Forum Post: Tea-Partiers, Libertarians, Ron Paul advocates - What are you doing?!?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 5:54 a.m. EST by imrational
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Tea-Partiers, Libertarians, Ron Paul advocates - What are you doing?!?
The conservative media is giving a slanted picture of the movement. Yes, liberal groups (such as unions) have endorsed us. That doesn't mean we endorse them. We are an inclusive movement. We wish to include as many Americans in the 99% as are willing to join us.
Yes, many people at the occupations are young, unemployed, and hold fringe ideologies. Keep in mind that many of us do have jobs and we are at work and cannot stay at the protests. This makes it look like the movement is entirely a liberal one when it is not. We are striving to include everyone we can, regardless if they are conservative or liberal. The more people that join us, the closer we represent the United States melting pot.
You might get frustrated by some of the fringe ideas being tossed around or by insults some liberals throw at you. We all need to take the high ground. Do not respond in kind. Demand respect and dignity by acting in a way that deserves it.
Remember, when HBGary was hacked, it was found that the government was developing software to turn social media into weapons. For example, software that would allow people to operate sock puppets and post comments on boards like this one or other ones. How do we know that software is not being used by other groups whose interests go against cleaning up corruption? In other words, when you see threads that are insulting or are flame-baiting... ignore them!
Also keep in mind that people/journalists come to the site and see intelligent threads without any replies, while insult threads are filled with hundreds of responses. It makes us all look like arguing children.
If someone insults you, do not insult them back. If you feel you must reply in anger, chastise them for causing dissension and hindering the movement. Otherwise, kill them with kindness. Remind them that you are here because you want to make the world a better place and it can only happen if we all work together. Ask them why they're not helping more.
I want you to think about when the liberals try to push their beliefs down your throat. I doubt it's pleasant. Now keep in mind that about 50% of this country are liberal and most are too entrenched in their beliefs to easily change. When you attempt to push your agenda onto them or insult their ideas, all you end up doing is cause hostility and encourage division between us and them. This movement isn't about you pushing your ideology and agenda on the rest of America them doing the same to you. That won't succeed.
We need to concentrate on a platform/agenda that 99% of Americans will support, this necessitates that it would have to be embraced by liberals too. There are not many things we can all agree on, so we need to stick to the few things we do. We need to send a clear message that this movement is about eliminating corruption in government and keeping it gone.
Keep the agenda towards cleaning up the corruption. Focus on that. Bring in people rather than push them away. If your suggestion would not be immediately embraced by the vast majority of Americans, drop it for now. We have enough on our plate without being sidelined by personal agendas.
WHAT YOU NEED TO DO! We need you. We need your friends and family. BADLY. Right now, there are more liberals than conservatives in the movement. The mainstream media is demonizing the movement with myths about how it's all lazy hippies looking for handouts and turning this into a socialist/communist country. We need more of you to prove them wrong and to balance the scales. Please talk to people you know and encourage them to get involved. We have endorsements from Unions and liberal celebrities. We need an endorsement from conservative groups (even the Tea Party if that would be possible). We need to be as inclusive as we can. We need both liberals and conservatives, because without the other side we will be disregarded and dismissed. In order to be inclusive, we need to stop insulting those who have different ideologies than us. When people try and pick fights, we need to take the high road and point to the goal 99% of us want to accomplish. TAKE THE HIGH ROAD. STICK TO THE PRIMARY MESSAGE. DON'T GET SIDE-TRACKED.
This is what I like to hear. This speaks to concerns myself and other libertarians have regarding OWS and how the message is being watered down by personal interests. Right now the movement needs to stick to getting corporations out of government and we can go from there.
Thank you.
At this point, the bigger threat are liberals pushing their agenda... if only because there are more of them in the movement currently. I've been emailing conservative journalists and members of the Tea Party to try and drum up more conservatives willing to at least sympathize with us.
It's a good post. "We are the 99%" means this is a big tent - if you feel this movement does not represent you, make time to go to a local group & make your voice heard.
Don't be divided and conquered. Freedom is universal. Non-political, leaderless, unending.
I agree.
As a libertarian. Don't get me wrong, I'm with the movement too, but right now, I am laughing. Cause right now, I think we ALL need to loosen up a bit, and laugh at ourselves.
we could stand some viral cartoon video comedies about the Wall Street execs panicking or some more comedy songs to support the movement.
I agree with most of this , but I want to say one thing.
Not all union members are "liberal" in the usual sense of the word--unless you define "liberal" as being in favor of collective bargaining and the right to organize.
Many, many union members are much more comfortable on the Fox News/Tea Party side of the cultural divide. If OWS can make those people comfortable, it will be unstoppable.
hadn't thought of it that way. Thanks
Right on.
Thanks for the support. I worry though that the movement is already failing. The liberal side of it is pushing their ideology too strongly. Looking at comments at news articles, they are responding to trolls entirely the wrong way... making it appear as if this movement is about tearing down capitalism or giving handouts. Everyone needs to stay on target if we want to accomplish anything.
It's pretty sad that this got no responses. I've been saying that we need more conservatives, and we desperately need liberals to stick to the reason that we came to WS in the first place: to stop corporate influence in politics.
Don't misunderstand, I'm about as liberal as they come. But that's not what this is about. Also, don't judge what is happening out there by what you are reading in here. Weekend warriors and clicktivists aren't what is making this happen. Right now the entire thing is about growing. Get out there and grow it. We all know we're getting fucked. Now it's time to get up and say so.