Forum Post: Tax Code Reform
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 10:41 p.m. EST by classwarfare15
from New Haven, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
One of the things that I think should be done is the reformation of the uniform tax code. There is no reason why this thousand and thousand of pages documents should cause such a level of chaos in our lives. It (the tax code) is the basis of the bulk of our problems.
I believe in a flat tax myself that is staggered in 3-4 tiers based on income. Such as 9 percent if you make X, 15 if you make X to X, and so on and so forth. A simplified form that would allow all of us to take a form that looks like a 1040 EZ that has about 6 boxes. Name, address, income, exemption, and the tax rate according to your income. This would allow us to keep all of our pay, provide revenue to the federal government and allow us - the taxpayers - to truly dictate what goes on in Washington.
Also, this will force the corporation to pay their fare share. No exemptions, no credits - just a standard deduction, no more no less. Aren't they always saying that they are people too? So they can share in the system, I think it is fair for all.
What say you OWS?