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Forum Post: Take the 14th Amendment Rights Away From Corporations!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 7:19 p.m. EST by greenguy (4) from Las Vegas, NV
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It's the thing that has allowed a corporate entity to grow and thrive at the expense of the average person. A corporate entity is a machine, it's designed to expand and gain strength at any cost - our legal system is all that stands in it's way and we've given it too much power. I'm sure that many people have felt this working for one, it's like everyone is locked into a system that nobody really likes. The above slogan might just be the long needed and desired monkey wrench into this system.

Imagine the results if corporations lost their teeth. If they were no longer afforded the same rights THAT AN INDIVIDUAL PERSON HAS.




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[-] 1 points by ProvidenceRhodeIsland (40) 13 years ago

The fiction of corporate "personhood" also arises under the Constitution's Privileges and Immunities clause.

Corporate personhood is a "legal fiction", unfortunately it will take a Constitutional amendment to root it out.

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

True, we have given our legal system too much power, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:




if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at AmericansElect.org in support of the above bank-focused platform.

[-] 1 points by gallerydavid (10) 13 years ago

On the one hand it would be nice if everybody in the world had the same comfortable standard of living as we in the West.

It would be even nicer if we could all enjoy that lifestyle as it existed for us the 99% in say around 1980.

However the 1% decided it would be necessary to let alot of the air out of that Middle Class baloon, in essence bringing us all down to the level of the rest of the world, rather than bringing them up to our level.

The reason? Why the need to increase profits and 15% annual quarterly profit growth demanded by Wall Street Corporations.

Corpotations dont get hungry, they dont get sick, or tired, or grow old. But they have been able to buy themselves the designation of a "person" under the US Law with the help of some very clever and high priced lawyers.

A "person" who does not grow hungry, tired, sick, or old is a person to be feared. When that person is not a real living person, and has no soul, and is interested in nothing but profit, regardless of the human cost, we have created what may be considered a threat to the public good by some.

When that non living corporate entity has effectively bought and paid for the Government of the very people whos "public good" the government is charged with protecting, we have a dis-connected political situation that is bound to become imbalanced.

Although the 99% effectively control the major media outlets, word on the the street is a lot the folks dont really believe much of what they are being told by the 1%.

[-] 1 points by gallerydavid (10) 13 years ago

On the one hand it would be nice if everybody in the world had the same comfortable standard of living as we in the West.

It would be even nicer if we could all enjoy that lifestyle as it existed for us the 99% in say around 1980.

However the 1% decided it would be necessary to let alot of the air out of that Middle Class baloon, in essence bringing us all down to the level of the rest of the world, rather than bringing them up to our level.

The reason? Why the need to increase profits and 15% annual quarterly profit growth demanded by Wall Street Corporations.

Corpotations dont get hungry, they dont get sick, or tired, or grow old. But they have been able to buy themselves the designation of a "person" under the US Law with the help of some very clever and high priced lawyers.

A "person" who does not grow hungry, tired, sick, or old is a person to be feared. When that person is not a real living person, and has no soul, and is interested in nothing but profit, regardless of the human cost, we have created what may be considered a threat to the public good by some.

When that non living corporate entity has effectively bought and paid for the Government of the very people whos "public good" the government is charged with protecting, we have a dis-connected political situation that is bound to become imbalanced.

Although the 99% effectively control the major media outlets, word on the the street is a lot the folks dont really believe much of what they are being told by the 1%.