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Forum Post: Take OWS to the Next Level

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:45 p.m. EST by SociopathsAgony (10)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS should compose a document, have it written up with a list of stipulations and make it legal, put a name to it then expose it to the public. Find an intelligent and suitable candidate to run for office on that invariable charter who will step up, sign it, campaign on it and they will, most definitely, have the backing of the masses.

In addition to repealing selected, existing laws listed in the document, new legislation will be composed with appropriated laws to be amended to the Constitution.

This binding contract will begin the enactment process into law through our judicial system, immediately upon election of this candidate! If those in Congress are against it they will, in essence, loose their seat, because the majority of the American people will stand behind it and no amount of money will stop it!

I recommend:

William K. Black - lawyer, academic, former bank regulator and author of The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One.

James. E. Butler, Jr. - lawyer, conservationist, is currently bringing suit alleging banks & mortgage companies defrauded Veteran and US taxpayers.



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[-] 1 points by IndenturedNation (118) 13 years ago

Honestly I think it is obvious that many do not agree here and never will. The next obvious step is to create an OWS Party, without any party platform and begin a nomination process. The best thing about it is that there is no platform, so there will be ACTUAL DIFFERENCES THAT MATTER between the nominees.

[-] 1 points by SociopathsAgony (10) 13 years ago

If you have no platform you have no cause, demand or claim. Sounds like chaos to me. Perhaps this is why no one has come up with a plausible idea to move this intrepid group forward.

[-] 1 points by IndenturedNation (118) 13 years ago

An Apolitical Party !

[-] 1 points by SociopathsAgony (10) 13 years ago

Good luck with that one!