Forum Post: Tea Party Republicans...Count on Them to F@%k America!
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 17, 2012, 12:33 p.m. EST by HitGirl
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
WASHINGTON, Feb 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed an energy bill on Thursday that would wrest control of a permit for the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline away from President Barack Obama, who has put the project on hold.
The bill...would also expand offshore oil drilling and open up parts of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling.
Link to complete story...
With any luck, the Senate won't allow it, and Obama has threatened to veto it. But of course, he's done that before without making good on his threat.
How clear does it have to get to the public that these Republitards are on the payroll if the oil industry before they are booted out? Who will they blame when the largest aquifer on the continent is poisoned and crops can no longer be grown in the heartland?
Their approval rating is already at an all-time low. Do you know why they never pushed back in a serious way against Obama's recess appointments? It's because the public is sick of their shit.
hahahaaaaaaaa you said republictards that's hilarious what's a rebuplitard?
Anyone who is retarded enough to be in that corporation/political party.
because republicans are a big evil corporation trying to take over america, just like democrats are a big socialist conspiracy? deeeeeeeeeeep
The first part is correct, then you go off the deeeeeeeep end.
Hey, if you're a Democrat's tool, you're still a tool.
Hey, if you're a Republitard, you're still an idiot.
I'm not, but you're pretty dense for thinking I have to be a Demonicrat to get anything done in America. (I made that silly word up just to piss you off, by the way.)
I'm an independent, but thanks for your unintelligent, un-refreshing "my way or the highway" look at life.
Not a Repulitard or not an idiot? You don't have to be the first to be the second. (But it helps.)
Who said I thought you had to be a Democrat to get anything done? Making pretty big assumptions there, aren't you, Skippy? So far, though, it has only been some of the Democrats in congress who oppose the pipeline. Right now, who else is "getting anything done" about it, specifically?
makes me think you're a Demonionakrit. From Massachusetts.
Nope. Just hate fact-challenged morons.
so do i. we should kill them all, after i figure out how to tie my shoes.
Nah, No need to kill them: they're already brain dead. Just keep them off this site. Nobody enjoys mosquitos.
Suck on a shit popsicle
That's your preference, not mine. And you right wingers think it's chocolate.
Bite off suck hole.
You come up with some pretty interesting imagery. Seeing a doctor for treatment about that?
Seeing your doctor boy. He tells me all about your sorry little butt. Wilted little pos. Bite some frozen shit, suckbutt.
You remain confused. Its you right wingers who enjoy the shit, and confuse it with dessert. Poor little pea brains.
Anyway, keep spewing your troll bile. I won't participate further in distracting from this thread, though it was just SO much fun!
Bites off cum face. Wipe that cum off that long beard fool face. You're a fag ass lib hole. Go fuck a piece of foul douche puke hole. Eat and puke fag face.
You're so full of crap.
At least I don't eat it by the spoonful and think it's chocolate pie, as you do.
The first three lines are accurate, as evidenced on these fora. The last isn't and is founded on pure conjecture, as are most things Republitards say.
sorry, the last one should be
thx for demonstrating
You're almost there...... Getting closer........
Nope, still mistakes shit for chocolate.
Doesn't Godwin's law state the longer you argue on teh Interwebz the greater the chance you jump on and talk about poo?
I love poo btw
LOL. That actually made me laugh. Thank you.
Bite shit.
That's your job.
Drink douche rectum suckass. You can suck a used condom fuckass hole. Nj is a shithole of asstards that reuse condoms like you, fuckbreath.
THAT'S what we've been waiting for!
FiNALLY, reasoned arguments from the right wing!
Drink a hematoma fuck breath. Your dick is a pencil sized impotent little wilted piece of prepubescent flaccid do nothing. Haha.q
Now, now. time to take the meds or go to the special room. You're obsessing about genitalia again. And what did the doctor say the last time this happened? He's your friend, you know.
Teabagge(R)s have been exported to Canada.
They're tying to screw everything up there too.
Shouldn't we be getting royalties?
Right let's keep getting our oil from Saudi Arabia. OH WAIT...
It's too late, Obummer has the economy screwed right now
They intend to rape the environment any way they can. Their hopped up on it. The ends justify the means for the Repugnant Party as they show repeatedly in congress.
We need to beware of these backdoor deals. Thanks HitGirl!!!
I don't understand why we don't like this-
the Rs do what they do - the vote with their crapitalist masters against the people -
again screaming they are against the people.
How many of us believe 51 senators will vote for this ?!?!?!?
And even if a few democrats are this crazy -
who in their right mind believes that Obama will sign it into law?
Obama isn't as predictable as all that. He extended the Bush tax cuts TWICE! And Republicans would not generate legislation they couldn't sell, not in an election year.
I dont think he is predictable. I could give you a list of my "disapointments" about his actions and inactions - but most are related to the political reality that he is not the king. For example, he WILL not sign this as it stands. BUT If the Rs negotiate a major corporate & millionaire tax hike in exchange for XL, he might sign it.
1) A lot of angry old people who don't quite know why they're angry.
2) A lot of angry old people who benefitted from American policy, service, and infrastructure, but are now too selfish to pay-it-forward so the next generation can have similar schools, universities, safeguards for food and pharmaceuticals, and protections for the common man against the sharp business practices that promulgated the housing crisis and Wall Street meltdown that nearly torpedoed the world.
That has validity. Dont forgrt that until the end of the seventies, veterens had college tuition paid for without having to contribute out of their own meager wages.
Believe it or not...true story...A poll conducted of red state seniors who receive both medicare and Social Security had most claiming that they were not benefiting from any government programs. WTF!
That is because of the media-numbing propaganda that provides little information and distracts from real issues. OWS is an important movement that is finally raising a host of important issues about egregious activities by the Big Boys against the rest of us.
Could it be because they actually contributed through their paychecks for all of their working lives for the SS and Medicare Benefits they now receive? And its only been the last decade that the number of people not paying Federal Income Tax has grown to almost 50% of the working population so most of those now collecting SS and Medicare Benefits paid Fed Income Taxes during their whole working life too....and now many of them pay income taxes on the SS and Medicare benefit they receive.
Either way, It's a government program.
Yes, it is a Government Program but one structured quite differently in that it was supposed to be "self funding". It is paid into by every working person on a "promise" of future returns unlike taxes paid for other welfare programs for which most people will never see any personal return because they will never "qualify" for those benefits.
Unlike Medicaid and other government programs designed to be safety nets, you don't have to "qualify" based upon income and assets because you paid into it just like you did a voluntary 401K or IRA (only you didn't pay voluntarily).
Seniors collecting those returns now are paying taxes on those returns and a small premium for the medical coverage they get (which is effectively being double taxed since the payments into the program were "taxes" and now the "benefits" are being taxed again).
If you are retired and now drawing on your IRA or 401K, would you appreciate it if the Government suddenly decided that you were not entitled to the returns on your investment? Any payment you made into the 401k/IRA were taken out of your earnings each month just as SS and Medicare payments(taxes) were. Have you earned the right to the returns on one but not the other?
There is a wealth of difference between SS/Medicare and other social programs - there was/is a "promise" of personal future return on the "investment".
You sound like a fan of the government program known as Social Security. Too bad Republicans want to gut it.
Both parties have been kicking the SS/Medicare looming deficit down the road. It has been known for decades that the self funding program would eventually be upside down. Yet, neither party has done anything about it.
As for your apparent belief that only the GOP seeks to "cut" SS and might want to broaden the scope of just what you read....
Democrats claim they won't "cut" SS benefits, yet have proposed doing exactly that by tying cost of living increases to a new method of calculation.
Democrats claim the won't "cut" Medicare benefits, yet the Affordable Care Act had how much funding cut from Medicare? WASHINGTON — Unflinching on a critical first test, Senate Democrats closed ranks Thursday behind $460 billion in politically risky Medicare cuts at the heart of health care legislation, thwarting a Republican attempt to doom President Barack Obama's sweeping overhaul.
I've never understood how getting your own money back is a "benefit".
Are you for real, or just a 14 year old screaming for some attention? What happened to bringing an open mind to a debate and finding common ground.....nah, let's just let the id take control since the mind's obviously empty and blurt out loud noises and obsenities...simply ridiculous...
When I think of some of the insane rants I've heard from right-wing attack dogs on this forum...With zero respect for the art of logical discourse...You expect to feel guilty for saying my peace? I'm willing to argue in a reasonable manner but until you critics start jumping on the real trolls, I'll title my posts any way I like.
From the article: "Even if the Keystone legislation makes it to the Senate floor for a vote, getting it passed will be difficult. There are currently 47 Republicans in the U.S. Senate, and they would need to find at least 13 Democrats to agree to move it forward."
Let's hope they are stopped in the Senate.
Yeah, let's keep buying oil from our enemies so they can build more arms against us! Good idea.
Hold the phone!!!! We probably shouldn't export it then, amiright?
I think they can stop it from even coming to a vote.
I hope so. There is an awful lot of money invested in spinning crap.
I don't see where the article even mentions the Tea Party.
House Republicans voted in by the Tea Party in 2010. How soon they forget.
And exactly how many were Tea Party Candidates? By that I mean new Representatives and not incumbents returned to office?
Did it mention the House of Representatives, Yes. Did it mention, "passed", Yes. And what is required to pass stupid legislation in the house? What is required to pass legislation that most of the citizens want? Most Republicans want? TP.
Been out of the country long?
So basically if it is legislation you don't like, then it must be the tea party, eh? Couldn't be greedy rich corporations, huh? Maybe you need to pay more attention to facts before you condescend to someone who points out the facts.
Actually, the Tea Party opposes the pipeline:
It is the greedy rich corporations that provide the support for the TP candidates. My friend who went to a number of TP events was very much in favor of environmental responsibility but was shouted down by others who knew whose pocket was going to be a comfortable place for them. The mantra of get rid of intrusive government regulation is rather broadly supported among local TP's. Then when the leak pollutes their well it isn't so intrusive anymore.
I also live where the news has been full of a story about a local refinery leaking into a creek a short distance from the river, killing the fish etc.
I am willing to look at regulations one by one, not as "red tape" to confirm that they are needed, that they are cost effective and achieve the desired result. But most of the time when people get rid of red tape somebody else gets sick or dies.
And no greedy rich corporations provide support of the Democrats? Or the Occupy Movement itself? Maybe you need to check out all the fundraisers the President has been to lately and just who it is that is paying $35,000 for a ticket....
Nobodies fooled by this stuff, and nobodies going for Ron Paul here. Why don't you guys get a life and create your own movement? Ah, I know; nobodies buying it. This forum is for Occupy Wall St., but you know damn well if you start a Ron Paul site it will attract no interest whatsoever. So . . . get a life.
Greedy rich corporations buy favors where they can. Mitt's SuperPac has 8, or is it 9 donors?
Read about the big banks cutting down their contributions to Obama in 2011? The percentage of donors under $250.? It is what it is.
You support the Citizens United decision?
Oh, I haven't seen any money coming to the OWS or 99% movement so far. Have you? How much went to the TP? The Koch's have pledged $100 million, $60 million this election from the brothers alone. I see the Donate button on this site but if the total were more than $100 K, not $100 million, I would be surprised. I don't think that money is a road you want to go down, is it?
No I don't support the Citizen United decision. I am a supporter of Public Financing of Campaigns.
You haven't seen any money coming into OWS?
Michael Moore donated 2.5 million to OWS
The adbuster site which is credited for putting out the call to occupy is funded by Sorros' Tide Foundation. - another Sorros funded group backs OWS.
Now, I can hear you saying "but they are not "donating" funds to the OWS". And you'd be correct. Yet, you refer to the Koch brothers as "donating" funds to the Tea Party when in actuality, they donated to groups that like - moveon and the Tide foundation - were previously established and publicly came out in support of the movement.
Truth is that special interests play by the same rules all the while pointing the finger at the other side for "doing it first" or "doing it more".
I would be happiest with your approach, Public Financing for all elections. I don't know the Tide Foundation. And I am unaware of contributions to Move On by the Koch brothers. It doesn't seem compatible with the rest of their activities and agenda. But sometimes it is hard to decode the actions of others. When I said I didn't "see" I didn't really mean to imply that my vision was as good as your hearing (I can hear you saying). Maybe I should have said, "I am unaware of any activities that are funded by..."
I want to get ALL special interests out of both the election and governance processes.
Ah ha! We agree on something...
George Sorros funds and the Tides Foundation both of which support OWS in various ways.
The Tides Foundation provides grants to nonprofits working toward political and social change in the US and abroad with a commitment to promoting progressivism. The Tides Foundation is the umbrella over the Tides Center which is a 501(c)(3) . "Set up in 1976 by California activist Drummond Pike, Tides does two things better than any other foundation or charity in the U.S. today: it routinely obscures the sources of its tax-exempt millions, and makes it difficult (if not impossible) to discern how the funds are actually being used. " It operates under "donor advised giving". It is even involved in the Pew polling data.
My point was that you pointed to the Koch Brothers as funders of the "tea party" yet, they like Sorros with OWS, never donated directly to the Tea Party. They donate to organizations (like Sorros does to the Tides Foundation/Center and or media matters) .....who support - in various ways - the tea party as sponsors. Groups like Americans for Prosperity who help to fund national rallies for the Tea Party just as other groups have provided funding for OWS activities.
Anyway, the reality is that Sorros has a political agenda as do the Koch brothers. Both sides push the boundaries of the tax laws in order to bring about that agenda.
And what is it that we agree on? Is it, "I want to get ALL special interests out of both the election and governance processes."?
Yep...public financing of campaigns with limits on spending so that if one "buys" an entire cable channel to do 24/7 campaigning the other has the same funds to do it as well.
And I'm sure we could also agree that transparency is needed in the 501(c)3 and so on tax exempt organizations.
Good. I would limit campaigns to 6 weeks. Candidates could write books to present and support their platform and their opposition research. Debates during the 6 weeks with feeds to any news outlet that wants them and posted on Youtube.
501 (c) 4's should go away? I think non profit status should go away.
but that's not money from's money from........uhh, umm, hey anyone know where this money comes from?
When you don't have a level playing field yet.
Do you propose that one party should tie their hands behind their back? or be the one legged person in an ass kicking contest?
Okay. Got it now. If the Republicans do it its because they are greedy. If the Dems do it its because the Republicans did it.....
No. If it is necessary to be competitive, that is what it is. Untill we get money out of politics this will be the playing field. Period.
This makes initiatives like people united necessary to remove personhood from corporations. This is what makes the Campaign finance reform initiative important to get passed.
So please try not to be so stubbornly dense. Try to stop attacking what is a necessary evil for all to have to play until it is made that no one can play it.
Now, what you wrote in the second post is something that we can agree on. Your first post had the smell of "two wrongs make a right".
Campaign finance reform is needed - no argument there at all. What we disagree on is where you appear to imply that the Democrats only take special interest money because the Republicans did it first when the actual truth is that the system of campaign financing has evolved through decades and decades of changing campaign needs.
Both John McCain and Obama pledged to use public funding for their presidential runs in the general election. Obama went back on that promise. He outspent John McCain by $16,689,079.00 in the general election.
Real campaign finance reform will only come when Americans stand up and demand that all candidates rely only on Public Campaign Financing. Public Financing. Nothing would work better to reduce the power of big money in American elections because it would limit the influence of special interest donations, and allow candidates with limited resources to run for office.
Perhaps most relevant at the moment, considering that our President is reported to have had 30 fund raisers from January 2011 through June 20th of that same year, it will eliminate the need for these types of events allowing sitting officials to actually do the job they were elected to do.
What about the Tea Party reps in the House? How did they vote?
It's time the Adults start to take back the Govt. The progressive,leftist man-child Barry is incapable of making a non-political decision on this vital issue. Barry can only bend over for his environmental terrorists green mafia,Barry can't do what's best for the country only his re-election
That's a pretty weird remark coming from the jaxxen (5).
What's best for the country is to have leaking oil pipe-lines destroying vital aquifers across the country so oil barons can sell oil to China? Your adults got us into a useless and costly war, destroyed millions of lives and left us bankrupt and in economic free-fall. I'll take my adults over yours any day.
selling oil to make jobs sounds pretty good to me
The sad fact is that there really is a disturbing varitation in human intelligence, and I don't mean that facetiously.
There are better ways to make jobs.
Well they are going to move the crap, either by boat, rail or truck, PERIOD.
Now if anyone had any sense they would tell the fucking useless Canadians to gasify their oil sands at home for very clean energy and insist that the Government simply does not allow Buffet, Hillary or the Kock Brothers to make a damned dime off any of it by preventing one lump of it from being transported anywhere in the USA..... however, all Obama's buddies are all poised perfectly to profit greatly, one way or the other..... and they will as well as share with Obama.
I agree. They should make the resource public. Screw the capitalists. Energy is too important to trust to the private sector.
Tell everyone how that works for you after you braindead commies re-elect your elitist money man pretending to be for The People.
NDAA 2012 Drones and much more.....
Elitist money man pretending to be for The People...sounds like you're referring to Mitt Romney.
Of course! The Obama's certainly are right on the verge of being impoverished!
They aren't anything like vulgarly wealthy, now are they?
Let's see, the Obama's net worth prior to being elected to any office, prior to being elected to the Whitehouse and net wealth today...
You don't know any of the numbers do you?
You really don't think he is regular people, do you?
No, I think he is President of the United States, something Mitt Romney will never be.
there are over 55,000 miles of oil pipelines in the usa. Are they all leaking?
Most of them are, to one degree or another.
can you support that with any facts? cite any sources for those " facts"?
You can't be this google challenged, can you?
Even the guy putting in Keystone acknowledged that they know it's going to leak. Do you really think oil men are so stupid, that they wouldn't factor that into their calculations?
They just work the legislation to put most of the risk of major leaks on the public.
Wait, shooz........didn't you provide this exact same documentation a few weeks ago? It had to be you or epa1.
I'm sure somebody did.........:)
It's not like the info is that hard to find.
Well, that's what I am talking about. This is repetitive.
So, help me..........could they possibly dumb it down anymore.
The Paulie boys are back too.
Do any of them ever fact check anything?
Or use a modicum of logic?
I fear not.
northern nj , the huson river , brooklyn and queens must be an oil soaked mess (they aren't ). how do you think the planes at jfk get their fuel? uundergound pipelines.
Still google challenged?
There's a big difference between a line moving kerosine, and one moving crude.
I know a engineer that works on the pumps for oil rigs. He's working on one in Africa at the moment.
It takes special high pressure pumps to move crude through a pipe 20 or more foot around.
Now, type pipeline leaks into google, and realize these are just the ones that get press.
The leaks are calculated into the system at the corporate level.
They aren't stupid, no matter what you think.
so, there have been some leaks , but in general, it's the most efficient way to send it inland, unless you're warren buffet and own the burlington northern santa fe rr.
Some leaks????
You sure do change your mind quick.
Being google challenged is no longer an excuse for you.
i never said that there were no leaks. what i said was,.......... 55,000 miles of pipelines in the usa, are they all leaking?
And I said, yes they do.
I thought we moved on and were examining the evidence.
Are you also link challenged?
so, you're saying that all of the 55,000 miles of pipelines in the usa are leaking?
No. You intimated that.
I attempted to explain to you that there are different types of lines, with different leakage risks, and you failed to understand that.
I offed you some links, that you didn't look at.
At the moment, I must ask.
Get to the point, Edith.
i aid there are 55,000 miles of pipeline in the usa and asked you if they're all leaking.YOU said most of them are, to one degree or another. read your own posts.
More bullshit about the Pipeline that would have created thousands of jobs and help to bring down oil and gas prices. But your adult prefers to play politics with the economy of this country,what a piece of crap.
Obama (your so-called adult) has:
"got us into a useless and costly war (Libya,maybe Syria now), destroyed millions of lives (unemployment actually over 19%,As In FDR-Great Depression Unemployment) and left us bankrupt ($4.6 trillion more and counting) and in economic free-fall (gas has went up 83% since your adult put his hand on the Koran and took an oath to destroy the Constitution)". So wake up and pull your face out of your bowl of bullshit flakes and look around you,Obama is a looter and destroyer.
Sorry I can see the forest for the burnt trees, and the little boy with the lighter was Bush. And American's know that.
Yeah sure,whatever delusion get ya through.
Talk to me after we re-elect Obama.
I think the more important issue here is you dealing and coping with having President Santorum hammering the nails into the coffin of Obamacare and the EPA along with every other Liberal holy grail. Let the good times roll........!!!
The problem is we don't have enough sanitoriums to hold everybody for Santorum. But still, there aren't enough of these whackos out there to ever elect that Nazi.
Ya dun been a dyin' ta use dat "sanitoriums" werd ya dun thunk up all by yer little self now,ain't ya? HeeHaw,shazam,youse is city slicker,ain't ya?
I can't help it if he's insane and his name is Santorum. That was God's doing.
Speaking for God now are ya?
No, God spoke for himself. But don't worry about it, the ultra-wealthy puppet masters of the Republican Party will make certain that the rugged, individualist Tea Partiers and Liberatarians swallow Mit Romney and like it. So you'll need to find another sanitorium.
If Santorum moved any further right he'd be joining the Taliban!
This is actually true. In fact, I see very little difference between Santorum and the Taliban. They are equally against women's rights, human rights, and have an equally right-wing theological outlook on the world. I think perhaps you understated the case when you said, "If Santorum moved any further right."
Well, Santorum wouldn't insist that women wrap themselves in scarves, but otherwise, yeah, same sort of social agenda.
Actually Obama is the Muslim sympathizer.
Yes, we all know Obama is a sleeper-cell Muslim super-agent just waiting for the right moment to impose Sharia Law on the entire Western World. Yeah, sure, whatever delusion get ya through.
Please read and become educated.
Well,you're half way to coming to your senses but I don't believe you really want to be there.
Yeah, the other half would be me accepting Rick Santorum as my lord and master and ultimate moral compass...You are right. That's a place I definitely don't wanna be. I think I'll stick with being an enlightened adult.
"enlightened adult"
To be one,you must first become one.
So then, when are you going to start working on that?
You guys need to make up your minds, there's bunch of other threads here were they bitch about him blowing them up.
What's next? The birth certificate again?
Dream on. You need a windmill and a Sancho Panza.
I think you are glorifying this guy with this analogy. He needs a toilet and a place for his TP.
Well, Don Quixote was a self-deceived dreamer. Granted much classier than jaxxen. Still, it makes sense that jaxxen would be trying to take out a clean energy windmill. Haha.
That would be fun to watch . . . one of those ten stories tall? LOL!!
It would make a great video for the anger management crowd.
Your powers of perception and comprehension are non-existent,but keep throwing bullshit until something sticks I guess.
Sounds like conspiracy theory to me.
Care to provide the link to Alex Jones?
The kenyan reject, commando Odumbo already trashed the Country
You're a racist. I get that.
I am a racist because I do not like Obammy??
hedleymnn said 1 day ago at Feb. 17, 2012, 8:34 p.m. EST (delete)
The Rep cannot fuck up the economy because the nigger already trashed it
You're a racist because you called Obama a nigger in the PM you sent me.
retitled to
Keystone Pipeline Bill Passed By U.S. House, Senate Action Uncertain
cool more jobs for Americans, even if their ugly sill puts Americans to work
That's a good corporate citizen, Daniel.
you don't even know what a corporation is, go read a book.
jobs are jobs and we need working man jobs not service jobs. We need a stronger middle class and this men and women who will maintain this pipeline will always be needed. if you look at the big picture its a good thing. We use oil in everything so lets make it cheaper.
It won't be cheaper. But I see shooz has already schooled you.
By cheaper, do you mean less profitable?????
They don't want to do that, you know.
Or do you mean cheaper for them and more expensive for us?
I think maybe you should read that book too.
'Cause as you well know, when everything else fails, they raise prices.
It's in the charter.
Thanks for stepping up while I'm at work. Much appreciated ;)
No prob......:)
Glad you don't mind.
He quit before I was done anyway.
They get into a loop, where they just keep repeating themselves, break the loop and they get lost.
You must have found the flaw in his programming. Like the FORCE you have the ability to confuse the weak-minded.
Sometimes it's like talking to tech support in the Philippines, they have trouble talking off script, and can rarely cure the problem...
o shooz one question mark would sufficed.
yes they don't want to lose profits because that's what a business is about making money even if its not for profit they still needs to make money.
Overall the prices should come down since the oil is coming in from a more secure place and doesn't have to travel over half of the world on something that could be hijacked or destroyed other ways.
and if it doesn't o well we have new jobs for Americans sounds like a good thing to me
Gosh, where you when we lost millions of auto worker jobs?
Singing a very different tune I'll bet.
Care to address the second part of that post.
i have one comment space elevator brings in million of jobs and success for Americans. look it up
Which of course, avoids answering the questions.
Par for the "conservative" course, of course.
i wasn't singing any tune when those workers lost their jobs because i did not know what to think but since them I've gone through three years of a very good education at Purdue University and my understanding has changed an now that im looking for jobs. I made sure that i understand the market. this isnt a Conservative decisions is a economic one and im very progressive when it comes to market choices. America down right now but my generation is taking it back to beyond what it was.
and about oil leaking we advance everyday in the field of nanotechnology and microorganisms that eat and get rid of oil. So unless people think using bacteria is inhumane i think we good.
also im very serious about the space elevator it would be the step into the next generation of travel. It would be very good for the economy and for science.
I've read my books its time you, shooz and hitgirl read yours it may clear some things up.
So , what is it you learned at Purdue, that has you convinced that oil corporations, "might" let prices fall?
You know they won't. yet you put that "should" out there anyway.
Oil corporations are among the most manipulative out there, and will encourage war, if they need to manipulate supply to insure ever rising profits. BTW: We, the "consumers" pay for that too.
Perhaps you read the wrong book?
well as a engineer i learned that stable income of resources make for a cheaper product. But there is so much more than that it is beyond what i could put in simple words on this forum. You would need years to understand what i have learned and i dont have time to teach someone who refuses to learn
oil corporations are bad but you have to think did we make them that way are they the product of over regulation or manipulation from the government that they have been corrupted to no end. We must take in all these ideas into consideration before we can act. But then also a business is private property and it is a weird breach in laws to say to them what they can and can not do. We a a society try to balance this out so we do not punish those or breach into personal lives.
also if you don't want oil try living on another planet because we been using it for years
there is no such thing as wrong book we must read all books to understand all opinions and ideas. to say i read the wrong books is like saying you chew backwards there is no such thing.
So, Purdue taught you how to avoid answering questions?
In that case, you paid way too much. You could have become a teabagger for a lot less.
Nice prose though.
no you are a jackass and i love the fact that you completely ignored my space elevator idea that has been push for by the scientific field.
also here is my plan of study try to i plan on to work in nano manufacturing
try to comprehend what im doing
read my friend read
Yes.....You're an ASS, Jack!
Space elevators are a long way off, and you know this.
If you can explain how nano tech is going to lower the price of oil and gas, please do.
In the mean time please answer the questions. They are starting to build up.
yes i am an ass i know that.
no we have all the material and technology to build a space elevator i know we will have one before i die perhaps two. That is the future of clean energy so we can go to the moon and mine for clean burning fuel. Or the h3 that we will use for our fusion power plants.
nano tech will drive prices down maybe the two fields are distant cousins of each other. I have no goal to drive down oil prices. I want to design nanobots for manufacturing purposes of medical field purposes. You could then take, as i stated earlier, the nanobots to the oil and have them "eat" it and move it.
now the question that i guess i haven't answered is why oil companies wont drive down gas prices well they should but in reality they wont gas prices may drop down to 2.50 or 3 depending where you live. I can not predict the future i can just make obsubtions based on observations and past situations
The government also wants the prices high because higher prices make the public want new cars that are non gas based. also ask the government to lower prices because they are driving them up single handily with taxes that are push on the consumer. See when you tax something like gas the company just pushes the tax on to the consumer this why smart people such as economist push for lower taxes on businesses. If you ever took econ in high school you should of learned this fact.
i answered all your question read and you will find the answer
Just a comment - when you condem Tea Party Republicans you are condeming Americans.
When you condem Democrats you are condemming Americans
When you condem Republicans you are condemming Americans.
So, it seems to me for those of you who condem instead of being able to debate are "Un-American".
How about trying to learn to leave your "feelings" out or your remarks when you try to make a point.
I don't condemn Tea Party Republicans. I simply point out that they are misguided. They have bought the mantra that there is a Free Lunch.
Corporations are not evil. Nor is government. Society needs both to work effectively.
Corporations and government serve different purposes. We need both - and they both need to work well.
Where do they claim a Free Lunch. What they want is less government.
** Less of which specific government programs?
1) The programs that provide for the national defense?
2) The programs that safeguard the food we eat?
3) The programs that insure that the pharmaceutical products that doctors prescribe are safe and effective?
4) The programs that build the national network of highways, bridges, public transportation, air traffic control, and other infrastructure that make possible that corporations can develop, build, market, ship and consume the vast array of products that we buy and sell every day?
5) The programs that make sure our money is safe within the banking system?
6) The programs that watch over the Wall Street securities industries to make sure that they don't gouge the public, deceive investors, and apply sharp business practices to consumers?
7) The programs that safeguard natural resources so they are extracted in ways that harm the public?
8) The programs that provide National Parks, wild lands, and open recreational lands, safeguarded so they are never turned into massive commercial developments and housing tracts?
9) The programs that are aimed at keeping America strong by having an educated workforce capable of meeting the needs of the business sector??
10) The programs that are aimed at targeting criminals -- blue collar, white collar, no collar.
11) The programs that stimulate universities and scientists to conduct research and development?
12) The programs that are aimed at stepping in when a tornado, earthquake, hurricane or other disaster strikes our citizens?
13) The programs that provide a safety net for citizens so that when they are too old to work, and haven't amassed a fortune like Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch, that they can live out their final years with a modicum of dignity and comfort?
14) The programs that provide a hot meal in school to the tens of millions of children who are living in poverty and, for them, that is their only nutritious and hot meal?
15) The programs that make sure our air is not polluted and causing health problems?
16) The programs that strengthen international trade through efficient and robust ports, channel dredging, and trade agreements?
17) The programs that oversee what is shipped into and out of the United States to make sure that there is no contraband, drugs, weapons, and illegal goods.
18) The programs that make sure that terrorists are not infiltrating America?
19) The programs that establish cooperative agreements with other nations?
20) The programs that helped the Auto industry rebound after it nearly tanked?
21) The programs that watch over and manage America's monetary system?
. . . . .we could go on and on and on. But I think you get the point. Programs are created to meet specific problems or needs of society.
Also some wealthy shysters like the idea because with "less" government they can get away with more.
That was awesome and needed to be said.
good post you may be the smartest person on this forum but dont let that get to your head
i agree we need to focus on both government and corporations to make things run smoother and more fair
As are statements that the Tea Party Republicans will "f@@ up America". Or that they want "no government".
How about the fact that they think that 15 governmental food agencies whose responsibilities overlap is "too much government"? Do you disagree that consolidation into one agency might be a better solution? Do you agree that the Food Modernization Act didn't go far enough to take care of this issue of too many "cooks in the kitchen?" Or that it went way too far in aiding Monsanto with its genetically modified food implementation?
Read my post. Above.
People like Grover Norquist have stated that they "want to shrink government to the size where it can be drowned in a bathtub."
That pretty much sums up both the Tea Party and the Grove-Meister.
Having an unelected guy pressure elected officials to sign a "no-tax" pledge -- which is pretty much what the 'taxed enough' tea party group is saying is frightening enough.
But to see Republicans march in lock step with this unelected ideologue is even more frightening.
Grover and Tea Party people have no qualms lowering taxes -- ever. Mainly because they both adhere to the "starve-the-beast" propaganda that will end up making America a weak and third class nation. Shameful!
You can always find inefficient programs that no longer deliver the payoff we'd hoped for. You can always find things that need to be fixed in government. Areas to make more effective. Same with private sector.
But to make a blanket statement that you want less government is empty rhetoric.
Read my earlier post. I stand by what I said. What programs do you want to cut?
I don't want to "cut" any specific program. What I want is "reform".
You write that "to make a blanket statement that you want less government is empty rhetoric". I contend that to state that the Tea Party as a whole supports the desire to "to shrink government to the size where it can be drowned in a bathtub" is also "rhetoric. Just as it would be to say that the entire Occupy Movement seeks to turn our system of government into "communism".
The "platform" of the Tea Party includes the following goals - eliminate excessive taxation; eliminate the National Debt; eliminate Deficit Spending; protect free markets; reduce the overall size of Government and so on.
There are even some similar platform goals between it and the Occupy movement - promote Civic Responsibility; believe in the people; counter the influence of special interests and lobbies; maintain local independence free of any central leadership.
Despite the "rhetoric" that the Tea Party is the only segment of the American populace that feels that the rich are taxed enough, an October 2011 poll showed that 53% of Americans believe the top 1% of Americans should pay less than 30%, and the average fair rate suggested by Americans was 24%.
HUH? What does that mean?
YOU state that Tea Party wants to eliminate "excessive taxation."
First of all the word "excessive" begs the question. Of course, if something is "excessive" then we are better off without the excess.
But you fail to explain or define what would be "excessive."
Instead you continue to mouth the Tea Party rhetoric. Empty words.
See my earlier posts.
I wrote about the Tea Party Platform in response to your general statements about it....It is not "rhetoric", it is a statement of their platform. If you want to flesh it out, how about you spending some time on their actual websites rather than reading the inflammatory "reporting" of its platform by media?
The amazing part is, (R)epelican'ts made the HUGE government in the first place. The only time they really bitch is when a Democrat is at the top.
Makes you wonder why the teabaggers joined the (R)epelican'ts.
Teabaggers raised my taxes, and went against the State constitution to do so.
(R)epelican'ts have go to go!!!
Sorry your are completely wrong about all these programs being claimed by the Tea Party.
You know why, because most of them already have been implented because of our dumbed down society that thinks its the governments responsibility to nurture them, provide for their needs, tell them what is good for them and making them government dependent.
Those are not "Tea Party" values those are our "societies" values
Steve, you need to travel more. I have seen countries that don't "nurture" their citizens or "provide for their needs."
They call 'em "Third Word Countries."
A couple wealthy powerful people at the top, and a whole nation filled with sick, desperate and hungry citizens.
I have traveled thank you - been to Europe and the far east. You see, our society "expects" the government to do for them what they "don't" want to do for themselves.
Take any individual in this country who has never been out of this country and put them in a 3rd world country and they wouldn't survive. We are a country of wimps not people who know how to survive.
So, with that being said it follows what I said - "our society thinks that it's the governments responsibility to nuture them, provide for their needs, tell them what's good for them and making them "government dependent""
Did you open your eyes when you traveled? Did you observe the differences between the quality of life in European countries like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France. Compared with the quality of life in third world countries that are run by corrupt politicians, the people live in desperate poverty, and the rail, roads, medical and other services suck?
I stick by my posts above and below. Stop pimping for the richest 1%
So, what does Denmark, Sweden, Norway and France have to do with what's going on in the United States?
You are the one who brought up your world travels. Were you just dithering, or do your travels have a point? But more to the point, you failed to answer what government programs you desire to cut.
No I wasn't "dithering" I was making a point. The point being that todays younger generation don't know how to survive. That's the point.
And when you have a society that wants the government to provide everything for them how can you expect the government to cut expenses. It won't happen.
There are lots of programs within the government that should be cut - welfare without drug testing, oil subsadsies, energy grants, government selection as to who will be bailed out and who won't, grants for buying new vehicles, grants for going to college grants to big businesses, the list goes on and on.
Until this country stops being whiney and needy expecting the government to do for them what they can do for themselves, this economy will never change.
As it stands right now, unemployment isn't going to get better anytime soon because about 45% of the pouplation is up to their eyeballs in debt. Until that changes, the economy isn't going to change anytime soon.
Steve, I don't know which country you grew up in.
I have know many many extremely hard working and talented young people who have had far less than I had in the 1950s - 1970s relative to affordable high quality education and job opportunities.
These people aren't asking for handouts. And they are not only surviving but growing, albeit less robustly than young people in my generation.
Stop blasting our youth. They are America's future.
I don't disagree that there are hard working and talented young people who aren't asking for handouts and are surviving. I'm not talking about them.
So you want to talk in generalities about our youth?
Steve, let's take just the ones who "bought a house they couldn't afford." OK?
Buying my first house, the banks (under old business model) had set a high bar.
Your income had to be verified. Your mortgage had to be about 1/4th to 1/3rd of your income. You had to put 10% minimum down, preferably 20%.
The thing that caused the housing meltdown was the BANKS. They loaned money to anyone with a pulse. No standards... whatsoever.
THat is a corrupt and sharp business practice. And it nearly brought down the world's economies.
I am talking about the ones who whine because they are into debt up to their eyeballs at the age of 25 and think it's the governments fault for them not having a job.
I am talking about the ones who whine because they bought a house they couldn't afford in the first place, lost it because they lost their job and are expecting the government to do something about it
I am talking about the ones who whine because they think they should have everyting life has to offer at the ripe old age of 30.
I am talking about the ones who whine because they think it is unfair for someone to have more then them yet they are not willing to go out and work to have it.
I am talking about the ones who whine because they think wall street is the problem when in fact it's the governmemt who is the problem but because they have been brainwashed into thinking being wealthy is evil they condem those who are wealthy.
I could go on but I am sure by now you get my point.
1) The programs that provide for the national defense? For it! One of the few things the government is actually mandated to provide in the Constitution. Needs improvement.
2) The programs that safeguard the food we eat? For it! Needs improvement.
3) The programs that insure that the pharmaceutical products that doctors prescribe are safe and effective? For it! Needs improvement.
4) The programs that build the national network of highways, bridges, public transportation, air traffic control, and other infrastructure that make possible that corporations can develop, build, market, ship and consume the vast array of products that we buy and sell every day? For it! Needs improvement.
5) The programs that make sure our money is safe within the banking system? For it! Needs MAJOR improvement/overhaul. Dodd/Frank is making it worse. The libs create the problems and then claim to have fixes for them. This is just one example.
6) The programs that watch over the Wall Street securities industries to make sure that they don't gouge the public, deceive investors, and apply sharp business practices to consumers? For it! Needs MAJOR improvement/overhaul.
7) The programs that safeguard natural resources so they are extracted in ways that harm the public? For it but the government has gone way too far with this and it is becoming dangerous to count on our enemies for our energy supply.
8) The programs that provide National Parks, wild lands, and open recreational lands, safeguarded so they are never turned into massive commercial developments and housing tracts? For it but the government has gone way too far with this. Re: a puddle on a family farm can be deemed a Protected Wetland in many areas.
9) The programs that are aimed at keeping America strong by having an educated workforce capable of meeting the needs of the business sector?? The DOE regulations have done just the opposite. Get rid of it.
10) The programs that are aimed at targeting criminals -- blue collar, white collar, no collar. This is called "law enforcement". For it in general, of course, but they also have gone way too far in deciding what is criminal behavior. See the Bill of Rights for more info.
11) The programs that stimulate universities and scientists to conduct research and development? Who picks the winners and losers? The money goes to whatever happens to fit the agenda, not necessarily what is important.
12) The programs that are aimed at stepping in when a tornado, earthquake, hurricane or other disaster strikes our citizens? For it! Needs MAJOR improvement/overhaul. Re: FEMA
13) The programs that provide a safety net for citizens so that when they are too old to work, and haven't amassed a fortune like Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch, that they can live out their final years with a modicum of dignity and comfort? Needs TOTAL overhaul. Current systems are unsustainable and destructive.
14) The programs that provide a hot meal in school to the tens of millions of children who are living in poverty and, for them, that is their only nutritious and hot meal? So these kids are all starving on the weekends and during vacation time while they are watching TV on the parents big screen? Some do need this program but most don't.
15) The programs that make sure our air is not polluted and causing health problems? Who wouldn't be for clean air? But the EPA is out of control and has become destructive.
16) The programs that strengthen international trade through efficient and robust ports, channel dredging, and trade agreements?
17) The programs that oversee what is shipped into and out of the United States to make sure that there is no contraband, drugs, weapons, and illegal goods. For it. It's called law enforcement and national defense.
18) The programs that make sure that terrorists are not infiltrating America? For it. It's called law enforcement and national defense.
19) The programs that establish cooperative agreements with other nations? To general to comment on.
20) The programs that helped the Auto industry rebound after it nearly tanked? In general, against it. There were already legal procedures in place to deal with this.
21) The programs that watch over and manage America's monetary system? Seriously? How has that worked out so far???
. . . . .we could go on and on and on. But I think you get the point. Programs are created to meet specific problems or needs of society.
The TEA Party is not an anarchist group. We want limited government based on the constitution but we also understand that there should be a safety net for those unable to fend for themselves but not for those that choose not to.
Actually, we were blocking the subversion. When the government is going in the wrong direction, it is our duty to stand against it. Isn't that what you want to do as well? You just don't like that it's your ox that's getting gored.
Can you cut through the generalities and rhetoric and level specific criticisms. So far all I see from you is sophistry and sweeping generalities. What do you stand for?
What DO you stand for?
WHAT do you stand for?
What do YOU stand for?
What do you STAND for?
What do you stand FOR?
Damn, dude, scroll up a few posts!
Uhhhh. . . you mean the part where you copy my lengthy post, and then make a few vacuous and vague statements about wanting a Constitutional government???
Dude, we still don't know what you stand for. Please illuminate us.
What do you want, an essay for each line item? Do some research outside of HuffPo and MoveOn, you might learn something.
BTW, did you learn the improper use of bullet points from ZenHog or are you him?
Just remember less government = banking crises. Repeat it like a mantra until you get it through your head.
Just remember less commando Odumbo, the Kenyan loser = banking crises
This bill is GREAT! Drill here, drill now! It's about freakin' time.
You are a traitor who wants to run a leaky oil pipeline across our great nation to feed oil to China. Makes me wanna puke.
Yeah, lets keep buying the oil from our enemies instead! Good plan.
If that's the purpose, why not build a refinery in Canada?
Are you opposed to drilling for our own oil here and off-shore and building more refineries?
I think it only benefits the corporations at the expense of We the People. But guaranty me in writing that the price of oil will go down to and not exceed three dollars a gallon for X number of years and you can drill wherever the f#@k you want. What, you can't do that??? Then get the F@#k OUTTA MY FACE!
So oil is ok and screw the environment as long as it's cheap. Got it.
Oil at any cost makes even less sense.
But that's what we will end up because our enemies are in control of it. Perfect example:
No comment, HitGirl?
Not building the pipeline will not stop what will indeed happen, money will be made, by a very small handful, regardless if it is trucked, railroaded or shipped to Texas for preparation to be sold to China.
Thank God somebody has sense. To to take ALL the control away from the village idiot Obama
So what's wrong with offshore oil drilling and opening up parts of the Artctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling?
Or should we continue to import oil and continue to be "oil dependent" instead of being "oil independent".
I think this is the stupidest comment I have seen on this forum in 4 months. There really should be some kind of prize for that.
Apparently you don't read your own comments.
Oh really then if you are that concerned about the enviornment and drilling for oil, let me suggest the following:
Stop buying electronic devices because they are made from oil
Stop driving your automobile because it uses products made from oil
Stop buying new vehicles because all the plastic in them is made from oil
Stop buying groceries at the big box stores because all the containers used are manufactured using oil
Stop buying groceries at the big box stores because all the products that arrive there are delivered by "diesel" trucks.
You can also move to the country, live off the land, build your own house from the forest, farm the land and live happly ever after. Lets see how long you wold be able to do that - especially without yorur "Ipod made from oil".
You say my comment is stupid - how stupid are you for not supporting drilling for oil when all the products you use are made from oil. Seems to me you are talking out of both sides of your mouh.
That is not enough oil to make us oil independent. Why ruin are waters and oceans and air when it won't make a difference? The age of oil is over. Time to move on.
So how about all of the natural gas we have? I'm sure you're against drilling for that, too.
That would depend how it's drilled for and where. Natural gas burns cleaner than oil and emissions can be reduced to near zero with advanced catalysts.
You have to drill for it where it is, not where you wish it was.
Obama said he wanted to create jobs (didnt say how many). He said he wanted to be oil independent.
How does selling oil to China make us oil independent?
What? Selling what oil to China. The discussion was him STOPPING the Keystone pipeline. Creating American jobs and doing business with our neighbor to the north. China....... ?
There was always something about this pipeline that struck me as odd. Why "must" the pipeline go to Texas? There are much closer refineries. And why does it have to go all the way to the Gulf?
Keystone showed its hand when President Obama postponed the project. They announced that if we didn't allow the pipeline to be built, China - our good friend China - was willing to put up the money for a West Coast terminal instead. Yeah, like the folks in British Columbia will allow that, eh?
Keystone has been planning to sell the oil to China all along. That's why the pipeline "must" reach a port. Of course they will sell us part of the oil, at a competitive price.
They also will generously allow us to have front row seats to any disasters that occur. Remember this thing will pass right through major tornado, flood and earthquake zones. I'm sure they will even let us help clean up after.
I hope that clears this up.
-From Herald and News
It clears up that liberals always have an excuse to stop America. I would assume you are typing on a home computer, manufactured in China, powered by an electric power plant within 100 miles of your home, powered by coal, oil or gas. You will consume huge amounts of electricity putting tons of stuff in the air and then claim how much you care about the environment. Typical.
Liberals aren't the ones stopping America from freeing herself from the shackles of oil. That would be the profiteers and their Republican stooges. How typical of you not to notice.
no, it's a persons desire to eat food(fertilized with petro chemicals) drive cars, and buy things made of plastic. And liberals buy these things all the time.
we're shakled to oil because there isn't a cheaper alternative.
We are making the alternatives cheaper all the time, but the oil trolls keep getting in the way. That was my point, wasn't it?
You Repubs ain't gettin your pipeline to China if I have any say in it.
obama lied, as usual.
This provides perfect cover for Obama.
Care to explain that?
The bill would strip Obama’s authority to decide on the Keystone XL pipeline. If the pipeline gets approved by someone else; then it gives the president political cover ......... because he wasn't the one that made the decision. If he made the decision alone; for or against; it will cost him votes. It will piss someone off. As far as a political standpoint, it's his best move. If he's 'not involved', then he can't be blamed.
And why would House Republicans want to do that? Is this leading to some head-ache inducing conspiracy theory?
You can suck on a shit hole hitdouche. Bite a rectum with a bloody hemorrhoid slut hole.
yes, and that solar and wind power is really working out well. Got to go, my solar powered car needs to have a wind mill installed on its roof.
Actually the japanese took the idea and ran with it, developing a new type of windmill that is more efficient. One of the northern european companies also has developed small wind powered generators to collect the wind created by vehicles on highways. Perhaps if you put as much energy into developing ideas as you do into being negative, you could contribute to solutions to polluting technolgies.
i'm not negative just am resentful of the government subsidizing these failing 'green' energy companies while other companies like where i work have to make it on our own (as it should be). Government makes a crappy Venture Capitalist. i also don't care about polluting as much as i do care about getting away from using oil and supporting the crazy oil producing countries (i.e. the mid east, venezuela..). the wind idea sounds interesting, but i wonder if a small wind generator on a car could help keep a battery charged, i know that planes use them as emergency generators.,
Government should subsidize innovation that has potential to help the nation, especially when powerful industries have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, and are them selves subsidized to the tune of billions of dollars, despite making record breaking profits....
if what you say is true about highly subsidized powerful industries (i doubt it), at least they are producing a product that works.
I am referring to oil companies specifically, and it is a fact, not a supposition.
what you are talking about are tax breaks, subsidies is to 'aid or assist with public money' . This is like what the 'green' energy companies are getting. a tax break isn't a subsidy.
You would have to have a basic understanding of thermodynamics. The wind drag caused by the wind generator would drain more than you could gain.
solar and wind, a waste of time and money, unless you're a solar or wind company that gets taxpayer money from obama.
You skipped over the biggest waste of time America ever had.
George W. Bush and his (R)epelican't followers.
You skipped over the biggest waste of time America ever had and that is commando Odumbo. The muslim pretend leader
shooz, for your age you should have more sophisticated comments. you sound like some college radical with a bandanna over his face.
The truth sound radical to you, because you've allowed your brain to go to waste on the likes of Limbaugh and FLAKESnews.
like i said, i'd think you'd have more to say.
Well gosh, and I thought that someday you would admit to some level of truth.
It becomes increasingly unlikely, with your every post.
your opinion isn't necessary 'the truth' . It's very arrogant of you or anyone to assume that what they believe is 'the truth', its opinion.
Except that I issued a true statement, not an opinion.
The inability to differentiate between the two, is a symptom of overexposure to "right wing" propaganda machines.
what prey tell was your true statement? that foxnews is bad? that obama is great, that bush was a terrorist? its opinion if you can't see that difference you are going to end up an old grumpy man. Oh wait that's already happened. Well you know what i mean
The inability to operate a simple forum is yet another symptom.
Spewing twisted assumptions, based on that inability, is also on the list.
shooz, shooz, you live in a liberal bubble, get out and see the world, not everyone (thank God) thinks like you and your friends.
Good thing most people don't ignore reality, like you and your friends do.
There's still hope.
You very politely and benevolently did not point out how fawking retarded the idiot is.
I'm pretty much a live and let live kinda gal, but, there should be open season on shooz and his gang of idiots.
yeah thanks JaninaDrum, you are correct.
changing the subject does not change the truth about solyndra.
Solyndra represents 1% of the green energy energy R&D and industrial investments of the US. (And it was initiated by Dubbya originally.) All other investments are doing fine. That's a 99% success rate. It's a record of investment a venture capitalist would cum in in his pants over.
it represents 100% wasted taxpayer dollars.
That statement only demonstrates how very very very little you know about capital investing. A 1% failure rate means a bare minimum of a 99% return. But, since government investment typically returns between 3x and 10x the initial investment to the economy, you're really talking about a 300% return as a minimum.
That's a net GAIN, not a net loss. The entire portfolio has to be looked at, not one single item on it. As i said, any private venture capitalist would cream for those kinds of numbers.
wasted taxpayer dollars unless you were on the receiving end of this fraud. then your pockets were lined curtesy of the american taxpaying population. there No return . lost , wasted money.
You are as thick as a brick. How many investments were made in EKG machines before they paid off? How many in computer technology? How many jet engines failed before they were perfected and could be used for civilian transportation? What about the development of nuclear power? These are all things the government invested in that we now have the use of. You don't pay attention to the things that failed at the time, because you don't know about them.
Do you understand what an investment portfolio is? Do you get that it is speculative by nature? Do you get the fact that if only perfectly safe investments were made, we wouldn't have the things listed above, or a thousand other things for that matter, because private business would not have made those investments? Did you ignore the fact that overall the government's return on its investments have yielded a 300 to 1000 percent return?
The whole point of government investment is to put money into promising technologies that are too risky for private venture capitalists to risk. It has been that way since WWII, if not longer. Along the way, there have been lots and lots of failures, but even including them, America has come out WAY ahead.
I'd prefer the government do the research over paying a private company
You mean as it has always done, and successfully? When Universities make promising discoveries, the government keeps those experiments funded. Does the US have to build universities? When it wanted to translate military jet technology to public use, should it have built factories to rival Boeing or Lockheed Martin? Wouldn't that be really wasteful?
the government money would not have been lost to profit for those private companies
It wasn't lost to profit. It added to the economy. The tax revenue alone covered all the costs, and it created jobs.
If the government had to build every facility for every area of R&D or any attempt support industries that were deemed in the public interest, it would cost hundreds, it not thousand of times more. And there would STILL be no profits, since the government doesn't have iPod stores.
the government could have added that same money to the economy through paying it's employees
It did, in fact it created some new jobs.
I really don't understand your objection. We have thousands of things we use, including this internet itself, that was funded by the government. Would you rather not have these things?
Right now, the government is trying to get up to speed (and catch up to China) by investing in green energy projects, both in terms of R&D and fledgling industries. If successful, it will create hundreds of thousands of jobs, re-establish the US as a manufacturer, and help ween us off of dependance on foreign oil. What's to object about? This is investment in future infrastructure.
solyndra was a scam, from start to finish.
You are a moron, start to finish. Maybe you should actually learn something about what Solyndra was about, and why it was such a promising technology, before you stick your foot in your myopic mouth again.
solyndra made solar panels that cost too much to be competitive . A fact known form the beginning. .
NO. There were two issues. The costs would have been competitive if the Chinese hadn't subsidized THEIR solar panels that they were actually selling below the cost of manufacture. At the time of Solyndra's founding, that was not yet the case. Second the INITIAL costs were too high: it was matter of economies of scale. If enough panels could be made and sold, the costs were projected to come down to competitive rates. So you are wrong for both reasons.
The private sector also invested heavily, more heavily than the government, because this company was seen to be viable and potentially profit-making. They would not have done so otherwise. Neither the public nor the private sectors intentionally invested in a known bankruptcy waiting to happen. It doesn't work that way. They don't say to themselves "Hey, this is sure to fail, so lets throw some money at it: we have too much to begin with."
You have swallowed the propaganda Cool-aid, and likely a lot more besides. You fail to understand (what a surprise!) that the entire "scandal" is part of a broader concerted campaign of distortion and attack on green energy itself by Big Oil and it's FauxNews and GOP shills.
From the last link:
The government — under Bush first, then under Obama — was right to assist Solyndra and other solar companies. Our government wants to help us capture some of the new green-energy industrial revolution for our country. It is millions of jobs and trillions of dollars coming down the road. To accomplish this the government stepped in to help explore promising new technologies, just like they do with cancer research. Solyndra had a promising new technology and that is why the Dept. of Energy started considering them for a loan guarantee – under the bush administration – that would encourage private investors to take the plunge.
That is all that happened here. Period. One company went under but the technology was promising and still is. Jobs were created – here. Research was funded – here. Facilities were built and will be used – here.
But China stepped in and put $30 billion into winning this bet – there – and this drove the prices down, so one company here went out of business. That is what happened.
time magazine is garbage. 'terrified"? really sir, you need therapy.
Really? You read the articles yet?
anyone who cites the ny times and mediaite ,ourfuture,ecocentric , dirty hippies and smirkingchimp to back up their "argument" is laughable.
You are fact-challenged. You would rather believe in your unfounded stupid, oil industry promoted lies than actually have the COURAGE to learn the truth about anything.
God forbid you read any genuine investigative reporting. Time Magazine is obviously such a "liberal" source.
You are TERRIFIED that you might be wring on this, because it might raise the specter of possibility that you are wrong about other things, too. Morally and intellectually, you are a coward, a terrified little mouse, hiding in your little hole of ignorant certainty.
sloyndra , money laundering scheme/scam, from start to finish.
The quickness of your reply indicates that you didn't bother to go to a single link I posted. Your's is an insistence of believing in and spread false myths. It is utterly fact-challenged. It is completely deceptive. It is stupid beyond belief, and most of all, it is immoral and indecent.
Put more succinctly, you are a scumbag.
LOL....It was a change of subject in the first place.
The pipeline should not be built.
why not? most of the pipeline already exists.
Why do want higher gas prices?
Why would you build such a line on a dangerous fault, right through the breadbasket?
Why do you hate America?
bought gas lately? the prices are steadily climbing. i want lower gas prices. don't you? I love america, libs/dems/ progressives do not.
OK, I can see you have a reading disability, so I will repeat myself for your benefit.
The pipe is being built to RAISE prices in the US.
Got that? The Kochs are anything but Dems.
If you're going to post BS, at least try and make it somewhat believable.
why would building a pipe raise oil prices?
One of the effects will be a reduction of supply in the midwest.
It's projected it will raise prices around 30 cents a gallon.
It's really just another market manipulation scheme.
A manipulation that once again places all real risk on the US public.
what do supplies in the mid west have to do with the pipeline?
"It's really just another market manipulation scheme."
that I believe
It's a quote from a radio interview I heard with a guy involved in building it.
He just said it would reduce midwest supply and allow for the price raise.
No dear, the pipeline would allow oil to got to texas to be refined. right now tha usa is exporting refined oil ( gaoline) and the price of gas in the usa is going up. do you know who owns the train line ( the santa fe)that is going to carry the unrefined oil? warren buffet. whith the price of gas rising , even if you don't own a car , everything you buy will continue to go up in price because everything is trucked in. the truckers will be pasing their increased cost of fuel to the wholesalers and retailers who will passing it along to you. everything from aspirin to toilet paper to shampoo to clothing, to food.
Warren Buffet? The President's go to guy on taxing the rich?
But, one thing.....since the price of a gallon of gas has gone up 92% since Obama took office aren't the prices of "everything from aspirin to toilet paper to shampoo to clothing, to food" already going up?
Warren Buffet owns the Burlington Northern Santa Fe RR.Yes, everything is going up in price and will go up more, the CPI does not include the cost of food and energy so the "official" inflation numbers are phoney. have you noticed that the amounts are smaller, juice is no longer 64oz, no more coffee sold in pound cans,, no more half gallons of ice cream, small amounts of cottage cheese ( used to be 8 oz) , smaller sizes of laundry detergent, smaller amounts in cereal boxes, etc.
My point exactly. One cannot point to the proposed pipeline and say that it is "intended" to increase the cost of everything when everything is already going up by intent. Candidate Obama made that perfectly clear when he stated that he wanted a "gradual" increase in the price of a gallon of gas to force us into greener energy. Nothing wrong with that IF Americans are working but there are too many on the Unemployment Rolls and too many who have given up looking for work - and too many whose wages have been stagnant compared to the increases in the cost of living. These increased costs and the increased implementation of governmental taxes and fees on everything we purchase are squeezing the middle class out of existence.
Again, to point specifically to the pipeline is to leave out the whole of the story.