Forum Post: Texas Republican Judge Switches Party, Denouncing GOP as Party of Bigots and Hate-Mongers
Posted 11 years ago on Oct. 22, 2013, 2:02 a.m. EST by WSmith
from Cornelius, OR
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Texas Republican Judge Switches Party, Denouncing GOP as Party of Bigots and Hate-Mongers
AlterNet / By Steven Rosenfeld | October 21, 2013
GOP now known for "pettiness and bigotry."
A Republican Judge from San Antonio, Texas, has announced he is quitting the GOP and will seek re-election as a Democrat, saying that he can no longer be part of political party whose identity is based on hate, bigotry and destrying people’s lives.
Bexar County Judge Carlo R. Key made his announcement in a YouTube campaign video, where the image shifts between the judge sitting at his bench and screenshots of Republicans—from Sen. Teed Cruz to state politicians—boosting their agenda or career by harming others.
Key’s words speak for themselves. Here’s a transcript, where he ends by urging others who share his moderate temperament and respectful demeanor to join him.
"I have tried to live a life of principles. These principles have been shaped by mi familia, my community and my country. In fact, it is my dedication to these principles which has lead me to the law in the first place and has guided me to becoming a judge. These values are simple. I believe that justice demands fairness. It demands careful and intelligent probing of evidence. And above all else, justice can only be served without prejudice toward race, color, creed or whom you choose to love."
"These principles have served as the bedrock upon which my rulings have been made. They are also my driving force. That is why I can no longer be a member of the Republican Party. For too long, the Republican Party has been at war with itself. Rational Republican beliefs have given way to character assassination. Pragmatism and principle have been overtaken by pettiness and bigotry. Make no mistake. I have not left the Republican Party. It left me."
"I cannot tolerate a political party that demeans Texans based on their sexual orientation, the color of their skin or their ecomonic status. I will not be a member of a party in which hate speech elevates candidates for higher office rather than disqualifying them. I cannot place my name on the ballot for a political party that is proud to destroy the lives of 100s of 1000s of federal workers over the vain attempt to repeal a law that will provide health care to millions of people throughout our country."
"That is why I am announcing that I am now running for re-election as a Democratic candidate for County Court of Law 11 in the 2014 elections. My principles have led me to the Democratic Party. I can only hope that more people of principle will follow me. If you believe these values are your values, then I respectfully ask you to join me and let’s work together to keep dignity, fairness and respect for rule of law in our county courts."
Texas Democrats welcomed the judge's decision but said they were not surprised by it.
“I'm not surprised,” said Matt Angle, director of the Lone Star Project. “Republican state leaders in Texas have moved so far out of the mainstream. They have become so divisive that fair-minded Texans are turning away. Judge Key is a prominent and respected public official, so his actions appropriately draw attention, but every day I hear from people who formerly supported Republican candidates, but now won’t do it.”
Steven Rosenfeld covers democracy issues for AlterNet and is the author of "Count My Vote: A Citizen's Guide to Voting" (AlterNet Books, 2008).
[What took him so long?]
Sweet. Another blue dog.
Most likely - and most likely not alone in choosing this tactic to remain in office. Wonder what his views were prior to the Corp(se)oRATist melt-down.
Agree. More importantly, where is he beyond the social sphere. You can scream at me all day long how bigoted that the Libertopian Teathuglicans have become and why you left but, if you refuse to address the economics or principles then you have missed it all together. First comes the act and then the justification (racism etc.)
Edit: Absolutely - acts not words. So then the past record of actions is what should be speaking to character of conduct/beliefs.
Yep. But, too, it has to be what is your stance currently. If this is a case of socially liberal but economically conservative or "small government" then it is more of the same.
Absolutely - that is why it is not what they say now - but what their past actions say about their true beliefs.
True that.
Think it would be helpful if truth in advertising was still a law ( enforced ) ?
Right. Shit...........I'll take total destruction of astroturfing for $200.
LOL - I'll take removal of fossil fuel commercials for a $1000
Oooh, daily double.
It was once a law? really? nawww.
Absolutely - even covered such things as bait and switch.
So, you mean 'hai karate' aftershave could really make it so you had to fight gorgeous girls off at all times?? There really was lotsa beef in a BK burger?? All you needed to have a really good day was 'great hold' for your hair?? when was this? 1850??:
There really was a time when the 'hai karate' commercial campaign would have been illegal. What is lots-a beef?
"What is lots-a beef?" BTW - that would have been addressed under the same law - as - deceptive practices.
Ok, I'm dating myself. Remember the Burger King commercial where the old lady is at McDonald's taking the bun off her hamburger and saying "Where's the beef??" It was in the early 70s or so, big commercial!!!!!
Basically they were commenting on the size of what McDonalds was offering as a burger patty - that for the price in comparison to others it was skimpy - it was not about the contents. Still at that time more actual beef was being used to make burgers.
I also agree. Texas is getting bluer every day. This was probably a political move rather than a moral decision.
Did the Russians reject Snowden for not being a true Stalinist?
Defectors are good, perfection is irrelevant.
Step away from the defeatism, just let it go.
A Texan RW Con Judge got fed up with Cons and their America-Hating tactics, and made it public! He is not being appointed Secretary of Labor!
Dude, deal with it. It's a problem. It's been a problem for many years. It's been discussed on this forum many, many times.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Texas Judge Carlo Key Flees the GOP: ‘These Are Not My Values’
Oct 23, 2013 5:45 AM EDT
Carlo Key sympathizes with Republican ideas but says the right wing has taken over—and it’s not about to be a ‘party of inclusion.’ Jamelle Bouie on what the GOP can learn from the defection.