Forum Post: Take on K Stteet Too!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 12:14 p.m. EST by rickosmon
from Palo Alto, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am so happy to see this movement finally underway. I live in California where I practiced real estate for 12 years but had to stop when I saw how the banks did everything they could to destroy the very people on whose backs they made record profits.
I've been writing letters to the President, Pelosi, Boehner, Reid, Feinstein and Boxer about the need for debt relief and making the banks play by rules that any reasonable social contract would require. But the banks got a pass and it's been nothing short of a slow and non-stop train wreck.
That said, Wall Street is hardly the only culprit in keeping Washington from taking intelligent action to support U.S. citizens. The bigger target needs to be K Street with their lobbyists pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into keeping us from working as real democracy.
I hope that as the movement gains momentum, we will start to expand the protests and demands to include taking on K Street, getting corporate money out of politics and changing the law so that corporations are no longer afforded rights as if they were individual citizens. When their actions transgress against the greater good and the economic interests of our citizens, it's time to rewrite the rules!