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Forum Post: Talking to this forum isn't making change, make change!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10:42 p.m. EST by RestoreDemocracy (5)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Same old problem, you talk to me, I talk to you... nothing happens. What do you have to lose by taking the debate to elected officials? This isn't a sales pitch because it's a free site and it's working. Go to www.TellDC.com and post your question or agree with someone else who cares and TMZ for politics will get you an answer.



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[-] 1 points by Socrates469bc (608) from New York, NY 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by Daxattack (15) 13 years ago

then make something happen! - I thought you would be interested in the electronic petition that has been created on We the People, a new feature on WhiteHouse.gov Warren Buffet himself outlined this petition to stop the corruption in Congress. If this petition gets 5,000 signatures by October 22, 2011, the White House will review it and respond! If a petition gets enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response. You can view and sign the petition here: http://wh.gov/gWX

[-] 1 points by RestoreDemocracy (5) 13 years ago

You get a "staffer" response if you win. Really... Is that the best they can do?

[-] 1 points by TheAncientMariner (100) 13 years ago

Rofl - don't you get it? It isn't about making the wankers who got us into this mess to listen to us in a reasoned debate because there won't be a reasoned debate. Just platitudes designed to placate the masses and then carry on with business as usual - i.e., fucking over the many to enrich the few! This is about change you moron not doing the same old shit over and over again while the rich get richer and the poor get trampled!

[-] 1 points by RestoreDemocracy (5) 13 years ago

This is your member going after her Congresswoman: chrisabs Posted 5 hours ago I am asking for something to happen for the "regular people" besides all the political fighting and lack of planning for our future. I want to see a true leader step up and establish a plan to re-vitalize our economy. I want politicians from both parties to get together and figure out a solution. Those are some good starts. Also, if you ask them and they give any type of response that says, "we could if the others would...", I will vote them out next election. Enough is enough!

[-] 1 points by TheAncientMariner (100) 13 years ago

How can you revitalize an "economy" which is shaped to increase inequality and enforce it any way they can? Get real and join the debate properly!

[-] 1 points by RestoreDemocracy (5) 13 years ago

she can't but we can demand new policy and real change not hope but when enough people are in their faces they will get scared and do what they are told.

[-] 1 points by Meesa (173) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Forget the site. Talking to your elected officials is legit. Do it, people!

[-] 1 points by TheAncientMariner (100) 13 years ago

Bollocks m8 - this is worldwide not just in your parochial little USA. People everywhere are starting to get it - elites rule all of us little people for their own benefit. Wan't to know how much our ex prime minister Phony B liar gets on the US lecture circuit? More per hour than you earn in 5 years. Go ask him if he wants to change the world and have a fairer system!

[-] 1 points by RestoreDemocracy (5) 13 years ago

picket signs on weekends is legit. online demands with someone who cares and wants to get your questions answered also.

[-] 1 points by Meeky (186) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

Hold on.

How do we know this is legit?

[-] 1 points by RestoreDemocracy (5) 13 years ago

check it out

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

also taking a poll here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dFlNNHJTRlZwMWs5ZjlhTWN0NlZReHc6MQ#gid=0

resources on my blog here http://blog.richardkentgates.com although nobody is spending money to advertise it and the trolls are thick with panic, things are being done. right now is like when you first show up to a party, take time to introduce yourself, shake hands. the keg hasn't even arrived yet.