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Forum Post: Tea baggers and conservatives are getting scared of the word "Socialism" around here so lets change it

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 11:22 p.m. EST by ArrestAllCEOS (115)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I propose that we now refer to it as "Compassionate Capitalism"

It will still be socialism, of course, and incorporate ideals such as income caps, wealth redistribution, free college/mortgage, and big government. However, when we push our agenda we can simply refer to it as Compassionate Capitalism.

Playing with people's minds has been our most effective weapon so far. The mind is nothing but a social construct, subject to conditioning. We condition it with words. Thinking is done with words. By changing words, we change the thinking. That's what CHANGE is all about!

We have already changed and implanted a few words into the mainstream public discourse.

Take "Justice." Economic Justice = Economic Equality = Equal Outcomes = Redistribution of Wealth. Therefore Justice = Redistribution.

"Workers' Party" also sounds just as scary today as "Socialism." The Nazis were a "Workers' Party," the Iraqi and Syrian BAATH parties are also "Workers' Parties," and, of course, the Bolsheviks were a "Workers' Party," building a "Workers' Paradise" (prior to being Communist Party (before the Revolution) they were RSDRP - Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party).

But change it to "Working Families Party" and you've got a whole new ring to it. Who would argue with a working family? Conservatives always talk about families and family values - so here you go. That makes Working Families Party appear as if they represent just about anyone in this country: WE ARE 99%!!!

Examples are plenty. Let's think of how we can change even more existing words and expressions.

Post your ideas and thoughts here



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[-] 3 points by pconlon (6) 13 years ago

Here is some humour from Occupy PIttsburgh to lighten things up


[-] 1 points by mimthefree (192) from Biggar, Scotland 13 years ago

that is truly hilarious.


[-] 3 points by kookla (79) 13 years ago

LOL droll trolls are inane and insane on the paranoid plains of their mind

[-] 2 points by Sid861 (10) 13 years ago

Is this satire?

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

It has to be but it's well done because it conveys some very important facts. If you look at a 100 year dictionary you'll see how words have had their meanings changed.

Up is down and down is up and socialism is the new capitalism.


[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Sid861 (10) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by drockrust (2) 13 years ago

How did Nazi Germany work out? How did communist Russia work out? That is why there is fear of socialism. Bill Gates has donated more towards saving lives than most countries have through their healthcare systems. If you take his money and divide it equally to everyone else then you are doing more harm than good.

[-] 1 points by drockrust (2) 13 years ago

How did Nazi Germany work out? How did communist Russia work out? That is why there is fear of socialism. Bill Gates has donated more towards saving lives than most countries have through their healthcare systems. If you take his money and divide it equally to everyone else then you are doing more harm than good.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

conservatives conserve civilization

liberals expand civalization

socialist help people

liberals help themselves

[-] 0 points by ArrestAllCEOS (115) 13 years ago

This seems accurate

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

it's simple

but no one has challenged it

[-] 1 points by grepcat (121) 13 years ago

I'm a registered republican, Tea Party sympathizer, business owner, entrepreneur, and I would like to conquer or at least subdue China. But I'm not afraid of socialism. We can be socialistic and still become wealthy and own property, it is not communism. Some people aren't as smart, lucky, or inherited as I, that doesn't mean I want them to wallow in the gutter or beg for food or medical care. Grow up people. "Worker's Party" has been lumped in with Socialists and communists. The "Nazi" party was adamantly opposed to communism and actively fought it--there is confusion because they do not want to teach us in school that we sided with the Communists to defeat Germany. Kids start asking all kinds of difficult questions that muddle the message they aim to implant.

[-] 1 points by MarkDuwe (127) 13 years ago

It's not hard to teach sheep to be afraid of a dog.

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

LOL, well I think Regan coined the word "compassionate conservative."

[-] 1 points by Marc526 (44) from Lodi, NJ 13 years ago

You say Po tay toe I say Poe Tah Toe... What's the difference? I'm really worried about what Republicans and TeaBaggers think? Oh god no not this lifestime... I don't even care what Deomocrats think. No elephants and donkeys here we are Lions survival of the fittest Darwinism at its finest. We are changing the way we live 99% believe in 100% unity!
