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Forum Post: tax the rich? why?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 1:40 a.m. EST by jbob (74)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

what will raising taxes on the rich do? we will still have a massive debt. why dont we come together and blame who is really responsible. obamas administration.



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[-] 3 points by warriorjoe7 (232) 13 years ago

yeah obama racked up the debt before he was in office too. Repuublicrats and democrans share the blame. 2 sides of the same coin.

[+] -5 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

he racked up more than half of our debt in less than three years dipshit.

[-] 1 points by tr289 (916) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

Your post is just more proof that Republicans can't even pass 2nd grade math... The national Debt was $10,626 Trillion the day Obama took Office. It's $1 5,085 trillion today. You also have to remember that almost $2 trillion came from a bill that Bush and the Republicans came up with that Obama had to sign 3 days after he took office.

In reality, Obama has spent less money then Bush if you take out TARP, something he had nothing to do with.

[-] 1 points by warriorjoe7 (232) 13 years ago

where did the other half come from?

[-] 2 points by CafPop (45) from Rochester, NY 13 years ago

Obama's admin? It has its problems, but it's not as nearly as bad as Congress and Wall Street and The Fed and capitalism in general, and malinformed people who think it's about right vs. left, and hopeless people who get depressed about everything and just want everyone to give up, and, and and and.....etc....The least the rich could do for screwing well over half the world is pay their fair share, no?

[-] 2 points by CafPop (45) from Rochester, NY 13 years ago

And the fact that the middle class is constantly being beaten into economic submission and are too in debt to be able to pay any more taxes. What do you have against regular working class folks? The rich don't care about you, all they do is measure their pathetic lives in dollars and erode and attack the lives of those whose back's they are standing on to get where they are. The rich are the problem, not the solution. Anyone starting a business can create jobs, but the elite (not necessarily just "any" rich people) hardly do anything for the economy but bet on it to fail and screw over the lives of millions and then try to get people to blame the millions of screwed over people for their own problems as if case and effect are figments of everyone's imaginations. Are you somehow not affected by the economic crisis that happened in '08? If so good for you, but you obviously have no idea what's going on, so don't try to form assumptions about something you can't understand.

[-] -1 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

tell me in just a sentance or two or more if you want, why capitalism is bad? or even better explain what you think capitalism is.

[-] 3 points by CafPop (45) from Rochester, NY 13 years ago

I'm going to say "no" right now to your qeestion because it's a slew of interconnected things, but let me try to paraphrase what's going on...I mean...when do you want me to pick my starting point? I could go all the way back to colonialism if you want something that is more or less analogous to the current system only in a more militaristic application (you could see how someone would have a problem with how Europe exploited millions of native peoples around the world right?), or I could start with how badly Reagan's policies affected most everyone in the world. Basically the biggest multinational corporations have consolidated so much power, catering to the demands of the West primarily, and essentially enslaving those in 3rd world far Eastern countries, and Global south countries, you create a vicious cycle of poverty, destruction, and further consolidation, to the point where many places in America itself now resembles the 3rd world. Ghettos and outsourcing and Drug Cartels and Congress are all intimately linked, just as intimately linked is the rise of the financial industry, symbolized by Wall Street, which oversaw the distribution of all these corporate conglomerates, and it created rules to a game so convoluted and exploitative that somehow those few insiders who pull all the levers stand to make massive profits no matter whether or not society at large benefits or doesn't. This is one disconnect that prevents the top to ever have a need to "trickle down" their wealth to the rest. These people who do all this manipulation aren't creating jobs in any real sense, and we've all seen in 2008 how they can destroy the lives and jobs of millions. The debt is one inevitable side effect of all the disastrous policy decisions that have been made for a century, and how we're going to pay China back is a very real problem, but it's not the most important problem we're facing.

The problem is really too complex for just a simple sentence off the top of my head, but it comes after a lifetime of studying history, volunteering in the inner cities, paying attention to the trends of politics (and such non-issues as abortion, flag burning, gay marriage, and islamic terrorism to keep the people divided), and reading investigative journalists. It's not a left or right issue. I am working with a small business owner right this moment on a project that is going to be very beneficial and lucrative for the community, and it's going to create lots of jobs in the near future, and I'm very excited about it, so I don't want policies that just shit all over people's ability to start companies. It's the middle class that creates the jobs, but really, a job can come from anywhere, so it's a false statement to say you are punishing job creators by increasing taxes on the rich so they can contribute their fair share.

I'm probably not a typical OWS supporter, and I have many problems with it, but the 99% is a vast vast group of people, so that'll happen.

[-] 2 points by saltybones55 (0) 13 years ago

they are the only sector that could be taxed at this point. they have the money. the country only needs a portion of thier income. its not like they are going to be wearing barrels. every one pays taxes- they have to many ways to hide their wealth so they dont pay their share of the burden. the money will used to fix / build roads etc. social programs etc. its not going to get us out of dept. they need to open up their wallets to help the u.s and the world. how much money do you need for god sake. you cant take it with you when your dead. maybe they can?. we the 99% deserve that much. we'll do o.k we dont want a hand out. they will be the ones to loose the most if the economy goes belly up. OBAMA did not cause the mess were in. at this point i dont think any president will be able to do any thing for us as long as the dems and republicans cater to lobby cronies. some presidents do great things others just get lucky -. the economy upswing for clinton the war bush started you know what i mean? money makes our civilization go round. the average person has no one to fight for them in this world thats why we need ocw. eventually they will get the message.

[-] 2 points by leavethecities (318) 13 years ago

Screw the rich.

[-] 2 points by leavethecities (318) 13 years ago

TAX the rich.. because we the poor are tired being screwed by the rich. You can call it the screw the rich tax.. so unless you can get rid of all the corruption and screwing of us poor we need a screw the rich tax

[-] -3 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

how are you being screwed by the rich?

[-] 2 points by leavethecities (318) 13 years ago

because they dont make me part of their lives, dont help the poor suceed. Discriminate in social classes. Sit at different tables. Eat off different plates and drink from different cups. They dont help thier neighbors. They dont have the concept of one farm helping another out of love. There are social classes in the poor. As a whole our society has given trillions of dollars to those who corrupt the government and now our country has the potential of bankrupcy. We fought wars so others could mae profits. I just want corruption eliminated, but sarcastically im saying that if not the people will not have patience and raise taxes. So the rich should not have more power politically than a poor person and should care for his fellow citizen or very greed which inhabits his heart and also is in the poor mans heart will destroy his wealth instead of benefiting everyone.

[-] -2 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

im sure these rich people that you speak of would be more less reluctant to give up their money if they knew that it was going to something that would help this country. giving it to a bunch of poor lazy people will not solve anything. the poor people wont change their work ethic because they know that they will always be able to get a hand out from someone that actually worked to get their money while they sit on their lazy ass.

[-] 0 points by leavethecities (318) 13 years ago

A beaten dog sometimes lies there and sometimes he gets up and bites his master. Sometimes he decides he doesn't have a master and runs away, Sometimes instead of guarding the sheep he lets the sheep get eaten. Yes a beaten dog can be a bad dog, but so can the master. Bad analogy, because people are not dogs but you must realize that people can not be treated as an commodity. A person no matter their economic position in society deserves the same respect until individually their character is shown. We should all work to improve the character of ourselves and each other, not generalizing and creating classes. The rich should not separate themselves from the poor because they do not want to be bothered, nor should they exploit those who work for them. They should help others succeed and be interested not only in their personal success but the success of others.

[-] 1 points by WorkerAntLyn (254) 13 years ago

It's not exactly the rich. It's the corporations. They do not pay most of their workers enough to afford even the base necessities such as housing and food. 42% of people who are homeless are working. They just can't afford housing. The businesses get away with not paying their workers enough to live a decent life. Doesn't that sound like screwing people over to you?

[-] -1 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

its because our government are taxing the fuck out of the "corporations" which are usually just small businesses that cant afford to pay the executives enough for them to live decent lives. we need to stop taxing the business owners and it will in turn allow them to pay workers more and allow them to hire more people. it wont happen over night but it will happen.

[-] 2 points by Totems (14) 13 years ago

Come on... The answer to most questions in life is balance.

We need increase tax revenue on the rich/super rich and we need to reduce spending (especially military).

Anyone who thinks we only need one or the other is a partisan hack.

[-] 2 points by areyouserious (2) 13 years ago

If we can only figure out who to blame, all our problems will go away.

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago



[-] 2 points by powertoothepeople (280) 13 years ago

Haha, cuz like Willie Sutton said, "That's where all the money is!"

[-] -1 points by 99thpercentile (94) 13 years ago

Sutton was a robber. Are you suggesting that you are a thief as well?

[-] -3 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

not hardly. i want to see where you got that info.

[-] 2 points by BrickBuilder (14) from Riverside, CA 13 years ago

Congress is to blame. Congress introduces bills, if passes along to the President he just signs them into la or vetoes them.

Taxing excessive income is fair, it also reduces debt.

[-] 3 points by LiberalasinCato (1) 13 years ago

The people are to blame. The government is a creature of the people, its actions beholden to the people. Our failure to reign in our creation is to blame. We are the "Count" and the government is "Frankenstein". The solution is simple - stop supplicating to a construct that has no authority over us. Properly placed, blame shows the solution to the crisis.

[-] 1 points by Apercentage (81) 13 years ago

How can anyone define "excessive income"?

[-] -1 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

no it doesnt. because we are spending more money than the 1% is paying in so...

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

I want you to go to this post. I want you to speak truth to power!. Say it once, say it twice. Say it loud. Say it proud. I'm down with the KTC. The Revolution starts here!



The Revolution starts here! No one can silence the Revolution!

[-] 1 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

This is one issue that promotes fairness for all american citizens since the wealthy should not get special treatment over the masses.

[-] 1 points by yehshivida (4) 13 years ago

Can we get a definition of "sociopath" into the picture ~ the BIG picture; An orgy of income [what's good for 'the market' is good for the world] at the expense of the weakest, most vulnerable, [who cares? If they're THAT stupid 'let 'em die!] that goes viral and crashes individual/micro 'economies' ie families, non-profit entities, public servants collective retirement 'portfolios' [it's their fault, they earn too much, bust the union, tax them more, why care about their health or retirement security, if they were stupid enough to be loyal & believe that will secure their family's future 'let 'em die'] which crashes world wide job-producing industries, reducing government tax income and crashes government macro economies to cause global economic winter YET NO ONE's RESPONSIBLE, NO ONE GOES TO JAIL and EVERYONE INVOLVED IS SLAPPED ON THE HAND FINED BARELY ENOUGH TO DISRUPT A MONTH's INCOME and IS ALLOWED TO WALK AWAY WITHOUT ACCEPTING ACCOUNTABILITY ~ Remind me again HOW IS SOCIOPATH DEFINED????? THE ENTIRE WORLD SEEMS TO HAVE NEGLECTED TO REMEMBER ~ Sociopathic Economic RAPE IS A CRIME [Can I get some Kurt Cobain here?] ECONOMIC RAPE THAT BRINGS DOWN THE WORLDS GLOBAL STABILITY IS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY Sociopath Defined for those in Government with selective amnesia http://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html

[-] 1 points by yehshivida (4) 13 years ago

Now we know WHY Heroine Addiction was so prevalent in Wall St Stables. "I was just following orders" only gets a soul so far.

[-] 1 points by Rotunda689 (3) 13 years ago

So we smack the rich with a nice big tax increase and then what? The same problems will come back the next year (if they go away at all). So then do we bump up the percentage even more? Where does it stop? More money isn't going to solve any of our problems.

[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

It is not a matter raising taxes on the "rich." It is a matter of raising taxes on those who are obtaining increasingly larger fortunes through usury and similar practices.

Usurers previously were imprisoned or put to death. The Bible, Torah, and Quran strictly forbid it in numerous places. Why can't you people understand this?

[-] 1 points by lgarz (287) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Why Tax the Rich??? Because they have the money! Hello!

We have a massive debt because we haven't taxed the Rich as much as is needed? Were you asleep during the last 10 years?


[-] 1 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

no. it must have been the moderator. i would never deprive someone of their first amendment rights. but i guess OWS doesnt mind doing it.

[-] 1 points by saltybones55 (0) 13 years ago

they are the only sector that could be taxed at this point. they have the money. the country only needs a portion of thier income. its not like they are going to be wearing barrels. every one pays taxes- they have to many ways to hide their wealth so they dont pay their share of the burden. the money will used to fix / build roads etc. social programs etc. its not going to get us out of dept. they need to open up their wallets to help the u.s and the world. how much money do you need for god sake. you cant take it with you when your dead. maybe they can?. we the 99% deserve that much. we'll do o.k we dont want a hand out. they will be the ones to loose the most if the economy goes belly up. OBAMA did not cause the mess were in. at this point i dont think any president will be able to do any thing for us as long as the dems and republicans cater to lobby cronies. some presidents do great things others just get lucky -. the economy upswing for clinton the war bush started you know what i mean? money makes our civilization go round. the average person has no one to fight for them in this world thats why we need ocw. eventually they will get the message.

[-] 0 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

i stopped reading after you said we need to help the world. your argument is invalid i dont care what you think after you said that.

[-] 1 points by randart (498) 13 years ago

Ignorance is an amazing thing.

[-] 1 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

so is responding without an argument. say something meaningful or gtfo.

[-] 1 points by truth2p0wer (135) 13 years ago

Check out these two links jbob then you can try and run your Fox News (lol) talking points.

http://whatthefuckhasobamadonesofar.com/ http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/obameter/

[-] -2 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

so he kept his promises? big effin deal. i dont agree with the promises he made. thats why i didnt want him as president. good job truth.

[-] 1 points by RockyJ (208) 13 years ago

You make me smile because of your complete fail!

[+] -5 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

Look at that - with a click of the mouse I made the retard disappear!

[-] 1 points by CrossingtheDivided (357) from Santa Ysabel, CA 13 years ago

You cruising for a jlow bob, jbob? I thought I heard the magic code word?

[-] 0 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

fuck you. allow that other 99 douchfuck to respond for himself.

[-] 1 points by leavethecities (318) 13 years ago

Why because Ken is mean to Barbie :)

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

because the poor have no money

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

oh please. whos really responsible is the republicans and particularly bush.

obama has been doing all thats humanly possible in his position to fix it.

just because you can SAY so does not make something true, and actual FACT on the matter shows that civilization always runs down hill when the republicans get into office. The shit hit the fan because of W and on Ws watch.

stop trying to cast blame. obama is a corporate tool, but he didn't cause the system to blow its gaskets, bush and co did.


[-] -1 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago


another occutrard who thinks time began in 2000 and is too dim to realize both parties suck, both are bought and paid for corporate whores, and obama is just another full of shit politician.

it's hard to believe people like you share the same planet as those of us in the reality-based community.

[-] 3 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

calling me an occutard pretty much says it all. You are a troll, and the tard in this situation, and, ironically, i am the one here day after day making the case that both parties are corrupt, paid for, bought and sold out corporate whores.

Reality based community? LOL. I'm the one with the hard science and formal logic, you are the ignorant troll who can't even manage to determine what the actual position of his target is. Great shot. If I was a barn, you'd have wasted your ammo on the out field.

What did the corn ever do to deserve your wrath? yo, fucktard? I'm over HERE.

[-] -2 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago

"calling me an occutard pretty much says it all."

I know, right? I really nailed it in an accurate and succinct three syllables. glad you could appreciate it.

"i am the one here day after day making the case that both parties are corrupt"

yes, you sure let them both have it by defending obama. right on, toots!

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

no, you didn't "nail" anything , you just projected your own accidental confessions at me.

Maybe you missed this bit i will repost just for you.


obama is part of the problem. please do not post this bs, we do not want to hear any more about obama.






obama is an oligarch. obama is 50 new nuclear plants. obama is a health care law built for the corporations and against the people. obama is denial of kyoto protocol. obama is two new wars. obama is Bush continuation. obama is corrupt. obama is ignorant. obama is the enemy of the people.


I'm not defending obama, i am stating the FACTS. Obama did not cause the second great depression, Bush did.

obama is a corporate oligarchy TOOL, and i am calling for his immediate removal.

YOU are just picking sides, and thinking those sides are real, because you are a fucktard troll.

[-] 1 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago

I did nail it.

here, your words: "whos really responsible is the republicans and particularly bush. obama has been doing all thats humanly possible in his position to fix it."

those are the words of a fool.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

sorry, no. you are the fool. bush is the one who ruined the economy. obama as a puppet stuck in the middle and a fool, has not been able to meaningfully confront the problems both because he doesn't know how, doesn't have solutions, and is bought out. But he did not cause the civilization to fall. bush did. Some moron right winger calling me a fool. LOL. I have a 180 IQ, mr. garbage propaganda pwn.

[-] 1 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago

"bush is the one who ruined the economy"

yeah, I saw that maddow show (sorry, shows), too. if only the world were as simple as you wish it was. there was a USA before 2001, you know.

now you say this...

"obama as a puppet stuck in the middle and a fool, has not been able to meaningfully confront the problems both because he doesn't know how, doesn't have solutions, and is bought out."

after saying this...

"obama has been doing all thats humanly possible in his position to fix it."

I can only laugh and pity you and your unintentionally hilarious confusion, reality disconnect, and cognitive dissonance.

"But he did not cause the civilization to fall. bush did."

wait, I thought he just ruined the economy. now he made civilization fall? I must write it out rather than use the acronym because it is literal and real. I am laughing out loud.

"I have a 180 IQ"

louder. for real. you're too much.

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

again, your pathetic insults are merely more proofs that you are the simple ton. In fact i am the one pointing at all sorts of levels of complexity that are over your head and in fact, republicanism is built on dumble down and super simplification. Your civilization was running down in entropy before bush with 30 years left to go and AFTER with now running on about 7. Yes, that means Bush sliced off about 20 some odd years left. Obamas moves while in many instances doltish actually extended your civilizations life span as a sum total by probably a year or so.

You can laugh all you like. I KNOW the truth and you are a dumble down pwn or a troll.

What caused the second great depression was bush tax cuts, deregulation, two wars, and etc. Obama did not set those things in motion and was merely a con scammed dupe when the shit hit the fan. Obama may be a corporate tool but at least he believes hes doing the right thing instead of being a patent evil fascist crook looting the USA for crony capitalist gain.

Whats FUNNY is that ANYONE is still left standing who has the GALL to try to shift the blame to the dems.

whats even more funny is that in the end, itty bitty demon is still a demon, and so over all, whether you understand it or not, we are actually on the same side; its just that you are fucking clueless zombot, while i am wide awake and eyes wide open.

[-] 0 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago

see what happens when you go off your meds?

"obama as a puppet stuck in the middle and a fool, has not been able to meaningfully confront the problems both because he doesn't know how, doesn't have solutions, and is bought out."


"obama has been doing all thats humanly possible in his position to fix it."


your crazy ass

"your civilizations life span" - mine? where is your civilization? planet shitforbrains?


[-] 0 points by jdk0509 (0) 13 years ago

I bet your parents were very liberal too.. funny how you people think you're so educated, smart and against "the man" but your opinions are either exactly like your parents or all of the "cool" people you went to jr. college with who hate the institution. It is so easy for you to blame everyone else but you never can come up with any real solutions. You're a waste of oxygen.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

It's true that raising taxes on the wealthiest would just be tossing red meat to the public. If 100% of their assets were simply confiscated, it would not even make a dent in the ungodly size of the massive deficit. The only thing that will make a dent is drastically cutting military and entitlement spending... both politically deadly, but economically essential.

[-] 2 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago

Actully, we could inflate our way out of it too. A combination of this and restoring sane tax policy would do it.



[-] 1 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

Are you kin to Herman Cain?

[-] 1 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

Are you kin to Herman Cain?

[-] 0 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

who is really responsible?

Oboma? only that he has not acted to fix the major problem with the banks and the ever expanding debt.

Those that let the banks off the "leash" and allowed them to loan money that they did not have to loan. Back when we were on the Gold standard the bank had to have 1$ for every 9$ it lent out. That has changed, now the bank does not have to have ANYTHING in the bank to loan to you.

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

yeah-ya. Blame the President.

When it was Bushite that launched us into two full fledged wars without any attempt to pay for it.

When it was the fraud that was subprime loans - bundled and sold on the market, debt bankers knew was bad - that tanked the economy - and when they got bailed out refused to keep the money circulating

and then the hedge funds and derivatives that forced the bailout of Wall Street

and failure to bail out some of these entities would have stalled the economy further, halting the creation of new jobs . . .

don't tax the job creators they scream

*but they aren't creating jobs!!!

fucking bullshit!

the bushite tax break has to go. It's a matter of principle now. over 70% of the public demanded compromise during the budget debate - and all we got was repelican intransigence and more bullshit.


ending the bushite tax cut will not solve our debt problem. It's a short term matter of principle.

[-] 2 points by UncleKennyD (7) 13 years ago

How will taking an extra 3-7% of middle class incomes help the economy? How will reducing and in some cases eliminating the EIC for families help? The whole "fairness" thing is bullshit, and your prinicipals seemed based more on jealousy than any real idea of "fairness".

[-] 3 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

you are just a repelican obfuscationist . . .

when I said bushite era tax cuts I was referring to various taxes cut by the bushite regime that benefit the one percent and no one else - taxes the dems sought to reinstate during our last budget debate, taxes that if I am not mistaken would have generated nearly a trillion dollars - one quarter of what the compromise bill had aimed for - that bill that was scuttled by tea party nitwits and cool-aide drinkers.

The middle class right now isn't paying any income tax - but they will. Very soon, something will have to be done about the deficit -

and I say grandma cannot - and WILL not - shoulder that burden alone.

[-] 2 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

well if we are talking about principle we should get rid of obama because he has accumulated more national debt than any other president. more than half the debt right now was accumulated while obama has been president.

[-] 1 points by lgarz (287) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Didn't I hear that on Fox News???

[-] 1 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

no i used common knowledge and just a little math. debt when obama entered office 7 trillion. years obama has been in office less than 3 years. todays debt 15 trillion. debt when bush entered office 3 trillion. and obama hasnt even had to deal with a great disaster like bush did. but you ungreatful douches probably dont remember 9/11

[-] -1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

blame congress!!

or didn't you watch the budget debate. They had a deal to cut 4 trillion dollars - and what was the sticking point?

no, we will not tax the rich blame congress!!

or didn't you watch the budget debate. They had a deal to cut 4 trillion dollars - and what was the sticking point?

no, we will not tax the rich blame congress!!

or didn't you watch the budget debate. They had a deal to cut 4 trillion dollars - and what was the sticking point?

no, we will not tax the rich

[-] 0 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

Ask these guys... http://wealthforcommongood.org/

There's another page related to this one I can't seem to find at the moment...apologies for that.

One man said, that he feels the need to be taxed at a higher rate because his wealth came from the very system that is favoring him now, it allowed him to make this money and it's now his turn to pay back so the next one who comes along can have the same opportunities he had.

There is a concept called Pay it forward. It seems too few believe in it these days.

[-] 0 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

This guy is richer than you, it is stated he is the wealthiest man in America, and thinks it's a good idea. I'm sure you think know more than Warren Buffet does about money.





[-] 0 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

warren buffet is unbelievably rich. the people that you refer to that we should raise taxes are modest american making more than 200k that is not a whole hell of a lot of money.

[-] 0 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

The people I refer to and advocate raising taxes on???? You have no idea of what you speak.

If all you make is 200K a year, and if you are too slow to file long form and at least a well founded and intelligent schedule C, you obviously should have to pay taxes as people much more intelligent actually get EIC's with much more income.

Even huge corporations do.

I don't think anyone making less than 250K should pay taxes.

You got me all wrong.

[-] 0 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

no one making less than 250k should pay taxes? that messed up. this country will die. and its already on that track to die because of people like you that just want someone else to solve all of our problems.

[-] 1 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

Really? Then what are you bitching about, step up like Warren did and hand over more. It's their game and their rules, too bad for you if you don't play it.

Now where you are badly wrong is, if EVERYONE actually paid taxes on both income AND WEALTH over 250K, loopholes closed, there would be far more revenue than this nation has ever had to work with.

Sad truth is, until drastic changes are made, the DC gang, and their accomplices, will make off with it as well.

Do you think it's messed up when companies reporting profits of over 500 billion receive a tax credit?

NOW, that is what's messed up......... not the self-employed job creator that fully exploits every single tax break they can get and ends up barely getting by and not having tax liability.

You see, marginal rates that the wealthy bitch about, mean nothing with the tax code.

Can you afford to pay a whole team of CPA's to file a 57,000 page tax return like General Electric?

Didn't think so.

However, I damned sure know how to keep books, receipts and file a Schedule C.

If you don't, you make more money than you have the good sense to keep and therefore you should be relieved of it.

It's simple.

[-] 0 points by chaires (17) 13 years ago

i wouldn't tax them, i would confiscate their property. their jets, boats, villas, stocks and bank accounts.

[-] 1 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

because they worked hard to get it and you are jealous?

[-] 1 points by chaires (17) 13 years ago

they got all their stuff by stealing it - we take back what is right fully ours. we would divide the spoils of war equally between all of us- thanks be to Jesus.

[-] 1 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

can you explain how they stole things from you? im genuinly interested in what you are thinking. and who are you refering to as "they" people making more than 200k?

[-] 0 points by XaiverBuchsIV (508) 13 years ago

Don't forget their hair, teeth and skin, and their bones can be used for fertilizer. Internal organs would go to the poor for transplant.

[-] 1 points by chaires (17) 13 years ago

great thinking, we can steal their money then, we can harvest their body parts. why didn't i think mof that.

[-] 0 points by enjoiskaterguy (16) 13 years ago

good point...but I wouldn't point fingers at the Obama Admin exactly....we should point our fingers at this philosophy of Government that has perpetuated this Banking/Investment system for decades and created these prolonged booms and busts. We need to ask ourselves how did our government let this happen? You are right though, taxing the rich will do NOTHING on its own to grip the financial system to a stable level. Policy changes have to me made, period! Maybe stop crazy Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner from crapping on our childrens futures is a good start yay?

[-] 0 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

wouldnt it make more sense to raise a bunch of peoples taxes a little than a tiny number of peoples taxes a lot?

[-] 1 points by rayl (1007) 13 years ago

everyone should pay. why the defense of those who can easily afford to pay their taxes?

[-] -1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

The debt is mainly the result of two things:

The Bush Tax cuts for the wealthy.

Defense spending for Bush's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Obama is not responsible for the debt or for the the Great Recession of 2008. He is not "really responsible." The entitled wealthy who have enjoyed unfair tax cuts and war mongering George Bush are responsible.

[-] -1 points by tedscrat (-96) 13 years ago

Make everyone pay their share. I mean the lower middle class and the poor. A 10% across the board tax rate. throw out the tax codes. The rich do not have the responsibility of carrying the country on their shoulders.

[-] 0 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

are you saying a flat tax for everyone rich and poor?

[-] 0 points by tedscrat (-96) 13 years ago

Yes. Everyone.

[-] -1 points by fuzzyp (302) 13 years ago

It's not specifically this administration that is the problem but government in general is.