Forum Post: Take from the Rich and give to Occupy
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 6:42 p.m. EST by LifesBeenGoodToMeSoFar
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Sustainability requires a balance between producers, consumers and the resources necessary to sustain production. It occurs to me that hanging out in a park, relying on the charity of others is not sustainable. We in the occupy movement need to produce as much as we consume. We need to give back to society as much as we take. We need to be careful not to consume resources that could be used to assist the poor or the homeless. Every blanket, tent, article of clothing and meal we consume is one less of the same for the poor and the homeless. Let’s not be selfish. The opposite of greed is selflessness. Let’s practice what we preach.
Excellent post. A bit contrary to the spirit of OWS though. Do you have anything a little more, umm, self promoting with some hatred of anyone better off than ourselves? Seriously though I like your post. Finally someone unselfish here.
Food banks are low and demand is high. It’s the season of the year when donations to the homeless are urgent. Winter is here and it’s cold. If you have a home and resources of your own, please do not consume what would otherwise be useful to our hungry, homeless population. Do not take a meal, a blanket, a tent, gloves, socks if you are able to provide for yourselves. Please let these limited resources go to those who really have an urgent need. This will be the downfall of public support for the OWS movement if it is seen that you are taking from the desperate, poor and homeless just so you can make a political statement.
Food banks are low and demand is high. It’s the season of the year when donations to the homeless are urgent. Winter is here and it’s cold. If you have a home and resources of your own, please do not consume what would otherwise be useful to our hungry, homeless population. Do not take a meal, a blanket, a tent, gloves, socks if you are able to provide for yourselves. Please let these limited resources go to those who really have an urgent need. This will be the downfall of public support for the OWS movement if it is seen that you are taking from the desperate, poor and homeless just so you can make a political statement.
We should go off grid. Grow our own food, harvest materials for clothing and housing. We need to form our own consensus government. Create our own liberal utopia where everyone does what they want and everyone gets the same in return for their contribution. Win, lose or tie everyone gets a trophy too.
The first thing to do would be to stop the forceful occupation of the park making it impossible for others who want to use it for what it was meant for. It's a public place. You have made your message clear, you have assembled, now let others use the park. No need to be greedy and keep it all to yourself.