Forum Post: Take your money out of the big banks, that will make a difference!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:49 a.m. EST by Oceanhome
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We moved our money to a local credit union and its been the best thing we've ever done. If we stop using the Big banks we'll put them out of business.
This should scale up to everything you consider buying: wherever possible buy local. Prefer the locally owned grocery shop, the locally owned bakery, the locally owned restaurant, the locally owned hardware store, the small handyman repairer over the mega-corporation. Reward corporate buyouts of small businesses by taking your business somewhere else local. If your neighbours have got work then there's a larger tax base to fund the local infrastructure. XYZ corporation is better at tax-avoidance schemes. If they are providing standardized products and services then the money flows out of your local economy and is invested where the corporate hegemon decides. There is no guarantee that this corporation will pay tax to the amount that covers our infrastructure that they use.
It is not about where out money is, but how we choose to spend it. These days when you make a purchase, whether you are aware of it or not, it is a moral decision and has ethical consequences that reach far beyond the store you buy it from. Support the occupation movement, it is free!
this has already been posted and is mathematically pointless accept to save you money.
If they have no customers they have no business, how is is pointless?
if th 1% owns 80% that leaves (if all 99% did it) us having a 2% impact. hardly enough to shut anything down. stop repeating pop-star rebel commentary.
I dont buy it a "run on the banks" will have an effect ... Everyone will quickly see there's nothing there but a promise ... From crooks at at.
if the 99% had so much money in the banks that it would make an impact, we wouldn't be having this protest.
Okay heres the point the 1%'s stuff (paper money and goods) have no power unless we allow those things to have power. The 99% of us rule, we have the real power we just need to know it and use it. Up to now, at least in my lifetime, we've all allowed this game to play ... the 1% got greedy ... its time we hit restart and load up a new game. The 99% are the true sleeping giant.
you will not over come this with tiny gestures. as you said we have the power. but without coordination, it's blind power. i have been taking a poll and am going to front the money to put together a long term working group. it will be on google, have a political structure of tru democracy, and demand solidarity from members. if we say you don't work for less than 25$ an hour, thats what you tell your boss. this protest will have some impact but with no long term follow up, it will regress. it always does and we always end up right back here. so tired of the minute poets and politicians filling these places with noise. you wana help, Get Data while all these supporters are in one place. then we can bring those people back into the fold after this protest fizzles.
I don't know if your numbers are correct but the point you are making is... Taking your money out of the banks will not do much if anything.
Have the 99 percent all show up for their money ... Oh yes there will be a effect.
I am in complete agreement with you. I found that local credit unions give you better deals anyway.
Better service, no fees, lots of satisfaction that we have zero connection to the banksters.