Forum Post: Taking back america
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 12, 2013, 1:13 p.m. EST by american55
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Goal of the movement should be. We the People for the People by the people. Not we the rich for the rich by the rich. If americans would stand together we could move mountains. Together we stand divided we fall
Unite and Win!
We are being mushroomed: fed bullshit and kept in the dark.
We are being pitched against each other instead of the 1% who harvest our wealth.
We are disengaged, disillusioned, discouraged and distracted.
And we have the lowest voter turnout while Big$ maintains the highest, thus stealing our democracy.
We do have the greatest power, but WE have to pick it up AND USE IT!!
It's Class War and, until we unite, we'll keep losing.
That is exactly the problem though isn't it? The idea of the 99% is not a reality. People are not yet willing to stand together. For whatever reason we are a nation broken up into small groups that can't agree on exactly how to proceed.
That's one of the sad truths about America. We are, by design, a "nation broken up into small groups." Unlike most other countries, we have no shared heritage to speak of. And TPTB exploit and exacerbate that fact every chance they get.
That's not what she said (correction...I don't think that is what she's saying) She said that there's enough success and opportunity out there that the vast majority of the 99% just aren't seeing or experiencing what you are. The people see you "standing apart" from them-not standing up for them.
I read "If americans would stand together we could move mountains" and see that we are not standing together. I don't mean the people in Occupy, but the people in the nation. They are divided and the devisions seem to be growing deeper.
We are not a "nation broken up into small groups". The vast majority of people in this country are successful - and then there are those who are just making it.
It's apparent that there are more people who are making it then those who aren't.
Those who aren't either want the government to provide for them or they just don't have the education or don't want to to improve their living conditions.
Successful people are busy with their jobs, day to day work and home activities and have less concern about those who aren't because they are too busy.
There are those who are less successful who think it is wrong for people to be successful but yet there are also those whom are less successful who do what they have to do to make things work for them and don't complain about successful people.
Trollin trollin trollin
And your ego's swollen
Keep them untruths rolling ...
Hey, I can be just as deliberate and persistent as you when it comes to posting stupid responses - but only to you
Trollin trollin trollin
And your ego's swollen
Keep them untruths rolling ...
Hey, I can be just as deliberate and persistent as you when it comes to posting stupid responses - but only to you
Trollin trollin trollin
And your ego's swollen
Keep them untruths rolling ...
You are the Queen of posting stupid responses
Hey, I can be just as deliberate and persistent as you when it comes to posting stupid responses - but only to you
Trollin trollin trollin
And your ego's swollen
Keep them untruths rolling ...
Hey, I can be just as deliberate and persistent as you when it comes to posting stupid responses - but only to you
Trollin trollin trollin
And your ego's swollen
Keep them untruths rolling ...
Hey, I can be just as deliberate and persistent as you when it comes to posting stupid responses - but only to you
Trollin trollin trollin
And your ego's swollen
Keep them untruths rolling ...
Hey, I can be just as deliberate and persistent as you when it comes to posting stupid responses - but only to you
Trollin trollin trollin
And your ego's swollen
Keep them untruths rolling ...
I meant politically divided, and by small I meant that no political party or movement can count a majority of the population as its membership.
The economic differences are about as you say and they too prevent the kind of unification america55 is looking for.
Americans do stand together in standing against each other and in standing down. Americans want rights for themselves but not for each other. Any right they don't feel is important to have, they will not support for others.
Everyone has a natural right to ingest whatever they please at any risk to their own health but if an influential majority doesn't support such a right, laws can be passed to prohibit certain drugs or (gasp) even alcohol.
Every mutually consenting adult has a natural right to associate sexually with whomever they please but since an influential majority doesn't support such a right, laws exist to prohibit any legal recognition of polygyny and polyandry, group marriage, prostitution, and even certain kinds of sexual acts in some places.
All Americans could unite in not voting for any corporate sponsored candidates to get money out of politics but instead the vast majority of voters remain united in voting for the very problem that many claim to be against.
Nearly half of Americans could directly vote to have a state bank (like North Dakota) and drastically reduce the influence of the Federal Reserve Bank but the majority of Americans in ballot initiative states remain united in their apathy to even improve their own state economies.
Americans could create a national credit union to replace the majority of the privately owned financial preditor banks or simply move their accounts away from such banks into a local credit union but Americans remain united in keeping their accounts with the criminals who nearly collapsed their national economy.
Americans who support universal health care could ignore conservative opponents and the government by creating a national mutual insurance company to satisfy their health care needs but such Americans remain united in ignoring a self-initiated solution to both health care and social security and continue subjecting their health and futures to the whims of corporate dominated government.
United we could stand if we truly wanted to but united we have already chosen to stay down.
I won't lie, i'd like my own enjoyment on the planet (is part of it my goal to change this system) but I see a world out here that some choose not to see and I can't choose to ignore suffering for my own happy existence leaving out the rest of the planet and pretending they're just whiners
Every person is affected by every other person we're always part of and contributing to someone else's experience whether we realize it or our interaction here, none of us exists in a vacuum...and people do have the ability to control or effect someone else's life so which way will you do it? Up or down ?
I can't believe someone down-voted you for that comment elf.
What a lot of you who belong to Occupy don't understand is that the vast majority of Americans don't go along with your beliefs.
Most Americans have the ability to do what they need to be successful. There is a small minority out there who don't know how to so they think everyone should believe that America sucks when in fact it doesn't.
There are opportunities, there are jobs and there are successes that go along with the vast majority of people in this country.
So until there is "mass failures" where people can't succede then just maybe Occupy will have more people who believe what they say - until then - there will never be any mass support for Occupy.
Trollin trollin trollin
And your ego's swollen
Keep them untruths rolling ...
Trollin trollin trollin
And your ego's swollen
Keep them untruths rolling ...