Forum Post: Tell me I'm wrong.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 7:24 p.m. EST by Auzarin
from Delray Beach, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This group needs a message. A message that can't be spun. A message that everyone in the 99% can agree to regardless wither they watch Amy Goodman or Glen Beck. That message should be the desire to eliminate paid lobbying and the demand we want is a constitutional convention. Since our supreme court is just as corrupt a new law won't be enough.
What other single thing could be changed that would effect a greater good than this?
Why not a line from the Gettysburg Address: "Of the people, by the people, for the people."
It is inclusive to Americans of many different ideologies and it is also the heart of the matter: That the 99% have awoken to the fact that we are not being represented and that this government is not of, by or for us.
Eliminating lobbying is a good start.
I suggest something more broad-reaching: Separation of Money and State. This covers both lobbying and the fed.
Catchier phrase maybe, but does it spin? What will the corporate pundits say about it? We need a message that cannot be spun (most important part). If we can just stop the paid lobbying then the rest should fall in place over time.
It can be spun about as much as separation of church and state, I would think. Some would say religion has made its way into politics in some ways, but overall the credo has made it impossible for religious powers to have real on-the-books political power. Making sure corporations are barred similarly would do wonders for the country.
Remember we need the sheep to make this work. Never scare off the sheep.
Sorry. I meant to say religion in politics is good :) ...but not really. ;)
Your wrong......There, I told you.
thanks :)
LOL....just doing what Im told
The dollar is counterfeit.
Fund ALL Elections from a Federal Election Fund. ZERO funding other than that provided by the PEOPLE ( I don't even like "individual contributions" because the POOR can't AFFORD them, and it leaves them DISENFRANCHISED).
Stop ALL contributions from ALL SOURCES (see I don't CARE who they are or what they're ADVOCATING. They have NO RIGHT to BUY our Government. If these people have a CASE to make, let them make it directly to the PEOPLE rather than in a back-room deal with money changing hands.
Once we have our VOICE BACK, we can start UNDOING the DAMAGE the CORRUPT politicians have done. A good place to START is the Federal TAX CODE... there's almost NOTHING in there that ISN'T a "SPECIAL INTEREST."
AFTER we have our VOICE BACK, we can all engage in DEMOCRATIC DEBATE about the differences between our many FACTIONS. If we INSIST on debating those differences, NOW, we will break in many FACTIONS with no POWER.
GET OUR VOICE BACK and then use REAL DEMOCRACY to decide on all our OTHER differences.
THIS is a message that can UNIFY a VAST number of AMERICANS into a POWERFUL and IRRESISTIBLE FORCE.
I agree. But if we just pick the most important one and focus on that. Everyone needs to be wearing the same t-shirts, sporting the bumper stickers and chanting the same chants in every city in America.
The first 2 could fall under one simple demand. A 5 second sound bit. Something the sheep can sink their teeth into. If we can just get this then this country may still have a chance.
I agree. GIVE US BACK OUR GOVERNMENT is the "slogan". If someone in the media asks "What would you do?" we answer "Establish a Federal Election Fund and ban in perpetuity ALL outside money, favors, junkets, golf trips, or another other forms of compensation currently flowing to candidates and elected officials. This is the Government of the PEOPLE, and we will not have it BOUGHT !"
Throw the bums out! ie vote out all incumbents
"Congress shall make no law...prohibiting ...the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." -U.S. Constitution
Notice how it says there 'grievances' and not 'grievance.'
I reject the reductionist oversimplification of this question, it's the same reason people like Noam Chomsky don't go on prime time television. On TV people ask you questions that demand lengthy answers but then expect it in less than 15 seconds.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.- -Declaration of Independence
single thing? A balanced budget amendment - the message is "we don't care how f-ed up the government is, as long as you don't spend one penny more than we give you ($3 trillion per year) and stop borrowing my children's and grandchildren's and future greatgrandchildren's future taxes."
Imagine today, 10/13/2011 with zero national debt and the confidence that our government would balance the books every year. We Have Permission to Change the System
Not everyone is going to agree on everything...regardless the OWS is trying to represent all.
"A message that can't be spun." ...... Yeah, see, the thing is...
everyone standing behind their vote instead of hiding behind a secret ballot
our demands are simple: we only want the world!
Dr. Evil Troll, epic. lol
Okay, you're wrong. No constitutional convention. Obey the one we have, first. It's quite good, have you read it?
It's only the most sublime founding document ever in the history of mankind.
Read it. I especially like the part about article 5 which I was referring to.
It's ridiculous to amend it before actually obeying it. Try actually getting government to operate within it's constitutional mandate, first. I guarantee you, you will not improve upon the likes of Jefferson, Madison, Adams, et al.
separation of money and state is the one.
The pundits will take that phrase and spin that into the ground. The Teabaggers and evangelicals will say it sounds too much like keeping church out of government and will say it goes against the founding principles of the country. I know it's all crap but Glen Beck will make a chart about it for sure. lol
here is my suggestion:
Brilliant! About time the 99% gets greedy and takes our wealth back.
too bad you don't have the balls
I would if you'd ever take them out of your mouth and give them back.
see....just more entitlement
Your absolutely right, a man should never be entitled to his balls.
no he should earn them, fight for them, fight to keep them...but not ask to have them back
OK 99 vs. 1 Ready?
anytime. looks like we are doing pretty well so far.
Key point to your sentence "so far".
ok ill take my chances
and my balls lol
wait a said "our wealth" did you earn it somehow? How is the wealth yours?
Wealth/resources, the rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness... when the resources are accumulated and concentrated into the hands of a few, and not allowed to recirculate back into the commons, an unhealthy dynamic is set up. Money allows resources to be passed down so that even death does not release the stored resources back into the fold.In nature you take what you need, use it, share perhaps, then when you die, all that you have used go back into the loop.We humans have developed complex systems for accumulating resources,labor,etc. in the form of money. Over time the money has had less and less to do with any real representation of any goods, resources, commodities,labor, etc and had become a thing unto itself.It has no real value, except that we have all agreed(for now) that it has value. People need to have a balance of what they need, and what they can produce/procure, and what is sustainable for the whole of society. Any true capitalist will give back into the system in real meaningful ways. The problem is, we are no longer operating in base capitalism.
The wealth is American. I am American, first Anglo ancestors came over on the next boat after the Mayflower and I'm 40% Cherokee. So don't tell me to go home.
Remember majority rules and majority want our money back.
majority rules in a pure democracy that is not what we have. We are a republic - thank god. The wealth belongs to those who create it and earn it. It is not universal.
Wealth belongs to the people that have it. Before they had it someone else had it and now it's time for them to pass it on.
Because mama says "sometimes it bees that way".