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Forum Post: Taser weapons used on Occupiers

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 2, 2012, 5:06 p.m. EST by yajustgotaloveit (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The taser gun is manufactured by a company that is pubically traded on Wall Street. Maybe occupiers could get permits to demonstrate near that company, and ask them not to sell their product for use upon American citizens. Some occupiers have already been shot by this weapon. I consider this weapon a form of torture, and think its use should be against the law to be used upon any human being for any reason. People can be subdued by nets, etc,; but not by weapons of torture. That is my opinion of this weapon.



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[-] 1 points by Skippy2 (485) 13 years ago

I was Tasered, hurt like hell for 5 seconds, body locked up tight, could feel and hear electricity crackling through my body. Afterwards, felt a delicious high for about 5 mins.


[-] 1 points by forjustice (178) from Kearney, NE 13 years ago

What needs to happen in regard to tasers, and police is better training. A taser is meant to use for safety. It should be used for defense of self and others. NOT as tool to force compliance. No one that is cuffed, or otherwise restrained should be tased. Truly peaceful protesters should not be tased. A person standing or sitting blocking a sidewalk should not be tased for being in the "wrong" place. If the law gives the police the right to move someone, and they resist by striking at the officer and the officer is in physical danger, at that point, and no sooner, a taser could be used, and the second the threat is neutralized every shock administered is assault.

