Forum Post: Tax Rate Hike on Rich Already Spent.
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 16, 2013, 9:08 a.m. EST by OTP
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Yes, two weeks into the year, they spent it. All of it. 60 BILLION dollars for Sandy. Two weeks. Gone.
There's still X's on the houses in NO. Still lots of shit not right. Area still is horribly depressed and beat up. Where did all that money go? Couldnt even give the fuckin houses a paint job? Cant even paint just the front? Or just the front door?
How much of this 60 billion is going to go into actual improvements, vs being gobbled up by politicians and corporations?
I think the Occupy Sandy vs FEMA debate this time around shows that the power is in the people. Occupy Sandy will not see much of this, if any, at all. And that is a shame.
Occupy Sandy showed what happens when REAL people get busy. Not huge corporate organizations, not bureaucrats, and not politicians. Real people. With a REAL work ethic.
So with all that hoopla over the "fiscal cliff" and who won and who lost, we are right back where we were before. That triumphant tax deal is now useless for the remaining 50 weeks of the year.
60 Billion is a fuck ton of money.
In other news, the Fed or Congress has showed no signs of slowing down the current 85 BILLION a month they are pillaging. Good thing we dont need that money haha.
The sitting ducks.
Worried about the inherent fraud? Start working on it now because natural disasters are going to happen more frequently. And the lack of funding that was to go into research for hurricanes and earthquakes that has declined for over a decade? Yeah..........about that.
Yep more expensive severe storm damages - every year. wind rain fire
Yep. Japan has a better warning system for earthquakes. Why is that?
They aren't going to stop until we wind up looking like this:
And just for giggles I am going to add this little link
Picture of government in action.
Survival - tsunami early warning system for 1 - houses falling down on your head warning #2. But at least they seem to be trying to work on good engineering.
People - take notes - it is not enough just to repair - we need to redesign - and relocate where needed unless of course you can do something like this.
That's really cool looking.
It reminds me of a an old cartoon. The bad guys were under water? Or maybe the good guys were under water. I don't remember.
No problem - in reality - it will be anyone living in the same locations on the coast in the not too distant future as they are today. good bad or indifferent people.
But not likely anyone will be living there if this is how planning and implementing/preparing for the future gets done.
I know, right?
People have got to wake up and look at the reality of the world around them and the fast approaching future. ( one problem with taking living for today - too far - kind of leaves tomorrow entirely unprepared for )
They cannot even manage to get the homeless population off the streets.
They have to do more than wake up. They have to get off their asses.
Ahhhh - but that is really the government being manipulated into treating people like corpoRAT sacrifice zones. And we The People letting em - so far.
YEP - we the people need to get off of our collective asses and get busy - real busy.
Yep, like supporting union action. Like looking at the problems that are occurring at the local levels and where the Federal program for homelessness is not working out like it should. Like slapping the shit out of a large population of people that want to end FEMA. Like taking a real damn good look at the warning systems and making sure that the buildings are up to code----how is that coming along California? It is 2013.
Yep - that is the thing - with governments and with unions - they do not listen to the people but decide themselves as to what is to be done and what is not and how. The people have got to be the driving force in union/government.
[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (11803) 0 minutes ago
Pfft. Then the people can get on board. I am not buying that line of argument that they have thrown out lately. I refuse. I strongly feel that it is a cop out What it means is that............if you don't do whatever I make up in my head then it's not for the people. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
But lets expand that union - to being - The Peoples Union.
Fundamental change for the better for ALL will come through the involvement and actions of The People - All Of The People. {:-])
Pfft. Then the people can get on board. I am not buying that line of argument that they have thrown out lately. I refuse. I strongly feel that it is a cop out What it means is that............if you don't do whatever I make up in my head then it's not for the people. And it is usually some convoluted shit.
Unless you meant something else entirely different and then I will just apologize now and get it over with.
Here it comes folks.
The cost of the denial is going up every day.
I spent this last weekend helping my 11 year old with a project on Hurricane Andrew. Trying to explain that to a kid that can't imagine a world without internet and the cell phones that we have now? Pfffttt.
Even then it was noted that the US can go in any other country and respond quickly but not in the US. The problem? Politics. You have a huge amount of training at local levels going on for natural disasters and 20/20 is always hind sight. The one thing that you can count on right now is that there are going to be do overs.
We need to separate these folks. This group over here wants to deny that its occurring at all and fight all of it. These people over here know it's occurring but want to debate if man is aiding and abetting it. Take those in the second group and at least get these people moving on what can be done currently and/or what can be done in the aftermath. You will at least have the possibility of unity with the second group and shit might get done.
When I think of the millions, perhaps billions, corporations have spent on various denial schemes.
I could scream.
It could have been taken care of decades ago.
But here we are still hanging the wires on toothpicks under the trees.
Playing dumb for someone else's profit
Yeah, they wasted way too much money on this shit.
It should have been a lot higher of a hike for sure.
At least enough to keep them from spending more than any tax hike on stuff like this.
Good ol' ALEC..
FORCING inefficiencies on government is just one of their aims.