Forum Post: Teabaggers Everywhere???
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 10:52 a.m. EST by theainavl
from Asheville, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I just joined this forum and have been going through the posts and am saddened that a large majority of them seem to be from these people spouting off about "personal responsibility". I am all for personal responsibility but its hard to be "personally responsible" when you can't afford things like a health care policy. Its hard to pay your bills when you are working two jobs, going to school full time and its still not enough money to get ahead. I thought coming on this forum would be a safe haven from the right wing nut jobs that seem to live in a land filled with twirly whirly gum drops and rainbows. I am sick and tired of hearing this "I worked hard I'm ok so you should be too" mantra. There are no jobs, the ones that are out there are low paying with no benefits, but it hasnt stopped me from working. Why is it the only people that are allowed to claim they "work hard" are the ones that have the good job, the health benefits, the trophy wife, the rich husband? Why aren't the rest of us allowed to claim that we work hard too, but can't seem to get out of the hole?
I think it's insensitive to just say that everyone should just suck it up like I did and get a job.
On the other hand you have to understand why it is so hard to get a job today with good benefits health care etc.
As a business owner, I can't afford to hire you right now. I can't afford to hire my own kids let alone you. My sales are down 50% from 5 years ago. My costs have gone through the roof. Insurance goes up every year. So do utilities, labor costs, products etc.
While this is happening, less people want my product.
I'm being crushed by govt regulations, the constant threat of litigation. Someone breaks there tow outside my store and it costs me $25,000 in legal fees.
Things aren't going to get easier until the govt gets smaller. This movement needs to be in Washington DC where the real problem is.
Everytime someone says the government has to get smaller, the government removes or reduces assistance or programs that are necessary. It decides that we can't afford to feed or house people, we can't afford to educate our young, we can't afford to police the streets. It doesn't decide that government officials can drive their own cars to work, that we have killed enough people half-way around the world and could probably stop spending trillions on killing any more, that we are not being paid to be the "world police" by the rest of the world, that we can't afford to spend money on flying into space with million dollar toilets or that we can't afford to spend money on studies that tell us things that we already know. Our government thought it would be cool to allow American companies to take their jobs out of our country to save money and make more profits. Little did they know that without jobs, Americans can't buy your products. I am still waiting to hear what happened to the 2.3 Trillion dollars the Pentagon misplaced back in 2001. It is our money they are losing.
This can spread to every town and city in the country. You're very right. Corporations have gone too far. The government has lost their minds, and the people are fed garbage and are taught to believe it. For those who have jobs, good, but what happens when the next wave of this recession hits us and they too lose their jobs? We're all at major risk and we have to stand now as one people to make any change. Everyone needs to realize that. The security that people feel is false if we can't keep our own freedom.
No, the right wing sends these people out to shout down every effort at real reform.
A large number of the ones beating their chests about hard work and self sacrifice are one paycheck away from disaster, just like the rest of us.
They bootlick the corrupt rich because they jackassedly believe that one day, they too, will be a billionaire.
they think they can win by filling up this forum. i don't think so
"they think they can win"
What is it that OWS and the TP have in common? COMMON ENEMIES - we are both against the 1% that have taken control of our country dude! Why are some in the OWS fighting us - the tea partiers - when we have common goals to pursue - this divide mentality makes no sense with 'the 99', right?
Very well said, keep up the good work and good fortune will follow if you are lucky. David
the people who work the hardest are usually in the "work 2 jobs school full time + any other responsibilities" category
Yes, I agree. It's sad to see so many TBaggers and Ron/Rand Paul-bots here trying to push their lunatic fringe mesage.
Also you make a good point about the uniformed assumptions many on the right are making about the people of this movement.
I know, right? I don't understand why its assumed that the left are a bunch of "lazy people wanting entitlements". I don't want a hand out, I want a hand up.
There is one thing uniting this movement: the belief that it is OK to rob Peter to pay Paul. And the more worthless Paul is, the better. That is what people are reacting to. We're sick of having the proceeds of our labor stolen and gifted to dirtbags. And meanwhile, after gifting the money, the people who stole it from us claim moral credit for doing so and damn us for earning the money in the first place. Somehow, it is evil to make money, but it isn't evil for a dirtbag to accept it.
RIGHT!!! This past year I have literally had to write bad checks just to keep things like elec and water on. Once the check bounces I am charged $35, but since the companies REFUSE to grant any sort of extension to keep these bills on, this kind of thing buys me some time to come up with the money, which somehow I always manage to do. You can't tell me the elec companies aren't profiting and of course the banks get $35 every time I bounce a check. Its a never ending cycle. And I am an educated woman living in the US!!! Its ridiculous.
Yeah, who is the REAL dirtbag that is stealing? Thats the question. I think I know the answer and it isnt the poor. It never was.
Cut your expenses to match your budget. You're on a computer which means you have internet access and a computer. Or you're posting from a smart phone which is even more expensive per month.
Have you looked at what the government takes out of your check every month? Imagine if you could keep more of that money instead of it being thrown down ratholes.
This is how tone deaf you guys are. What do you want her to cut, electric?
Oh shut up you flea-bitten hippie.
And I can't cut out anymore. I have cut my budget to the bare bones. Again, cable and the internet are my luxuries.
I am in school full time and ALL my classes are hybrid, so yes, i do pay for cable and internet which is the one luxury we have. The $20 a week that comes out of my check really wouldn't amount to a hill of beans.
So you contribute $80 a month to the tax system and you're complaining? Get back to your books. Work hard. Study hard. When you're done, either find a job or start your own business. You probably won't ever be rich if you go get a job but you'll likely be comfortable. If you start your own business you'll probably go bankrupt a couple times, but in the end you might, I repeat might make a decent living for yourself.
I am not complaining about TAXES. I am complaining about low wages, lack of healthcare and being inundated with debt. Get it straight.
No, trust me....this person is clueless and will not get a clue. They dont get how it is to be stuck in. They dont get it and you will never convince them otherwise.
Who forced you to take on the debt? And for God's sake I hope you're not majoring in some stupid assed fake major. Anything with the word 'studies' at the end of it is a stupid assed fake major, just in case you're wondering.
I am in a Social Work, Human Services program with a minor in substance abuse counseling. I worked in the non profit sector for a while and loved the work. A degree in it means I would make more money while having a job I enjoy.
A government job. Sweet. You'll make 2.5 times what you would make in the private sector and have an outrageous pension. Keep going. You're almost there.
Yeah, you're right. Tomorrow I am going in, changing my major to STOCK BROKER. Because God knows, we don't need people out there HELPING people with things like substance abuse and counseling. BY GOD we need MORE BANKERS. Wow.
You'd never make near as much as a stock broker and you would work 80-100 hours a week for years before you ever saw a dime and then only if you were able to successfully climb the ladder. Seriously. Stick with the government job. The really sweet thing, besides making FAR more money than you're worth, is that when you retire at 50, you'll have a pension that guarantees a certain amount per month, regardless of whether the capital is there or not. You have an UNLIMITED claim on other people's money that way. Do it.
And by the way, I didn't have cable or internet for years while I was starting my business. And I cooked my own food, a lot of which I grew myself to cut costs. This is reality. I'm sorry but if you want the prize you have to fight.
I do cook my own food. And again, I am in school full time, working two jobs. If I did not have the internet I would not be able to get as much school work done. I would have to leave my children and go to the library, or a coffee shop to get school work done. Its a necessity in my world.
You should look into being able to deduct your internet if you are using it for school. I'd bet you could get some of the money back.
All of you are wrong. We are in the midst of a global financial crisis. Wake up and look at what is happening to Europe!
Our country has been sold up the river by all three branches of government.
1) Congress keeps spending money and isn't listening to you. This was happening way before the Tea Party, which was hijacked by the establishment republicans quite awhile ago.
2) The U.S. Supreme Court recognizes corporations as people with rights - do you think they're on your side? 3) Obama talks a good game, but has he kept any of his campaign promises? He has perpetuated every bad policy of Bush's and thrown 5 more wars in, to boot.
Look, the Pauliites are right about the Federal Reserve - our currency is worthless and has already been set up for hyperinflation. After the Eurozone goes down, the U.S. dollar will follow suit, be it in weeks or months.
Every empire in history that falls eventually debases its currency and thereby robs the people. Rome wasn't invaded from throughout, it rotted from within. And in the end, they drove 'the rich' out and even their military wouldn't fight for them anymore because they were stealing everyone's money through taxes and impoverishment, and spending it on invading other countries and on lush banquets for themselves.
Also, who is responsible for the devastation of our manufacturing sector? Republicans? What, Clinton signed NAFTA into law, right? Democrats through the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world? NO! The Tea Party gained popularity because they knew something was rotten in Denmark, which is why OWS is happening now.
Wake up!! Prepare for the Greatest Depression, because it is already here. The people who say 'quit whining' are wrong, because the whining is justified, and it is going to get a hell of a lot worse. The people who say 'tax the rich' are wrong, because the honest rich people are only going to leave, and the dishonest rich people are never going to pay taxes anyway!
We are living in the Weimar Republic. Stop quibbling on two false sides of bad argument. Our federal government is rotten to the core.
You'd better start setting your sights on Washington, D.C., - because our own government is the problem, not Wall Street.
TPs are identified as authoritarian personalities.
Part of that is loyalty to the authorities that they adopt. Overcoming any point that has been provided by an authority is nearly impossible. They look to their authorities for leadership and answers, apply the litmus test to potential authorities, and reject people, ideas, and opinions that counter their beliefs. They won't accept your ideas because you are not an authority, and their authorities are telling them the movement is a socialist based attack on everything they believe in. Do not count on their support, and be prepared to accept that they will oppose the movement ideologically, despite any common ground. Expect that you will see them become organized against you as you are being made to appear as a threat by those who manipulate them.
"Teabaggers Everywhere???"
Ridiculous insult to people that you'll need in your fight...with that one comment you prove 'the 99' is nothing but FAKE spin. Tell us the TRUTH about 'the 99' and what you really are.
If you want to be the 99, I'd suggest a slight humility in who the 99 really are - and I'd suggest reaching out to this group as we share many areas in common.
The 1% wants nothing more than to divide us and have us fight this way.
"They" -- "we" -- How can you claim to represent the "99%" when you continue to deem anybody who is a TEA Partier as an enemy? You draw the line in the sand and then continue to claim the 99%. You can't have it both ways. I really want to believe this movement can have a chance, and every time I think there is a chance, I read moronic posts like this that do nothing but serve to divide... Sorry, but I'm not a TEA Partier, and I'm not in the 1% -- but most importantly, I am not in your 99% as long as I read tripe like this.
Divide and Conquer is the oldest technique in the world. All constituents across the board have been lied to by their representative government and all constituents have valid grievances. Don' fool your self into being divided. Acknowledge other peoples grievances and see how they may be more susepticle to what you have to say. There needs to be a national dialogue that has yet to take place. Why not here and why not NOW?
hey life is hard and unfair but the poorest of the poor still has it better than the poor in the rest of the world. BUT we do want change in the US now!
I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, but there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers yourselves. Consequently, I have posted the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
Thou shalt not feed the trolls.
My wife is not a trophy wife ( not sure what that means or why it is alluded to in the OP ) but I love her for who she is and what she does....
And she did not marry a rich man but I do know what love is.....
The Boston Tea Party was a direct action by colonists in Boston, a town in the British colony of Massachusetts, against the British government and the monopolistic East India Company that controlled all the tea imported into the colonies. - from Wikipedia
Just to fill in the blanks in your knowledge of a "tea party". Your movement is just a rehash of the communist revolution of the 20th century repackaged and marketed. Bow down to your puppet master George Soros and ask for more money to finance your operation; that is the glaring hypocrisy which you reveal to the real world. Know it. Now you can censor this post and delete the account like you have before and continue to follow your censoring totalitarian example, so far this is your track record. Pitiful
OWS does not oppose hard work, of course. It opposes the gains of our hard work being disproportionately appropriated by a corrupt class of business executives, who use their leverage to influence government policy in their favor and to escape any accountability for their actions.
The 1% are the world bankers who made this system to screw you and they pay off the governments and the goons who work for them to do their dirty work while they control you and the world. Get the evil top bankers and the evil people who work for them and lock them up and you might find that life gets better for the 99%.
Exactly! This is very much the case for the average American. The wealthy people don't seem to understand this though, living in their money bubbles.
The protest are a demonstration of our frustration at this very situation, but it still falls short of showing the wealthy our actual hard work that seems to yield nothing.
If they had to work and live like us for say... 2 weeks (until they get a pay check) then they might understand.
YES! Thank you! These are the kind of people I was hoping to find on here. People that GET IT.
You're in NC? Do you have any people interested in doing a meet-up? I'm in SC and I'm pushing for a Myrtle Beach meet-up, but I am idealist and really hoping for a large turn out. If we could really rally a lot of people we could potentially organize a protest that could get numbers close to the ones up north.
I'm afraid that not many people in the south east are going to come out for it.
I'm in Asheville, I am CERTAIN there are more here interested.
Okay well will you do your best to rally support in your area? If you check out that link, BlackOps is talking about holding a big meet-up in Charlotte.
i'll do what I can. Keep me informed.
You do the same.
I've personally posted the phrase "personal responsibility" a few times here recently. I didn't do that until I had spent a day here reading, and my reading brought me to the conclusion that there are only two rough point of consensus among the protesters:
Both of those points ignore personal responsibility. Government IS responsive, to people who vote. Young liberals feel at government doesn't represent their concerns, and that's right. It doesn't, because they don't bother to fulfill their civic responsibility and vote. The tea baggers had their rallies, gave their speeches, and then went out and voted, and now government is more responsive to their concerns. And blaming Wall Street for all of our problems completely ignores the key factor that crashed our economy in 2007. People bought a bunch of stuff that they couldn't afford. The calls for debt forgivness from the protesters grate on the nerves of people who had the sense to not buy a bunch of stuff that they couldn't afford.
Tea party people want nothing to do with this because they figured it was a scam or political ploy. Turns out they are right.
I came to this site Friday night to offer my assistance as a non-profit organizer. I can do basic coding of web pages, accounting, and other functions.
Mainly I wanted to get some sanitation facilities out to Zucotto (sic) park.
In a matter of about 20 minutes I found over 15 contact listings, and left vmail and email on every one of them.
24 hours later, no response. They aren't even updating the site anymore.
Where did everyone, and the "tens of thousands" of dollars go?
Well, the General Assembly never was in the US, they are operating out of a hotel room somewhere in Nicaragua, and the money has been deposited in a Central American bank.
How could the people do this to our citizens, how can members of our government support this?
They have to know, it only took me 20 minutes to find out, and they had days and hundreds of people on their staffs.
Maybe you should work two jobs and go to school part time?
I would, but that would mean being in school for much longer. I am "old" at 42 and I need to get back into a job with health benefits. That won't happen until I am out of school.
Work part time at Starbucks, UPS, or Fed Ex... to just name a few.
Lmao! I have tried unsuccessfully for YEARS to get on at Starbucks, UPS and Fedex. I was called in for an interview at Starbucks back in 1999, but did not get the job. I have never been called in for an interview at UPS or Fedex. Just because these jobs are there, doesn't mean you will get them.
We have been USED by the "General Assembly" for whatever they could raise. Tens of thousands of dollars raised and it all went to a bank in Central America.
"Tea Baggers...would be a safe haven from the right wing nut jobs" - what??! Why do you disparage us?? How can you even dream of calling yourself part of 'the 99' without us?
You make NO SENSE whatsoever. Shame, as we could be working together against our common enemies.
Ron Paul 2012.
We all have to work hard for what we want because it's not an easy system. That's for us who want social institutions and those who don't. There as many different opinions as people. I think the teabaggers/conservatives want individuals to put in their part and are sick of those who take advantage of social institutions. It would be lovely in my opinion if social assistance(unemployment assistance, welfare) required work to earn it. This work should involve mandatory "volunteering" for non-profit organizations part-time to earn the money. It's so easy to sit back and watch TV in a subsidized house on welfare or child support check, when it's hard enough just to get a job. I've watched people I love do this it's real. What I really want to see is our communties working to help each other as much as we help ourselves. By helping each other we will be helping ourselves.
I would love if it was easier to entreprenuer. So many of us can't do it, whether it's through lack of education on the subject or lack of a nest egg to draw from. The FICO system and bank loans are horribly daunting. I've bought into Sallie Mae loans and am terrified of how long it'll take me to pay it back. There isn't enough work in my field for me to make the money I hoped to. I work a bottom level job at a hotel..... I keep deferring my loans and the interest builds up. REALLY our system needs an overhaul so we can ALL pitch in and ALL reap the benefits. I don't want my tax dollars paying for politicians' children's INHERITANCE and RETIREMENT when it's doubtful I'll be able to get the same for myself and my children. I have high hopes still and may yet achieve the income I want... but for so many it will not happen!
More importantly, I would like to see a wholesale "workfare" situation in which people make a check to provide different services. This is better than a system of stamps and all this crap. Just get people working and cut them a check. Personally, I think right now, there are an awful lot of those on welfare who would like to be off. I think some people dont like being characterized as "lazy" because they had to get assistance or unemployment at one time. That is the side of the Tea Party I continue to dislike.
You are so f'n misinformed! I'm a liberatarian/conservative! I have lost my job because of what Barney Frank/Chris Dodd did to the mortgage industry. I HAD a good job. Not great but comfortable. MOST conservatives are ordinary, normal everyday people that just want to live our lives by OURSELVES! I don't need or expect the rich or the gov't to help me. I am now working part-time, with no benefits and going to school FULL-time, and raising three kids! I NEVER blame the rich. Its the GOVERNMENT that cause ALL of this.... ALL of it!
Thats the trouble. You blame the puppet rather than the puppet master. And the puppet master does not mind at all because this also lends support to all of the things he wants to do. Think about it: He wants no regulations, he wants no taxes, he wants cheap labor.....all of it playing right into his hands. You have been mislead by hating the government into not seeing the big picture.
You seem pretty intelligent and you are somewhat dead right! BUT, we MUST change the gov't or the cronyism/corruption will never end. As long as we have people in office like Barney Frank, that is willing to let the economy go down the drain under his watch, in order to protect his buddies, we can never solve the problems and grow.
But you will never, ever, change the government or have responsible people in it, so long as unlimited money continues to flow.
Save it for the your socialist party meetings. I think it is sad that you read through all this material and still can't figure it out.
Gum drops and rainbows? Take a look in the mirror, sister. If you think Obama and Big government are the answer, you are sadly mistaken.
But your response has given me nothing. Since all you guys have it figured out, maybe you can let me in on the secret.
Read my 10-odd posts from the past 3 days- they are easy to find since they have the most comments.
So you should not have to work for anything? How do you value anything if is is not earned? Right now you are learning what it takes to become successful. Working 2 jobs. I did that through college. Taught me how to value money and use my resources. You will learn these things then you will apply them to the rest of your life. Now I have the good job, benefits, trophy wife. But, I know what it took to get it. Don't give up, you are almost there.
Who ever told you this is the antiwork coalition? These people want JOBS, there are not enough of them. There are five people for every job. Why do you believe these people are against working?
There is work out there. Maybe not the sit behind the computer and CEO work that they want. Not much work being done by all these people sitting at home on their computers or protesting.
Well maybe you can tell me how to do it, because I am EXHAUSTED. I work two jobs, my back is killing me from being on my feet bartending all night, just to come home with $20 in tips. I am behind in all my bills right now, but somehow I just made the honor society and am rocking a 4.0. I am back in school after being laid off (yet again), I live in constant fear that I will get sick (can't afford health insurance) or my car will break down (savings are GONE) so since you seem to have it all figured out, maybe you can let me in on the secret. And while you're at it, maybe you can send me some money to see a chiropractor. You see, my back is killing me and I have a sink full of dishes and a house to clean. What makes you think I don't value money and don't use my own resources? I am 40 years old living on less money than I was making in my 20's. I am EXHAUSTED.
Hmmm.. sounds like a lot is missing in your story. You have made certain choices in you life. Here is the secret: learn from your mistakes, create value for people. $20 in tips is a bit revealing. High value people never have to look for works because they are always needed. Your situation is not that bad. I did this in college. Worked all kinds of jobs. Car broke down? Learn to fix it. I did. Don't give up. Don't give up. Don't give up.
Keep going. I'm sure having obnoxious Teabaggers posting dismissive nonsense on our message boards will make us less angry and the protests will come to an end.
Damn, you figured me out. A bunch of angry babies never scared anyone. The protests will end soon because there is no leadership. No one in the group has any experience. So, like a herd of cats they will run home when it gets a bit cold. Trust me on this. I can foretell the future.
Lack of leadership may be a strength beyond your reckoning.
Wow, your good. I can still foretell the future of this movement.
Yeah, you're right! When I had to quit that good paying job four years ago to help care for my dying father was MY MISTAKE! Damn it! I am so stupid! I should have just kept the job and let my son of a bitch father DIE ALONE! And then when the economy collapsed, taking the jobs, I should have turned tofill in blank to pay the bills!! You're a GENIUS! Why didnt I meet you sooner! Wow.
Its comments like the above that make me sick. High value people never have to look for work????? You need your head examined. There are NO JOBS and the ones that are there, are low paying. I have had a horrific time finding something that would work around my class schedule. You seriously need your head examined.
Hey you gotta do what you have to do. I am sure you thought of what could happen if you quit your job. You valued taking care of you father, so you went for it. That was your decision. Not many people have that kind of courage. This does not mean all is lost. Look around you and figure out how to create value for others and be positive.
Its hard to be positive when your back is killing you from working all night, you are behind in ALL the bills. And I have looked around me and figured out how to create value, thats why I am back in college pursing a degree in social work with a minor in substance abuse. But I don't know how much longer I can hang on living day to day like this with no health care, and no money. You just don't get it.
Alright, you are complaining about not having money and getting a degree in social work and substance abuse? Have you ever met someone that had a great living in that area? You can hang on and you will get ahead. It is once you, and only you make that decision, have lost.
Well, who is making the money? Can you tell me? Teachers make about the same starting wage. Short of trying to become a doctor or lawyer, who is making the money? Businesses shut down daily, so starting one is a huge risk. Once again, no answers, only hot air.
Nurses do pretty well. Engineers do well. Not to sure about lawyers, too many have graduated over the past 5 years. Teaching is another profession not known for great lifestyles. What you are inquiring about is your life quest. Look hard, discover, there is a large world out there.
Nursing is not for me. Its just not an area that I have any interest in working in, not to mention, math and science aren't strong points of mine. We already have too many people doing jobs that they aren't cut out for. Engineering? That just seems silly.
Good on you for taking care of your father. Its best when individuals help out their loved ones instead of holding a gun to their neighbors' heads and demanding that they do it.
Here's the thing, like the above poster said, this kind of thing in their world is a "mistake". As he said " I am sure you thought of what could happen if you quit your job." So the alternative was what? NOT be there for my father when he was dying? Why does a person in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA even have to make choices like this? You're damned if you do, damned it you don't.
Life's a bitch and then you die. Lots of people have bad shit happen to them and then they dig their way out of the hole and get back on their feet. You'll get there. Its a great country, despite the recession.