Forum Post: Te Zeitgesit movement seems to be along the sames lines as OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 8:45 p.m. EST by mrbill0626
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Yes, the Zeitgeist Movement is or seems to be pretty much in synch with what you folks are doing. Check it out at: Their philosophy, as I understand it, is that money is the root of all of our problems and we need to get rid of all forms of money and substitute for it resource based economies around the world. I received an e-mail from them that I would like to forward to someone at OWS if I can get an e-mail or contact address to send it to.
Thanks for what you are doing. It is getting a lot of peoples' attention.
Permalink, evidently you are not familiar with what the Zeitgeist Movement is and what they propose. Have you checked out their web site and watch the movies?
Sometimes I think Zeitgeist is what started all these worldwide movements. Great videos.
No, it really doesn't. The message of OWS movement is not to create little robots to do all the work for us and strip mine the world.