives to stand up in solidarity in peaceful resistance demanding change, and their too thin skinned to handle some posts supporting Ron Lawl?! that sounds absolutely crazy to me.
OWS wants global socialism--let's get rid of money and eat figs (but who's going to grow the figs and how will they pay for the fertilizer to grow the figs)--ah we'll figure all that out. EQUALITY FOR THE WORLD--ONLY A FIG DIET FOR EVERYONE. We'll only live till 6, but who cares. EQUALITY--EQUALITY--EQUALITY!!!!!
He's about as close as a candidate can get to aligning with OWS...
yeah, Im not so keen on Obama. I want someone to fix the mess we're in, not more of the same.
Who's Ron Lawl? A funky name for Ron Paul?
For some weird reason when you post that name with a "P," in comes out with an "L".
huh? Ron Paul? Do you mean it is somehow censored?
Uhh...I think it's called free speech you nazi pig!
Get your own website. Ron can easily afford it, and I assure you no educated person will bother to go there. Over and out.
nazi fascist
I don't even know who Ron Paul is. See, I would like to learn. By censoring this information which is political in nature, it gives me a bad image of Occupy which claims to want a transparent government. How can I believe Occupy now?
BTW - This is not a troll. I really do not know who Ron Paul is. But, it bothers me that Occupy tries to hide this from me. I was hoping the transparency dream was real.
Nobody's hiding anything..
For the first two weeks after this site was created, every 2nd post was a Paulian (they are cult-like in their devotion) blasting election spam. It was truly disgusting. One of the admins was sick of it, and made the change out of frustration. I think we all like it though, so it's stuck. This is not the place to discuss an extremist Republican candidate.
OK. Thanks for the info. I guess that admin probably made the small censoring script that changes Ron Paul to Ron Lawl. If it doesn't matter anymore, they should remove the script and take this out of the forum rules. It looks lame for newcomers who are expecting Occupy to be transparent just like they wish the government was now. Double standards are always lame.
Yeah, that's what I mean.
OWS is a nazi, fascist group that said they would kill a girl who wanted to go to the authorities since she was raped by an OWSer.