Forum Post: Technology Is Driving Me Crazy!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 11, 2011, 4:04 a.m. EST by eyeofthetiger
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Seems every week I'm learning something new with technology and computers How far can they go??
Don't know if you've seen this or not:
an automated world would not need human work
I think it's exciting how technological advancement is speeding up. The status quo is losing it's grip due the advancement of technology. We will all witness a lot of change in our lives. Hopefully for the better, and there is good reason to think it will be.
Have you ever heard of the characters called The Borg from Star Trek? They are calling it "the cloud" now and soon you will be able to implant the connection to "the cloud" into your brain.
Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
yea they have everyone prepped like sheepie so they can implant some crap in us like a chip then keep track of our movements they have to catch you first of course LOL
Embrace it or die. Seriously, eyeofthetiger, the world is digital and will continue to the disadvantage of those who resist it. Remember that foreboding NYT's article that mentioned that even legal services and federal government work are being digitized and outsourced to India. Ditto for medical records. If your job can be digitized, be concerned, be very concerned.
it's already replaced tangible communication such as public hello's, phone calls at home, robots seems you can't even say hello to anyone unless you text them first? Not for me
This is why I chose a degree in Automated Systems and Robotics. Job security ; )