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Forum Post: Tea Party Alliance

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:40 a.m. EST by antipolitics (127)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Imagine if we can team up with the Tea Party? They've done a great job shaping public discourse...

If we can combine forces...



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[-] 2 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

The OWS can endorse parts of the Tea Party's platform of demands that it agrees with and the Tea Party, if it is so inclined, can endorse parts of the OWS list of demands (if and when issued) that it agrees with. OWS, as a group, is non-partisan but each person is entitled to his or her own political viewpoints.

[-] 1 points by youngforthealba (5) 13 years ago

young for the Bolivarian aliance for the people of our américa: if you want that we spread in all our network the thinks that ocupy wall street do, we need the films in spanish or with subtitle

[-] 1 points by youngforthealba (5) 13 years ago

young for the Bolivarian aliance for the people of our américa: if you want that we spread in all our network the thinks that ocupy wall street do, we need the films in spanish or with subtitle

[-] 0 points by oceanweed (521) 13 years ago

the tea party is raising money to fight ows why would we waste time on people who have no control of their leaders dems have supported ows from start while the republicans demonize

[-] 2 points by antipolitics (127) 13 years ago

i think the establishment has much to benefit from OWS fighting with the Tea Party... if we can put our differences behind us, realize we are one and the same... I think they would be scared...

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 13 years ago

this the point you seem to be missing tax rich get money out of poltics end wars have never been supported by republican leaders and this is a protest not a compromise

[-] 1 points by antipolitics (127) 13 years ago

But the Tea Party aren't made up of Republican Leaders... it's made up of people, just like us... they are sick and tired of the BS that's going on with DC, just like us... if Corporate Greed is the problem, then the Government and people in government let it happened...

They aren't saying "Smaller Government so the Rich 1% can make more money", they want jobs just like we do, they want someone to be held responsible for the economic collapse of 2008 just like we do...

they saw the need for change, and rose up... just like us... I think OWS took a little longer cause we had faith in Obama would of acted sooner... if a GOP was President, we prolly would of rose up first...

Just imagine if we teamed up together... instead of against one another, holding each other back...

If we can't work with the Tea Party, what chance does the establishment have of working together, let alone with us...

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 13 years ago

the same people who have herman cain leading in polls a tea party favorite and wont vote for mitt romney because hes a mormon dude ows will never support republican views but they can join ours