Forum Post: Tea Party Represents America, Not Occupy Wall Street
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 17, 2012, 11:25 a.m. EST by gearhead
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 17, 2012, 11:25 a.m. EST by gearhead
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I was going to join the Tea Party but apparently having more than two working neurons in my brain disqualifies me.
What do you call a Tea Bagger with two brain cells?
I think that the Tea Party committee was being polite when they told you of the less than 2 neuron requirement. That's just what they tell all of the applicants that they don't want. It helps to let them down easier. : >
Not to mention that we work so you better stick with the "bottom feeders" , the OWS crew
You work? Well...I guess someone has to make all of those idiotic Tri-Corn hats.
So do most people...Except bankers they have been given the "right to extract".
"I'll just take that country if you don't mind, thank you very much Greece and Italy."
Off your knees, Koch whore.
Did you read the article yet???
I did, and saw that it came from AIM, the propaganda arm of Tea party
Here's a real take on tea party from the libs at business insider
The Tea Party is bunch of hacks that are determined to destroy the country. Fuck the Tea Party. A Tea Party is for little girls with imaginary friends. Lots of little Koch whores.
Cock Brothers' whores what...?
Tea Party represents racism, intolerance and imposed theocracy.
Racism? Hmm that's why I hear all this talk about "Jew bankers" and "Jewish corporate pigs" at OWS protests...and that's why most Occupiers are white, while Tea Party protests attract a relatively diverse ethnic body...Okay then.
As for the intolerance, I've seen atheists and Democrats at Tea Party protests. I'm not sure what world you live in.
Finally, if you think the Tea Party represents theocracy, you obviously have no clue what the Tea Party is.
Dig your head out of the sand and become a bit more educated before making a pompous buffoon of yourself.
The Tea Party was financed and its meeting hosted in large part by Stormfront and other White Supremacist groups throughout the southeast.
As to the "relatively diverse" ethnic body, I nearly went went snow blind looking at their rallies. A CBS News poll found that only 1 percent of Tea Party supporters are black and only 1 percent are Hispanic. It’s almost all white.
On the other hand, the very first people I met going to join OWS at Zuccotti Park were two Black, middle aged women on vacation from their jobs.
The Lipton and Tetley Mob is all about lowering taxes for the wealthy. OWS is all about income equity for the poor and middle class. Guess which one has more minority support.
AS to Supporting theocracy, The Tea Stains have strong ties to the Christian Conservative movement. 63% are anti-choice for women, a stance that is fundamentally religious. 82% are against any provision favoring gay marriage, another singularly religious stance.
So, on whole, OccupyCapitolHill and gearhead, you are full of shit.
Yes they are a radical bunch aint they??? too bad they were not like the moooching, drug using OWS goons
You tea party racists are the biggest mooches in society. You gain by intentionally imposing disadvantages on others.
amen brother, amen
I am a Democrat
What's a Democrat? Oh...OK..They are like Republicans..Only their tail and horns are better hidden..
What's your point?
I quit the Democrats in 1996 because they were too racist and right wing for my social justice, civil liberties and human rights Constitutional values.
Claiming to be a Democrat is nothing to be proud of in 2012.
A rather confused one.
You should avoid (R)epelican astro turf sites, like the plague on free thought that they are.
You are a one more round of John-Dan. Nothing more and nothing less.
Yea, the Tea Party abuses legal prescription drugs they get at the doctors office.. Perfectly legal and morally superior..
Inter-generational stealing I say.
The OWS loons smoke weed, set in the park all day, trying to come with ways to weasel money from the working class. They figure society owes them and they are nothing but bottom feeders
Burp! Well at least weed is natural.. "They figure society owes them and they are nothing but bottom feeders". Sounds just like the Royals in England..Same thing to me..
Sounds like you are trying to describe the OWS loons!!!!
It's an interesting opinion piece, containing some facts and some faulty conclusions. Neither group represents America. Conservatives, Liberals, Socialist Libertarians, all are minority movements. The sad part is the closest group to an actual majority are the people that don't have a clue about what's going on. If you can get them to vote at all they vote out of the fear generated by a 30 second commercial instead of having done any reading.
"Tea Party Represents America... "
Like mobile home parks represent home ownership in America.
Teabagge(r)s are (R)epelicans.
aim is full of (R)epelicans, writing stuff for (R)epelicans.
Teabaggers, lie at least as well as the (R)epelicans that went before them.
Teabaggers raised my taxes, Not a word about that in the whole web site.
aim, as a web site ignores the truth.
Plus they stole the name from AOL,
You need to consider the source.
This is just a site that re-poops the (R)epelican party line.
Hmmm, I smell a rat
Now what does fact check say about tea party? let's just check on the largest Tea Party PAC
Now those folks only represent the WEALTHIEST of americans, all those founders are from the GOP, and espouse only those policies that benefit the RICH
Or how about this from fact check
Is that not enough? let me guess, you trolls will say factcheck is biased
so let's hear from business insider( those wacky libs)
So keep on believing the lies spouted by the propaganda group
Accuracy in media, because, like the national enquirer, they are seldom right
I'm expecting that AIM will publish that the bubble boy was cured at a tea party rally, and is now campaigning with yeti
Yes, if America is just a conglomeration of corporations and zombie like individuals who will blindly follow anyone holding a tea bag..
Taxed Enough Already....Gee wiz so this seems to be the 1% job creators constant whine and complaint...You F*cking Tea tools..
You people are advocates of your own slavery...Most of you are working class and you'll cut your own balls off because of your demented ideology...
Twisted completely twisted.
Sadly neither one represents America -
In one sense and one sense only
Corporations - Greedy Congress - Corrupted Government / Police
They Represent America
Here's a new spin on what RIGHTS we really do have If you don't think the government / public officials / police force is trying to silence a movement that threatens to disrupt the corruption and filth that has plagued us. Then wait until its too late - sooner or later everyone's going to realize the truth, hopefully sooner.
Society discriminates against the poor by anti smoking, obesity campaigns. Statistically overweight people make significantly less than thinner colleagues. This is the new racism.
Tea Party= radical right OWS= radical left
Both are unsavory and have extreme flaws. Kinda wish there was a middle group but I guess you can calls us the sensible group.
Tea Party is a broad term. It means a lot of things. The Randian influenced branch of it is insane, even though Ayn Rand's ideas also influence OWS, even if that is not directly known by OWSers. (Here's why I say that: [])
Besides that, I'd be willing to work with the Tea Party.
I find it hard to take the author, Lloyd Marcus, seriously.
In the article he begins by making a life story for an apparently disabled man, but does not bother to talk to him and find out what his story is all about.
So since he has done it, so will I. The man in question is also mental disabled. When my family was in the Tool and Die business, before the capitalists in control of the Government in Washington passed NAFTA, we would hire people at the behest of the state to do work just like this man was doing.
Also, a corporation would not hire a better educated person for a job like that. Why? Because someone who has gone to college, in most case presumably to get a better paying job, wants to make more money. If they have shown the drive to do that and all they can land is a $7.00 an hour job, a corporate manager is going to look at someone in that position as trouble. They are the classic types to form a union, because they have the drive to make more money.
From the article by Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American:
"While Occupy Wall Street participants trash, vandalize and disrespect public parks and government buildings, we tea party patriots leave our rally sites the way we found them or cleaner. The Tea Party is inspired by love for America and a desire to follow our Constitution. It is also in rebellion of political correctness and about restoring values and principles which have made America great. Tea Party goals are far superior to Occupy Wall Street which proclaims, “You rich guys have too much and we’re takin’ it!”"
Those are the same set of core principles that many at OWS also claim. I suspect the devil is in the details - how each group sees the world, what needs to change and how it's members act to effect change.
Mr. Marcus is simply making the gross over-simplification, stereotyping and marginalization of OWS that many others have made since the OWS Movement began. The article sheds no new light and offers no proof to support any claim as to which movement represents America.
As to the person who chooses to work as a shopping cart attendant for Wal-Mart I say God bless that person and more power to them. It's a moving story. I'm also moved by those who speak truth to power.
divide and conquer....again.... Tea partier, Occupier....all conditioned to take it out on one another...
This is a terrible post. You think the Democrats aren't trying to take ownership of OWS just like Republicans do with the Tea Party.
The Republican vs. Democrat shit needs to end. Don't you realize there's no difference between the parties?
Yes I do know there is no difference between the parties. I just do not like the OWS bottom feeding crew
the constitutional party which has been around much longer than the tea party, has a much more stable platform, (this is where ron paul came from) and is overall better for the people. but as is often the case, a catchy name is more important to the gullible people than a quality product or goods, just look at all the crap brand name dealers has been selling us for years.
As much as the KKK does - "Tea Party Represents America... "
Nice, I needed a good laugh to end the work day :-)
Tea party consist of working man / woman of America while the OWS consists of bottom feeders
Siege mentality grips Wisconsin as organizers submit recall petitions, Go Gov Walker, beat the chit out of them libtards
Repelicans!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at my platform
Please take time to read the article before leaving a comment. Thanks
That article/propaganda is a piece of cr@p!
we know who the enemy is :
Repelicans to undermine the Occupy Movement:
Forum Post: Memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street
original PDF document:
and we know who the TeaParty is:
The Billionaires TeaParty
The New Yorker - Covert Operations
Chomsky on The Tea Party v The Occupy Movement
More on the TeaParty:
InformationClearingHouse Jan.'11
And Chomsky on RonPaul
Absolutely AWSOME zendog, glad to see the old you is back
also, how did you get ahold of that memo pdf? that was great
I think I found it on the forum post - it is or was available from a link right on msm
Perhaps. you should get your 'head in gear' !
Tea Party "represents" America's (x) whereas OWS represents America's <3 !!
Re. what motivates and mobilises OWS I recommend and offer the following links, re. the award winning, documentary film, "INSIDE JOB" :
a) Latest Working Link : ,
b) Official Movie Website : &
c) Free Movie Download : .
'Inside Job' provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. Through exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics, the film traces the rise of a rogue industry which has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia. It was made on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France, Singapore, and China.
fiat lux !!!
I like your graphics work Mr. shadz! It's very close to ascii art, I say..
Thanx 'Mr.nickhowdy' and now I now what "ascii art" is ( ) !! ~{;-)
Crap, I didn't know it had a Wikipedia entry! Note: Wikipedia closing down in 11 hours to protest SOPA and PIPA stupidity...Get your proxy server connections ready...
What a joke..Just shut the whole fucking thing down then, because you can't stop it, to many workarounds ..
God forbid they shut it down, then people will really have nothing left to do but take to the streets..
Welcome to Fascist America.
Resistance Is Fertile !!! Stay well, strong and aware ;-)
With ya..
The housing crisis only got worse because of Obama's failed policies. He has a long string of failed policies
Your posted article was a typically Rancid, Right-Wing & Reactionary knee-jerk from yet another American 'Wealth Worshipping' Materialist, whose concerns don't stretch beyond his own wallet and whose over-riding and underlying animus is fear and loathing.
Re, The Source, "AIM", well where do we start ?! Maybe with, "Accuracy In Media (AIM) is an American, non-profit news media watchdog founded in 1969 by economist Reed Irvine. AIM describes itself as "a non-profit, grassroots citizens watchdog of the news media that critiques botched and bungled news stories and sets the record straight on important issues that have received slanted coverage." Despite AIM's assertion of political neutrality, it is frequently described by the mainstream media and other media watchdog groups as a conservative organization." ( ).
ad iudicium ...
Spread the word! This one says pretty much all that needs to be said about how we got into this sorry state of affairs known as the economic melt-down.
Re. what motivates and mobilises OWS I recommend and offer the following links, re. the award winning, documentary film, "INSIDE JOB" :
a) Latest Working Link : ,
b) Official Movie Website : &
c) Free Movie Download : .
Forward advocacy!
The Tea Party is bunch of hacks that are determined to destroy the country. Fuck the Tea Party. A Tea Party is for little girls with imaginary friends. Lots of little Koch whores.
whats your basis of thinking? you didnt say any facts just named called. how are they determined to destroy this country?
I have listed it elsewhere but I will do a short, short list:
Funded by the Koch heads. Bankrolled by oil buddies.
EPA is destroying the Country along with the Obama admin
Wrong answer, Cornflake. You assholes are destroying the country. :D
Please read the article before posting a comment douche
I did read it, fuck twit. The Tea Party is bunch of hacks that are determined to destroy the country. Fuck the Tea Party. A Tea Party is for little girls with imaginary friends. Lots of little Koch whores.
Yes read and frack. Damn the fracking, fracking will make ya blind. Repelicans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, look at you. Got a new ID, didja? What a douche bag.
Yes fracking is like douching the earth, Must not frack. Repelicans!!!!
Nobody gives a shit that you're a miserable fucktard, there are a shitload of other reasons to dislike you.
You must be one of the unclean. You won't bow before Obama. You must be one of them tea party koch whores. Vile tramp. You should kneel before my infinite liberal wisdom , maybe your a repelican..................
Just how fucking witless are you, anyway? Your foolishness is simply amazing.
typical koch whore talk. maybe you just need a good fracking. if we get a few pounds of flour maybe we can get a volunteer to try to climb onto you. Doubt it though. No one likes a dirty fat repelican
Drown in a puddle of your own excrement, brahski. You are just something awful.
You are remarkably dim. I can't imagine what that must feel like. A slow plodding existence. Always last to laugh , last to know. Nothing more than a talking monkey. Barely capable of verbalizing cognitive thoughts. A cut n paste queen. Incapable of articulating even the most basic premises recognized in society. It's quite sad. I imagine you were the exact person the Margaret Sanger had in mind when she dreamed of sterilization. Barely conscious human waste , taking up the time and valued resources of the others.
Awww....did you somehow think that you were worth some type of creativity? No. You are a repetitive little piece of shit with multiple ID's. You say the same thing over and over again. You start arguments that you aren't intelligent enough to finish. Somehow, you think that by spending the rest of your insignificant little life sucking Koch that you will be looked at with respect. You won't be. You will just be one more little Koch whore.
Slow fat and ugly the hallmarks of a liberal woman
You're a fat, uneducated hill jack AND a Koch whore.
Good I like little fatties with spunk. Maybe you're not a repelican. Come on by I'll show ya my platform
Remember that time when all of your friends went out to the bar the other night? No? That's because you have no friends.
Your trying so hard. It's cute. If you were only worth looking at. Poor unloved little fat girl. Spending all day on your computer. No social life. Not loved , never missed. The only sign of your presence is the sweat marks you leave were you sat. Horrible way to live. Don't you just feel like ending it all.
I'm not fat, fucktwit! Keep dreaming. :D
Once upon a time there was a dingleberry eating queef. Surprise, it was you.
Perhaps you are not aware of my PLATFORM
I saw a squirrel
The dog barked the seas fell orchrist riboflaxxin
cold it be
I see you and gear head are most likely sockpuppets of a similar master -
and I see you have a fondness for both the term repelican and for childish attempts at verse? here:
You stink. Did you douche?
Woah there Cinderella, you need to shut your meat loving trap, you moronic sausage ninja.
Did you? You still stink.
You're a good-for-nothing fucktard, and may you shit fire.
I do when I enjoy some raspberry habanero salsa. It burns going in and out!
Why are you in a bad mood, did someone take a shit in your cake there, princess?
Thats right and repelicans can't forget them. Must fight the repelicans. We need to frack the repelicans. Frack em hard