Forum Post: Take WALL Street out of DC and Give DC back to the Country
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:54 a.m. EST by NOMORE66
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Campaign Reform is simple. NO MORE public or private funding from corporations, individuals or any one else. Do not even allow the candidates personal funding to be used. One dollar per year person either filing or being claimed on taxes should be placed in a general fund. This fund divided up equally among parties that are running.There 300 Million plus in this country, this should be more than sufficient. If you cant handle a hundred million dollars you surely can handle the countries budget. Take Wall Street out of the pocket of every elected politician. After all at the end of the day it is Wall street and or the people of Wall Street that finance the heavy expense of a successful campaign. It is a less than legal cycle of cash flow that keeps politicians in office passing or preventing legislation that best benefits the large contributors to their campaigns so they can just donate again and keep the cycle of legalized bribery going. It has to end and end now if we are ever going to regain control of this country. We pay taxes anyway, why not put them to good use. Is $10 a year to much to ask for a family of 10 or $2 a year to much to ask of an couple to change this countries path. "We the People" need to take back our country. This same method can be used at all levels using taxes collected by the state and towns as well. Take this message to every town hall, state capital and DC, and give this movement a true, single clear and realistic goal that can actually change every life in this country for the better. Put our government back to work for all of us not just those who donate. After all in this scenario the better the country does, the more funding their campaigns will get.