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Forum Post: Teatopia!!

Posted 11 years ago on April 12, 2013, 6:04 p.m. EST by shoozTroll (17632)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Yes tyranny isn't only happening in Michigan.

NC has it pretty bad too.

Yes, the State of North Carolina is turning into a Kochtarian Utopia, with McCrory as the face of a Moderate Republican and multi-millionaire Art Pope, playing the role of Dick Cheney. Mr. Pope is the CEO of Variety Wholesalers Inc. and has been active in Republican politics throughout his adult life. That is, after he co-founded The Libertarian Party as a 20-year-old college student, studying political science at UNC – Chapel Hill.


Yes the GREAT neolibe(R)tarian conquest is still very much on.

Tyranny for all the good States of the (yuk) union. ( How could the founders use that horrible word.)


The usual brothers Koch, ALEC kind of legislation.

Destroying Democracy, one State at a time.



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Proof Gov doesn't Regulate Businesses, but ... enables, protects, aides their monopoly, waives tax payments, waive poor performance of contractors, rarely finds or prosecutes contractor Fraud and is Deeply Involved in Crony Capitalism:

Wall Street banks nearly crippled the economy in 2008, wiping out the finances of thousands of innocent people, yet they still receive billions in federal dollars. Big oil corporations also receive federal subsidies while at the same time poisoning our environment with toxic chemicals. Despite a devastating oil spill in the Gulf and a recent major spill in Arkansas, oil companies have no problem getting cash from the government.

Government's primary purpose is to regulate commerce, promote health & safety, provide emergency services, mount a defense of the country, ... build roads, bridges & infrastructure which enables both commerce and National defense......

But the Government's purpose is not to Regulate People of the USA. I would say prudent program administration & budgeting relies on some proof that people collecting benefits are not committing fraud .... but I don't know what policy should be used.

If we can identify who we are giving funding & benefits to by thumbprint, drivers license, ... then we can control government spending and reduce Fraud, Waste, & Abuse to acceptable limits.

Sounds like on EBT Cards ... grocery stores & Banks are getting a piece of the action. It also sounds like people trade EBT Cards & buy things that don't help feed the family.

Austerity IS Code for: We the Government have messed up, screwed up,... the Financing and Budgets for Schools, universities, Hospitals, Municipalities, Counties, and States..... The 3 figure pensions in Chicago, The Failing Trust Funds for Universities like Harvard, Collapsing bankrupt cities, under funded Retirement Funds & Pension Funds, Investments in Zobie Hedge Funds,.... Continued Bailouts for Wall Street ..... Quadrillion in US Derivatives, ... Corporate Funding of Congress, ... and the Dependence of all of us on Federal or Banking Money combined with the Interdependence of banks to each other ...But you never hear a Politician take the Blame for the Many, Too Many, Complex, Interlocking, Financial Schemes that continue to Proliferate

Federal Government is never around to take responsibility, but always their to act like they are the solution. In reality, they show how "Brain Dead" they are by Insisting that "there is no Alternative" to give up your social security, privatize your social security, go on sequestration, take money from your bank deposit, make free loans to the incompetent free market bankers that caused the 2008 Global Collapse.... William K. Black proved out the solution in the Savings & Loan Scandal...They prosecuted 4,000 Banking people over 10 years.

Austerity is Code for a bucket full of Financial Schemes that they Can't Control. Government is to Blame for failing to enforce proper Program Administration Policies & Procedures ... that would make sure there were firm rules, proper staffing, and proper enforcement of conservative Accounting & banking Rules.**

Any Politician that Says there is no alternative, should be denounced as a "Dupe & an Idiot".

Apparently we are to live in the Wild, Wild West ... until this country collapses.

Phase #1, Deregulate Investment Banking through a Presidential Fast Track Legislation Act that allows the US President to take Authority from the US Congress.

Phase #2, Expand Influence on Universities, Education, Politicians, the US Treasury, Washington DC Politics, Government Economist, and secure relationships with judges in the Court System. This is the capstone that we call "Crony Capitalism". We want everyone in the same bed.

Phase #3, Fill the Global Financial System with Fraudulent, Worthless, AAA Rated, Financial Instruments.

Phase #4, When the Economic Collapse hits must secure government bailouts by declaring a "National Emergency", this will be done by minimizing blame to low level players and a few bad eggs.

Phase #5, US President controls Department of Justice & the FBI through cabinet appointments and makes sure everyone knows that all American Institutions are linked to the Financial Risks ... and that all Financial Conventions must stay in place with minimal changes to private banking .... in order to keep the system moving, keep the system going, maintain the "Status Quo".... The message is that everyone can be happy and banks can continue to fund America's projects.

Phase #6, Few people really understand American Finance and how all States, banks & Businesses are linked and Corrupted by these Complex, Interlocking, Financial Schemes... So Media is not to dwell on the details or the Banks Involved. America must be kept dumb and in the dark to how networks & Crony Capitalism have set up critical relationships that enabled this financial take over. Media Reports will be reminded that they have a corporate career and must be followers and team players.

Phase #7, Whistleblowers must be discouraged through liberal bonus payments and promises of support for their career and references for their character. Since the Financiers of the World control "War & Peace", "Prosperity & Famine", ...no leaks will be tolerated and court systems will be used to keep whistleblowers in line and book writing will be termed "Career Ending". Military Whistleblowers will be treated accordingly.

Phase #8, We have the Wild, Wild, West of Financing in the USA which is characterized as higher and higher risk & Future Obligations for Tax Payers & Local Government ... & Lower Risk for Investment Bankers.

Phase #9, The USA Collapses from both Price Inflation & Deflation of the Dollar at the same time, The dollar ends up with half it's value just like the Mexican Peso in the 1980s. Rich people move out of country to foreign compounds if they like. Streets, bridges, & US Infrastructure all over the US fall apart except for where toll roads have been purchased by corporations.

Phase #10, Europe & third world countries actually seem to do better in the Depression ... since there infrastructure has already gone through Austerity, Depression, and other calamities.

Phase #11, now we know why we have DHS, Domestic Spying Operations, FEMA Camps, Militarization of our Culture & Our Police, and why Gun Control is more important than our "National Security in Finance and Financial Links through everything" and "No One is worried about the Loss in Federal Taxes and Payroll Taxes Due to Off Shore Corporations & Military Contractors".


[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Libe(R)topia, teatopia, whatever you choose to call it, It's spreading, to the detriment of all of us.


[-] 3 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

We R Screwed without the internet. They won't charge the Governor. We can think of both civil or Criminal charges, but they won't charge the guy. Influence Peddling, coercion, corruption, threatening, threatening retaliation against employment, conspiracy, RICO....

Bench mark Standards would work. Make Clear Instructions and penalties for interference and threats in these cases.

In fact we have too much influence of the courts by wealthy corporations and people. I have written about this before. Set clear standards to keep court cases short. Write in protections for common guy on Main Street. in fact the federal government gets tons of grievances all the time... the only way to handle them is to set clear rules, standards, bench marks.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

If they can't win, they intimidate.

"The names of the Sun Journal’s sources are being withheld because they “fear retribution by the administration.” They reported feeling that their jobs were at stake, feeling “bullied, harassed and intimidated” by the Governor, who asked them to do things like missing federal deadlines in order to give employers more time to prepare cases against employees."

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 11 years ago

We need background checks for the Wall Street bankers. Oops. I forgot, they'd all come up clean.....

[-] 3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago
[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 11 years ago

Yes! LOL.

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

We MUST worry about that guy on welfare smoking a joint, but some drunken cokehead playing with the Worlds economy?

That's OK. We can ignore that, they can afford it.

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

But rather than target corporations, Republicans would rather target single mothers who are struggling to get by. They would rather target hungry children. They would rather target the homeless and the unemployed. They would rather target the sick.

Target anyone else but the corps. Yep.

[-] 4 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Gotta keep those fallopian tubes well regulated, don't you know.


ALEC legislation?

You bet!

Facilitated by the SPN?

You bet again!

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

And this is why they are douche bags.

[-] 3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Too bad it's not the only reason though.


An oldie, but a still relevant goodie.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

That's part and parcel.

[-] 3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago


It's gone up by close to 200.


Anti-choice, the real way of the libe(R)tarian.

[-] -1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Again, this is why they are douche bags. Those fucknuts need to be fired. Every one of 'em.

[-] 3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Since so few around here, other than you and me, care much about public unions. I think you will find this uplifting.

In spite of the bats. Do we really want them walking around with guns??

Andrew, a junior and student athlete at East Side High School who declined to give his last name, said he saw a security guard carrying a bat at the front exit for hours. Andrew was reluctant to offer even his first name because his coach warned players that if they participated in the walkout they could be benched.

"After the walkout, I saw at least one security guard holding a softball bat. He was walking around with it and standing at the front door," he said. There were rumors that security guards were swinging bats at students, but Truthout was unable to verify this.

The reason they were threatened?

Sticking up for public schools in the face of Christie's austerity.


[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

"For the last three years Governor Christie has waged a concerted attack on Newark students," said Bazile, in an NSU press release. "He keeps saying that he's given New Jersey schools unprecedented levels of support, but what he doesn't say is that his hand was forced by the Supreme Court after they found his first year cuts violated our constitutional rights to a thorough and efficient education."

And if they don't get their way then it's intimidation tactics?

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

I do believe, that's exactly what they did, and will happily do again as long as this kind of thing is ignored by TV.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

was there ever any doubt that this would be the result of cops with guns in the schools?


" Nationwide, hundreds of thousands of students are arrested or given criminal citations at schools each year. A large share are sent to court for relatively minor offenses, with black and Hispanic students and those with disabilities disproportionately affected, according to recent reports from civil rights groups, including the Advancement Project, in Washington, and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, in New York.

Such criminal charges may be most prevalent in Texas,

where police officers based in schools write more than 100,000 misdemeanor tickets each yearaid Deborah Fowler,

the deputy director of Texas Appleseed, a legal advocacy center in Austin. The students seldom get legal aid, she noted, and they may face hundreds of dollars in fines, community service and, in some cases, a lasting record that could affect applications for jobs or the military….Black students in the school district in Bryan, [Texas,] [activists] noted, receive criminal misdemeanor citations at four times the rate of white students."

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

School to prison pipeline. You know, that report has been out for almost a decade I want to say and this year is the first year that people have really picked up on it.

Folks, this is the internet, news is supposed to travel faster than that. Just saying.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

You have to go places other than Alex Jones.

You have to listen to people, other than Breitbart.

You have to WANT to learn what is happening, and then accept it, when you learn it.

Teatopia in Wisconsin.

Or was it libe(R)topia?


Wanna bet that changes if someone other than (R)epelican'ts are in charge?

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Ya, I saw that. In fact, I just posted that the other day but I can't remember if it was a link in a thread or a thread.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Well then there's still this guy. A guy that never seems to stop lying.


Isn't he for guns in schools too?

[-] -3 points by eviltrillionaire (-146) 11 years ago

Ahhhhh bullshit.

If you want the freedom to screw, don't ask the tax payers to pay for the next 18 years because you can't get your life together. I couldn't give two shits about single mothers, the homeless, etc., just like they couldn't give two shits about anyone else.

Your right to freedom includes my right to be free from you.

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Why are you here? You're not a trillionaire. You must be one of their lapdogs.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Off to Galts gulch for you then.

It's in Somalia.

When you leaving?

Soon I hope.

You won't want to shit there either.

Though I wonder why you keep shitting all over America, and it's people.

[-] -2 points by kandy4 (-81) 11 years ago

Uh oh!...Looks like yet another shrieking little bitch liberal blog here, blaming the Koch Brothers for all evil in America.

Time to Change your tampon shooz.

[-] -3 points by kandy4 (-81) 11 years ago

Strange concept for communist liberals here...free choice. They can't comprehend why people would not enjoy being FORCED to join a union, and have your dues go to support liberal candidates.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Yer an idiot with kandy for brains.

Have considered getting an actual life??

Perhaps a job, even?

WallyWorld want's you as an associate.

[-] -1 points by kandy4 (-81) 11 years ago

I posted a fact. Deal with it. It's about free choice.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Yes, you did post that you have kandy for brains.

Wally World is still awaiting your loyalty as an associate.

You know you need a job, and you know you're loyal to all things anti-union.

Become a low paid associate today..............:)

Make the "choice" to make the Waltons richer that Satan!!!

It's your destiny.

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 11 years ago

You haven't been forced to join a union. Prove your "fact"