Forum Post: taxing millionaires creates jobs in California
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 9 p.m. EST by Toddzen
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
My current job in the Mental Health System in California is funded by a 1% tax on millionaires. This tax was created to fund new jobs in the Mental Health System. This tax is working to create innovative programs in the Mental Health System. It is a lie that cutting taxes on millionaires and billionaires creates jobs. These greedy people are hoarding their wealth causing a stagnating economy. They only think about themselves not what is best for the Country.
Think about it my friend. I totally understand what it looks like on the front page. When you get into the details though you will quickly see that taxation has ran almost all industry (jobs) out of the USA. Why would anyone run a business in the US right now when they can do the same in China, Taiwan, Korea etc. etc for a quarter of the price. The idea behind lower taxes is so business doesn't pick up and leave the country altogether.