Forum Post: Take the Money out of Politics (pass it on)
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 11:26 p.m. EST by DonQuijote
from West Springfield, MA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hey everybody, did you know Ronald Regan and Jimmy Carter did not receive campaign distributions??? That was only 30 years ago. I can be that way again.
No campaign donations over $100!
FFE Fair Funding of Elections! Take the money out! Screw Roberts, Alito, Scalia - the most corrupt judges in America bar none!
Did the truth hurt your feelings?
Only public financing will ever take out the BRIBES. That can only happen if 3rd party candidates are elected. I will be the Green Party candidate in CT 4th district and I will win the election. Can't you people understand basic politics? The answer is NO.
That is a very negative thing to say. Not politic at all.
HitGirl its the truth. I don't pander and I don't lie. I call liars -- liars -- not flip floppers. You're in the political correct trance.
The truth is negative for you. First OWS would need to nominate candidates or at least endorse them. I will be the Green Party candidate in CT 4th district.
I absolutely cannot believe you're a candidate. You just cavalierly alienated all of OWS with statements like "Can't you people understand basic politics? The answer is NO." Maybe your some anti-Green Party spy pretending to be Steve Miller. For their sake, I hope so.
I'm stupid to ever reply to your hallucination. this will be the last reply from me.
That should be priority one!
Won't OWS ever call BRIBES the issue?
Its BRIBES. Unless a 3rd party is elected the BRIBES will remain forever. OWS is uninformed and illogical.
3rd parties are not going to fix the bribes. Anyone who has lived in another country, other than the U.S. can easily tell you that.
Take the money out of washington, period
Ridiculous. You believe this shit too.
The Pentagon was hit b y a missile on 9/11
American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the western side of the Pentagon at 09:37 EDT. All 64 people on board the aircraft, including the 5 hijackers, were killed, as were 125 people in the building. Dozens of people witnessed the crash and news sources began reporting on the incident within minutes. The impact severely damaged an area of the Pentagon and ignited a large fire. A portion of the Pentagon collapsed; firefighters spent days trying to fully extinguish the blaze.
Of course an investigation would have taken pictures of the remains of the plane. There would have been jet engines, hundreds of seats, the landing gear, pieces of luggage and bodies of the victims if the official story was true. The law suit by April Gallop who worked at the same spot of the explosion and claimed there was no sign of any plane was dismissed by Judge Denny Chin. Chin was then promoted from the SDNY district court to the 2nd Circuit. On appeal 2nd Circuit judge John M. Walker, Jr. sat on the panel. Walker is the cousin of President George Bush in a case filed against Cheney, Rumsfeld, and General Meyers.
Judge Chin's reason was that April Gallop is delusional. If the Boeing jet had truly crashed into the Pentagon, the pictures of the debris would have validated Chin's reason to dismiss the suit.
your story is very interesting but 3rd parties are not going to fix bribes. Anyone who has lived in a country with more than two parties can easily tell you that.
Take the money out of washington. Period.
I'm no insider so I can't really say if you are being fair or not.
Is there an insider? Is the truth fair? To you it isn't. That's your problem.