Forum Post: Ten Economic Solutions that OWS should support aside from another stimulus package.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 2:08 p.m. EST by jhoffman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
1) A 0.25% multilateral currency transaction tax (Tobin Tax’s). These taxes would impact currency trades that are done across borders. The estimated revenue could potentially be half a trillion each year. Not bad for a tax that only collects 25cents off of every currency trade. This revenue could be used for numerous things from fighting poverty to mitigating the effects of climate change on a global scale. Additionally such a tax system would protect countries from currency speculation, and potentially end the chance of participating countries from defaulting. 2) A change in domestic currency laws, which would allow for small communities to introduce labor certificates whenever there is an economic downturn. The idea is exactly the same as the theory of Stamped Money. Originally proposed by Silvio Gesell and eventually implemented in 1932, the monetary reform would eventually lead to the economic miracle of Worgl. 3) Stricter insider trading laws, and especially the introduction of regulation that would mitigate the conflict of interest that is currently inherent in the Credit Default Swap market. 4) Create legislation that would require the chairman of Mutual funds to be more independent of the interests of management. The Investment Company Act of 1940 explicitly requires that Mutual Funds operate in the interests of the Shareholders, and therefore their interests should come first. 5) Close Tax Loopholes for S class Corporations in employee stock ownership plans. Those stocks were meant to benefit the workers that belong to these corporations. Finally why should S Class Corporations benefit from a tax loophole? They already are exempt from paying federal and state income tax’s. 6) Grant shareholders the legal right to nominate opposition candidates to corporate boards. 7) Promote better underwriting standards, subsidized mortgages, starter homes, and credit counseling for first time homebuyers. 8) Abolish the Debt Ceiling. The Treasury shouldn’t be hindered by anything that would prevent the issuance of new T-bills, which are needed to pay down the deficit. 9) Promote economic policies that will ensure greater stability and income equality. 10) Make society more democratic by constructing policy that encourages participation. For example shareholders, and workers should simply have more of a say in what a company does, or perhaps policy should be constructed to encourage the growth of spoke councils that currently exist within the OWS movement.
I'll be distributing my essay over the weekend at occupy philly. if anyone is interested my email is