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Forum Post: Tea Party Talking about Occupy Wall Street.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 8:34 p.m. EST by vega57th (3) from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There trying to discredit this movement because the Tea Party leaders are the corporate fat cats who want to keep this countries tax system unfair to favor the rich. Thats pretty much been their agenda since day one. Making sure the bush tax cuts stay in place no matter what.

Here's their link from Tea Party . Org trying to steer people away from Occupy Wall Street. http://www.teaparty.org/article.php?id=1525



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[-] 8 points by Redmist (212) from Yazd, Yazd 13 years ago

I was a member of the tea party but they got hijacked, I am afraid that will happen to this one as well. Money can move anyone!

[-] 1 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 13 years ago

"Pavlov's Politicians" is what we need.

That is, forget left or right, but get votes for the pol who takes the least money from WS/ is least controlled by the 1%.

I do think that they are trainable.

[-] 4 points by aaronparr (597) 13 years ago

Don't villify the Tea Party. The populism behind the Tea Party is the same as that pushing the Occupy movement. The Tea Party was not about protecting corporate fat cats from day one. It was about calling to account corruption in washington, and outrage at giving taxes to feed that corruption. Their anger may be directed at government primarily instead of the 1%, and ours may be primarily focused at the 1%. The truth however is that BOTH are the problem right now. Its a systemic problem as the rich control our government. They are one and the same.

Get the Tea PArty on your side. Even if the voice of the Tea Party is now bought and paid for by the Koch brothers. This could be a great opportunity to delegitimize that voice by inviting Tea Party faithful to join with us, showing them that our cause is the same, and re-empower the populist anger on the Right by giving it a proper outlet. If they want to Occupy DC and focus on government corruption instead of occupying Wall Street and calling out the corrupting influence of the rich more power to them.

We are all on the same side! We want our government back. We want our economy back. We want power out of the hands of those that are destroying this country. But we need to work together. Or at least in parallel. I still support the spirit of the Tea Party. I agree with their anger. I do not agree with those that coopted the party inorder to strengthen Republican power in place of the people's power, but so be it. These things happen. Fight on. And know that the 99% our all our allies in this fight. Even if they are told the opposite.

[-] 1 points by NorthWind (9) from Hoboken, NJ 13 years ago

The TEA Party people will never join Occupy. They are funded by and evangilize the idoeology of oligarchy, all the time deluded that the ideology is for their freedom. They are slaves building their own prison.

[-] 2 points by RobRob (45) from Manhattan, NY 13 years ago

The Tea party has joined like it or not they are part of the 99%

[-] 2 points by NorthWind (9) from Hoboken, NJ 13 years ago

The TEA Party was never a pure movement. They are the subjects of propoganda put out by the free market think tanks. If your city has a free market think tank, that is where to Occupy.

[-] 1 points by number2 (914) 13 years ago


[-] 3 points by Justice4All (285) 13 years ago

Tea Party has been coopted, voluntarily, by special interests. It began as a pure movement against banking corruption and domination of international corporations in U.S. policy making.

Now, they want (a) estate taxes repealed and (b) reductions in self-funded social security.

Frankly, it is absurd what has happened to that movement.

[-] 2 points by NorthWind (9) from Hoboken, NJ 13 years ago

The TEA Party was never a pure movement. They are the subjects of propoganda put out by the free market think tanks. If your city has a free market think tank, that is where to Occupy. Beware particiaption of TEA Party.

[-] 3 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

Support American made products people! I think we all agree we need to do that. I have bought a lot of great things on this website http://www.etsy.com. Check it out!

[-] 1 points by bing99 (71) 13 years ago

I couldn't agree more with this! I would rather pay a little more for hand made goods made in America than buy China junk made in sweatshops at Walmart or any other big box retailer just to save a few bucks.

[-] 2 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

Yeah although I may not agreed with the original movement. At least it was pure when it started. It was hijacked by the republican party. It is just a puppet now. That's why it is fading away

[-] 2 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (Tea party republican favorite) top secretary urged Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings on Friday to instruct city police to remove Occupy Albany protesters from a downtown park near the state Capitol if they tried to remain there after an 11 p.m curfew.

A person familiar with the matter said Cuomo’s secretary, Larry Schwartz, called Jennings late Friday morning and said that State Police, who control half of the park that is partly owned by the state of New York and city of Albany, would remove any protesters who did not comply with a curfew. The position of the governor’s office was in contrast to an earlier plan by Albany police to leave the protesters alone if they were peaceful, even if they stayed overnight.

Occupy Albany demonstrators began arriving at Lafayette/Academy park around noon. Half of the space is state land, the rest city property.

Read Brendan Lyons’ full story here.

[-] 2 points by awedrt (-3) 13 years ago

All OWS will reelect Obama (User Submitted) Posted Oct. 22, 2011, 6:41 p.m. EST (2 hours ago) by obamaosama

Barack Obama, US president, offered more support for protesters against the global financial system after a weekend of demonstrations in cities around the world, but called on them not to “demonise” those who worked on Wall Street.

On Sunday, Mr Obama honoured Martin Luther King at a dedication to a new memorial on National Mall in Washington. Referring to protests that have spread from Wall Street to London, Rome and elsewhere, Mr Obama said: “Dr King would want us to challenge the excesses of Wall Street without demonising those who work there.” Mr Obama had previously said the protests “express the frustration” of ordinary Americans with the financial sector


[-] 1 points by humanprogress (55) 13 years ago

People! The tea party is just an offshoot of the republican party from the beginning. Look at who their candidates are/were.....does it make sense now? It was also formed to help the republicans and (the rest of) the 1% sabotage the Obama presidency. I hate to play race card but there are still racist people, that's the truth. Racism is one of the major reasons why the 1% and republicans are sabotaging Obama.

[-] 1 points by StevenRoyal (490) from Dania Beach, FL 13 years ago

Talk to the original Tea Party from before 2008. They will speak favorably toward the idea of this movement even if they might not agree with some of the ideas.

The only way the people who own this country win is if they keep us peasants fighting amongst each other.

[-] 1 points by TomHall (58) 13 years ago

From the beginning when our country was formed we face many challenges and many opposing views

Just like today however, the peoples voices have been silence by special interest groups as well as the over whelming power grab by the bankers. Your demands/petitions will never be heard or taken seriously unless lobbyist/corporate have bless it for greedy reasons or Co-Opt it.

It is time for a fair hearing!

Wouldn’t it be great if you can be heard, fairly and equally? Wouldn’t it be worth your time to know there is a petition list, worth signing rather then getting involved in so many other worthy causes? Can be a drain, especially knowing many of lists of issues will mostly not be look at or simply be voted downed.

It can also be time consuming.

This is were the 9’step plan an ever growing list known as the “TOCS FAE” doctrine helps just about every cause, the cause that helps almost all other causes should be supported. These step plans, solves many of the roots of all our problems we face.

Whether you have protested at the gas pump or you are an Occupier and Tea Partier, for that matter any protest mover, make your protest have meaning, give it the teeth it needs beyond the gas pump and over the protest lines.

This petition will be a notification to congress of things yet to come and to properly prepare.

As of January 2012 we the people

We will not take the abuse anymore and neither should they walk around with there heads in the sand.

We will begin the process of phase one

Your petition will go to congress, informing them you support The “TOCS FAE” Doctrine and so should they, by making preparations for receiving and forwarding income Tax mail. Your petition will also go to the top corporations letting them know of our intentions and they too should support and act on the doctrine by sending their taxes directly to congress. They should also be informed if our demands are not met, protests will be under way the likes they have never seen.

After this is achieved and we have broken the back of a few select Corporations we will move on to Step1 Taxes which may take months or up to a year

Step1) Send your TAXES to a trusted congressman or congresswoman which maybe hard to find in your state. Make a Petition with your neighbors. Phone, email, fax your congress your list and intentions. Prepare your taxes, made out to the I.R.S check and envelope, and a stamp. Fit it in inside of a bigger envelope, onto which you should write congress address, preferably your state congress.


Washington, DC 203 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone Number: (202) 225-2831

Have congress unwrap the envelopes, state you want your taxes to be mailed to the I.R.S

If you are asking yourself, what will this achieve first it can be used as a bargain chip however, congress cannot spend it or over take the fed reserve and banks system over night, nonetheless this will indeed give teeth/meat, back to congress. You should include a sign return receipt so as to show proof you paid your taxes.

For the rest Click http://inkrumguardians.webs.com/

Occupy funny pix http://inkrumguardians.webs.com/apps/blog/

[-] 1 points by StevenRoyal (490) from Dania Beach, FL 13 years ago

I have a solution to all that:

Right now there is only one US Rep. per 720,000 people. It's no wonder they don't listen to the people anymore. There is nothing in the Constitution that says it has to be that high. If we reduce that number, the Reps will be closer to the people and their increased number will be much harder for the lobbyists to corrupt. And it will scare the shit out of them.

[-] 1 points by number2 (914) 13 years ago

These are just republicans trying to claim tea party but there would be no reason for a tea party if the republicans did a decent job.

[-] -2 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

So, by your logic if you pay taxes you do not pay enough and it is not fair, whereas if you do not pay taxes it is fair?

[-] 2 points by CharlieL (59) from Centerport, NY 13 years ago

Which part of this post refers to that. I am confused, and since you are so clear-sighted, perhaps you can explain this.

[-] -1 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

"the corporate fat cats who want to keep this countries tax system unfair to favor the rich". you mentioned taxes, so I thought I would too. Please explain to me how it is fair that 47% of the population pays 0% in income tax while 53% cover for their sorry asses?

[-] 2 points by CharlieL (59) from Centerport, NY 13 years ago

"Please explain to me how it is understandable that 47% of the population are unable to earn enough money to pay income taxes.", that is the question that needs to be asked. You could not possibly be suggesting that poor people need to give up more of their income, could you? And why? All of that 'food' stuff they want to eat three times a day is just extravagance, isn't it? Or is it those "coat" things they like to wear in the winter. Maybe you object to them having heat?

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

Yes I am. If you take goods and services you should have to pay something. I object to the lack of back ground checks to verify that someone is actually poor. Do they have a cell phone, TV, car? Before they demand that I support them they should show they are destitute. You may not like it, and that is just too bad for you. You can pull out of you own pocket and give to your hearts content, freely, but do not have the gov't put a gun to my head and take from me. Do you not see a problem where if I do not pay my taxes the feds will take everything I own and auction it off to fulfill a debt, but someone who has never contributed a dime is allowed to continually receive?

[-] 2 points by notaneoliberal (2269) 13 years ago

What you miss about the working poor and in fact all wage earners is that they are the ones who are actually creating the wealth that their employers are taxed on. The management and the stockholders of Walmart are getting a free ride off the $8 an hour Walmart employee. Not the other way around.

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

I do not care. It is obvious that you have no concern as to how I achieved my success, just that you feel society has the right to open my wallet and take what they feel I do not deserve. I work for it, I earn it and it is mine to do with what I please. I place my family above the dregs of society and those that do not have the determination to do something better with their lives. Btw, most Walmart employees earn more than 8 dollars an hour, especially if they are making a career of it.

[-] 2 points by CharlieL (59) from Centerport, NY 13 years ago

Lack of background checks to make sure someone is poor!!?! What would you suggest that the "destitute" eat while the year long or so background checks go on? And you feel that in order to get help, someone must so debase themself that they have sold everything but the clothes they are wearing? There may well be those who abuse a system intended to save people from poverty so severe that even the proudest consider crimes, but >BUT< it is better to see 10 guilty men go free than see an honest man hang. Why should someone have to wear a barrel before they can get help? This country is RICH enough to help way before then. Shame on you for suggesting that proud, working people who have fallen on hard time should need to grovel on their bellies in the dirt, just so that Lord Rob feels they are low, and vile enough to get scraps off the royal table.

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

Why should I be forced by law to support deadbeats?

[-] 2 points by blusky2012 (1) 13 years ago

Nobody seems to get it. At the rate things are going, everyone in this place that's called "The Greatest Nation on Earth", will fall into 1 of 2 categories; rich or poor. The gap is growing and will continue to grow until everything in between will be vacuumed out. It was this middle class that made the rich all their millions in the first place. Wouldn't it be reasonable to assume, that the system that created vast wealth for so many, in turn be supported by the wealthy class. This is our nation were talking about. Are we going to make this country great again or in the end is it really just about the dollars? We need to be united on the issues in this country - and soon. As a country were on the cusp of being left behind. You think 10% unemployment is high, try 50%. We need to wake up before it's to late.

[-] 1 points by CharlieL (59) from Centerport, NY 13 years ago

You know what, you are right, Rob. I suggest that you get yourself a ticket to maybe Kenya, or some other third world country, where they allow the poor to starve to death, and die from the most basic of diseases, and settle down there permanently. This way you will no longer be troubled by being asked to help those who, at that moment, are in need.

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

No, I like it here, but you, on the other hand, should be going over there to show your caring and altruistic nature.

[-] 1 points by Talleyrand (59) 13 years ago

Dude, the American poor are the worst treated poor in the western world. Seriously, read a history of the modern U.S. You want background checks? Most states require background and drug testing for people receiving public assistance because people like you assume poor people are just shiftless, drug-popping criminals.

But the funny part is that the vast majority of poor people are WORKERS. We think poverty is a function of unemployment. WRONG. Again, the American poor have steadily worked MORE hours over the last 40 years for LESS money. They routinely work more than 40 hours a week (although currently the underemployed, meaning people who WANT a second job and cannot find one, is on the rise.) The vast majority of people receiving public assistance are WORKERS who get food stamps and Medicaid but work minimum wage jobs.

You want drug testing and background checks? Those WORKING poor receiving public assistance already go through drug tests and background checks before they start their Walmart or retail jobs because the fat cats who run those corporations think like you and assume that people seeking minimum wage work are just felons.

Open your eyes man, The way we treat the poor in this country is a crime. We are so brainwashed into believing lies about poor people being shiftless. "You want a better job, get off you ass and get one?" HOW. How do you go from non-skilled to skilled worker? Get an education? Who in the working poor can afford to take time off from WORK to apply for school, uproot themselves and start a new chapter of their lives. The biggest factor standing in the way of the poor bettering themselves is..... POVERTY and the start-up costs of changing one's life.

It is easy for people like you to say the poor can just open up a business or go to school or work their way up the soulless corporation for which they work. But it is not reality. The poor in America are not having a party. They are working for nothing and stereotyped by out of touch people like you who think morality takes a back seat to a notion of "free market" capitalism that does not exist and never did.

[-] 1 points by TomHall (58) 13 years ago

From the beginning when our country was formed we face many challenges and many opposing views

Just like today however, the peoples voices have been silence by special interest groups as well as the over whelming power grab by the bankers. Your demands/petitions will never be heard or taken seriously unless lobbyist/corporate have bless it for greedy reasons or Co-Opt it.

It is time for a fair hearing!

Wouldn’t it be great if you can be heard, fairly and equally? Wouldn’t it be worth your time to know there is a petition list, worth signing rather then getting involved in so many other worthy causes? Can be a drain, especially knowing many of lists of issues will mostly not be look at or simply be voted downed.

It can also be time consuming. This is were the 9’step plan an ever growing list known as the “TOCS FAE” doctrine helps just about every cause, the cause that helps almost all other causes should be supported. These step plans, solves many of the roots of all our problems we face.

Whether you have protested at the gas pump or you are an Occupier and Tea Partier, for that matter any protest mover, make your protest have meaning, give it the teeth it needs beyond the gas pump and over the protest lines.

This petition will be a notification to congress of things yet to come and to properly prepare.

As of January 2012 we the people

We will not take the abuse anymore and neither should they walk around with there heads in the sand.

We will begin the process of phase one

Your petition will go to congress, informing them you support The “TOCS FAE” Doctrine and so should they, by making preparations for receiving and forwarding income Tax mail. Your petition will also go to the top corporations letting them know of our intentions and they too should support and act on the doctrine by sending their taxes directly to congress. They should also be informed if our demands are not met, protests will be under way the likes they have never seen.

After this is achieved and we have broken the back of a few select Corporations we will move on to Step1 Taxes which may take months or up to a year

Step1) Send your TAXES to a trusted congressman or congresswoman which maybe hard to find in your state. Make a Petition with your neighbors. Phone, email, fax your congress your list and intentions. Prepare your taxes, made out to the I.R.S check and envelope, and a stamp. Fit it in inside of a bigger envelope, onto which you should write congress address, preferably your state congress.


Washington, DC 203 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone Number: (202) 225-2831 Have congress unwrap the envelopes, state you want your taxes to be mailed to the I.R.S

If you are asking yourself, what will this achieve first it can be used as a bargain chip however, congress cannot spend it or over take the fed reserve and banks system over night, nonetheless this will indeed give teeth/meat, back to congress. You should include a sign return receipt so as to show proof you paid your taxes.

For the rest Click http://inkrumguardians.webs.com/

Occupy funny pix http://inkrumguardians.webs.com/apps/blog/

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

I do not want to help the poor, that is my freedom of choice, but you want to use the power of government to force me to support them. I guess what I consider freedom is not something you support.

[-] 1 points by notaneoliberal (2269) 13 years ago

Deport Rob

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

yes i want to use the power of gov't to force you to support those that need help. and where did you get your money? who paid for the school you went to- who paid for the road you drive on - should i go on? it is called a society - do you want to be part of one or do you want to live in a walled community with guards like the rich in mexico? you are not thinking clearly - chicago school of economics educated you?

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

I guess you do not want freedom for those who disagree with you.

[-] 1 points by blusky2012 (1) 13 years ago

We need jobs, no one is asking for a handout.

[-] 1 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 13 years ago

Well, let's start with the facts. It's not true.

The 47% was a prediction that lots of people fell in love with. The real number turned out to be 36%. This has been ignored because it's less sexy.

You assume that someone is covering for these people who less than $8,500 in net taxable income. For the handicapped, there is some small help but deep poverty. For students who work part time or summers, no help. For people who have just a small income besides social security, the system they paid into keeps them from being homeless, mostly. For most of the working poor, no help.

You don't seem to understand that poor people are really, really poor.