Forum Post: Tea Party vs Occupy
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 6:49 p.m. EST by fulltilt
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Just out of curiosity:
The tea party marches on Washington et al with no arrests or instances of violence and a clear plan of what it is dissatisfied with, protesting its dissatisfaction with government and allies of this movement call them "terrorists, " "racists," and mock them as "teabaggers." This movement seems to have no agenda other than disliking...something. Are you hippies all seriously that high?
Judge not lest ye be judged. Everybody doesn't behave or think alike. The teapartiers and the occupy crowd all agree that we've been getting screwed by big business and big government for decades.
I've never called the Tea Party those names. They are angry at the same things we are. However they have been persuaded somehow to side with the very ones who they initially were angry with.
Obama created this mess of an economy? I didn't realize he was in office in September 2008 and the 2007 lead up, and the decline of the real estate market after 2005..
Just look at what the Tea Party was originally for. Smaller government and anti-Wall Street corruption. Sounds a lot like Occupy, actually.
The left-wing media supports the narrative of Tea Party racism, just as the conservative media supports the narrative of Occupy as a bunch of sky-high hippies. They always try to divide the people, since that is what sells. Stop being a tool of the media, since that is in essence what you're complaining about.
The Tea Party did end up becoming co-opted by corporate interests - that's my one and only problem with their movement.
Y'all need to be bitchin at the Whitehouse and Mr. Obama, not Wall St. They didn't create this mess of an economy, Obama's policies did.
yeah obamas policies created a world wide debt crisis. ignorance..
OH, your right, his policies stopped it!
FACT 1- I don't support Obama. Right now I support no one.
Show me how Obama's policies 'created this mess.' Specific policies and your perceived take on their effects on the economy.
no, it was the ideal of trickle-down economics from a certain party.
I think that there are so many issues that OWS is angry about it is hard to pin point one clear objective. We are angry at the government too and all are not "hippies" who are "high". Just frustrated angry Americans.
I still don't know the Tea Party agenda
I don't either. Maybe to roll back the country to the 1700's?
right, "no taxation without representation"
sounds like a call for government transparency
High? Not yet!!!!
Joking, straight edge here.
You forget that they are there because they feel wronged in some way. If you hang out at the protests or talk to some of them, you'll see what they are not happy with and will give you a large list.